Page 72 of Shadow Kissed
She frowns at my statement, studying my face. “You’re tired. Was the trip home taxing?”
I nod my head. “I have something for you,” I tell her, and she sits up on her heels with interest. I bring forth the orb I’ve been hiding behind my back and hold it out in front of me. “Do you know what this is?”
She climbs to her feet and walks over to me, studying the crystal globe in my hand. I watch with avid fascination as she leans in closer to study it. Her scent assaults my senses, and my shadows beg me to pull her close.
“It’s a communication orb,” I explain. “When two parties have one, they can talk to each other. It’s infused with a rare crystal called ammolite. It can only be found in my realm.”
She lifts a hand and runs her finger over the top of the cool crystal. “And what will I do with this?”
I reach for her hands and place them together before placing the orb between them. “One is on its way to your brothers. You’ll be able to speak to them and see how they are.”
Her face jerks up to meet mine. “Seriously? For me?”
I nod my head and can’t help but smile when her lips raise in pure joy. “It’s yours for tomorrow and then it will go to Saveya and then mistress Moryen will ensure each girl gets to speak with their families once a week.”
“Thank you.” She clutches it to her chest like it is something precious. “Why?”
“Because you were right. It’s cruel to take you from your families and refuse you any contact with them.”
She smirks and pops out her hip. “Sorry Commander, did you just say I was right?”
“Raegal,” I say. “I think given we share a bed each night, you should call me by my name.”
Her cheeks redden at my mention of us sharing a bed. “Okay then, Raegal. Did you admit I was right about something?”
I half smile. “I have some work to do, but I’ll be back later.”
“It went well with your king?” she asks, raising her eyes from studying the orb in her hands.
“It went well. We are bringing the rest of the Shadow Kissed to the valley as soon as possible to ensure their safety.”
Her smile drops. “Oh, I see.”
I tilt my head, intrigued by her sudden change in mood. “I thought news of us bringing your comrades would please you?”
She sighs and looks away from me and at the floor. “I’ve never really had a positive experience with other females.”
Eretreya flinches at the name of the deceased girl from her village. “She made sure every girl our age ostracised and isolated me.” She straightens her shoulders and looks me square in the eye. “It’s not like I needed friends. I was better off alone. Fewer people to be attached to when the time came to leave.”
Her words replay in my head as I shadow weave to my office. That is how she survived—by becoming illusive and untouchable. Giving the impression that she needs no one and can survive just fine on her own.
I give the order to a guard to fetch Jasiel, and I take a seat at my desk. Going home was hard. Too many memories, most of them negative. They weren’t always bad, though. Once they had been happy. In that blissful period when it was just the four of us. Before I destroyed everything with my jealousy.
Jasiel enters the office and closes the door behind him. He leans over my desk and offers me a goblet of Rosuk, and I gratefully take it from him.
“Thought you might need that,” he says, taking a seat opposite me and gesturing with his head at the drink in my hand.
“I do. Thank you, friend.” I knock back some of the drink and sigh.
“How did it go?”
“The king agreed to all my suggestions. We will send out parties to travel and collect each Shadow Kissed female and bring them back here. We’ll assign extra men to ensure their protection. I need to speak to Moryen as well as we’ll be changing the curriculum for the girls.”
“We will?” Jasiel asks, his brows arched. He rests his crossed ankles on the edge of my desk, getting himself comfortable.
“The king has agreed to add basic combat to their studies. As well as regular communication with their families.”