Page 62 of From the Ashes
I turned my head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of those beautiful dark brown eyes. “Talk to me Charlie. What’s going on?”
He looked up, his expression happy, nervous, excited, and terrified all at once. It took him several tries to get the words out, his jaw working with no sound. But then, just barely more than a whisper, he finally spoke.
“I read your book.”
My brows furrowed in confusion. “O-Oh.”
He continued to stare at me until his words finally sunk in. I felt my fingers go cold and my eyes widen as I understood what thatreally meant. For a moment I tried to convince myself that he meant something else. Maybe he just wanted to tell me it was a good book. But knowing that my parents and Tony had figured it out, I had no doubt that Charlie could do it. He’d been front and center in several of the memories I used for inspiration. If anyone was going to realize what the story was really about, it would be him.
Fear twisted my gut and I suddenly felt like I wanted to vomit.
“It was a beautiful book,” he said at last.
My hands were shaking so bad I had to put the glass down on the plastic covered table. I couldn’t bring myself to look at Charlie. Instead, I focused on my shoes, realizing that I’d never taken them off at the door because I was a terrible guest. At the same time, I was far too conscious of Charlie’s thigh touching mine and the heat of his body seeping through my jeans. Everything was so intense all of a sudden and I couldn’t think straight. I knew I should say something. Anything. But nothing would come.
“It’s about me.”
I barely heard him, but I knew it wasn’t a question. Charlie had figured it out, just like I knew he would as soon as Ted pointed out my glaring mistake.
A hand came to rest on my knee and I looked up. Charlie was smiling.
“I wish I hadn’t lost that arrowhead in the crash,” he said sadly. “It was a beautiful detail in your story.”
Without a second thought, I reached up and pulled the leather cord that was always around my neck. Pulling it up and over my head, I lifted it until the small opal arrowhead came free of my shirt. Charlie gasped, his hand going to his lips.
“I w-wanted to give it back,” I stammered. “B-But they wouldn’t let me in your hospital room. And then… after a while I just kept it because… because it reminded me of you.”
I held it out to Charlie, intending to give it to him. But instead of taking it, he merely knocked away my hand and threw his arms around me. Both of us fell back onto the couch in a tangle of limbs as Charlie attempted to squeeze me to death. I could feel him shaking as he held me, the world tilting wildly as a rush of emotions threatened to overwhelm me. I dropped the arrowhead, wrapping my arms around Charlie instead. He was what I wanted, anyway. What I’dalwayswanted.
“I thought it was gone,” Charlie said, his voice muffled by my neck. “I thoughtyouwere gone forever. That I’d pushed you away. That I was…alone.”
I pulled back, grabbing him by the face and forcing him to look me in the eye.
“You don’t have to be alone, Charlie,” I said, my gaze bouncing between his dark eyes. “I’ve always wanted to be at your side. I understand if you need space, and I’ll do everything I can to support you however you need to be supported. Even if I’m just your friend. But you and I have been through too much for me to leave you behind.” I paused for a long moment. “Just let me in.”
He struggled to form words, his eyes wide as he stared at me. “But… I… I’m damaged goods. I’m traumatized and broken and–”
“You are perfect, Charlie,” I growled, cutting him off. “I wouldn’t want you any other way. I care for you, scars and all. There’s nothing you could say that would drive me away from you. Okay?”
He stared for a few seconds, searching for something.
“Okay,” he said at last, sinking back down on top of me again and wrapping his arms around me. “I’m glad you’re back, Nix.”
“Me too,” I replied, stroking his hair. “Me too.”
Charlie lifted his head once more, staring down at me. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, his eyes darting down to my lips. Then, without a word, he leaned forward slowly, giving me time to pull away if I wanted to. And I did not.
Our lips connected and I felt that spark once more in my chest. Heat rushed through my body as I held him tight, forcing myself to be gentle with him. I wanted to kiss him in a way that made up for all those years of missed kisses. Like we were running out of time, and this was the last chance we had to do this. But I willed myself to contain that passion, letting this kiss between us be nothing but sweet and gentle.
And even that was almost more than I could take. I thought my heart would explode from the rush of affection I felt toward Charlie.MyCharlie.
When he finally pulled away, it was far too soon. But I loosened my grip on him so he could sit up. He reached down, combing his fingers through my hair as a smile pulled at his lips.