Page 22 of Dark Angel
“I asked you in here today to talk about your new role within the Ascendancy. You are to be my right-hand man. Take charge when I need a hand and stand by me at all costs. I am honoured that you accepted this position and moved back from Oxford with your family. We worked well together in the past, and even on the battlefield, you always had my back, so I am delighted that you agreed to come and work with me.”
Tobias leans forward, resting his elbows lightly on the polished desk. “I still cannot believe you asked me before anyone else.”
“Of course I did!” Robert’s voice is loud and defensive. “I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else. There aren’t many men I trust as much as you, Tobias. You fought with me during the battle, and now I would like you to fight alongside me once again for the London Ascendancy.”
“Well, thank you Robert, I appreciate that. However, I do hope there will be no actual fighting this time.”
“I can’t guarantee that, but I can assure you that this Ascendancy can definitely use a man like you in this position,” Robert exhales deeply, his hand holding up his chin, “however, I do have one thing you should know about this position-” he stops as the door to his study creaks open.
Tobias feels every muscle in his body tense as Will’s face appears through the doorway, a bittersweet grin etched into it.
It’s been years since Tobias last set eyes on Will, and he’s been dreading this moment.
“Robert, I got your message yesterday when I arrived home,” Will looks from Robert’s pained face to Tobias’ angering one. Will’s grin stretches, “always a pleasure seeingyou,Tobias Carter,” His voice dripping with sarcasm, thick like honey.
Will looks somewhat similar to Tessa, with light brown hair and eyes a greenish-grey, dull and dark, like they’re hiding secrets within them. Stubble decorates his face, as well as a few lines that weren’t there the last time they faced each other fourteen years ago.
Tobias feels his jaw clenching as Will props himself up onto the windowsill. “I thought I should be here to welcome the Carter’s back into London.”
Robert leans forward onto his desk, his eyes focusing on Tobias. “You see, you will need to be working closely with Will. Now, I know from the past you two have not always seen eye to eye on everything, so I suggest smoothing everything out now before you begin in this position.” Robert says quickly before Tobias can protest.
He leans back in his chair, waiting for either of them to begin speaking.
Silence fills the room for what feels like minutes. Tobias and Will glare at each other, waiting to see who will crack first.
The silence gets the better of him and Tobias breaks, “You should have let Josephine and I take the children,” he speaks firstly in a forceful tone, “you know how close we were to Tessa and Stefan, and we already had a family. We could have taken care of them. Raised them as our own.”
Will smirks while looking out of the window beside him. Mortals, Elementals and Spellcasters stroll around, some catching coaches, others walking together. His mind wanders momentarily back to Tessa and Stefan. He misses them more than he will let anyone else think. He misses his sister’s captivating smile. Stefan’s ability to make any room burst out in laughter within seconds.
“You think you two are better parents than I am? I have donenothingbut protect and support Clarence and Kora. It’s what Tessa wanted. I am their own flesh and blood. It’s only fair that I took them in and raised them as their guardian.” He spits back at Tobias.
“While you were travelling for weeks on end?” Tobias’ voice rises in anger. “Clarence and Kora had to raise themselves all alone in that huge manor left to them while you’re off, Angel knows where, on assignments for weeks or even months at a time!”
“They can take care of themselves. They’re not young children anymore. Clarence is twenty-one. He is an adult.”
Tobias slams his hand furiously on the desk, causing Robert to flinch. “Barely an adult. He shouldn’t have to worry about financially supporting himself and his sister. Clarence should be training and thinking of his work within the Ascendancy. Your job was to raise them, yet you were hardly around to do that!”
“I watched them grow up! I stayed in London even though the pain was unbearable. I stuck around to see them mature. You would have taken them away to Oxford with you. Fleeing to another city because you couldn’t bear living here without them!” Will’s voice rises as well. He stands and Tobias rises, his seat sliding backwards.
They both take a step closer to one another until they’re almost chest to chest. “It was devastating. Having your closest friends die to save you is the worst feeling in the world. The least we could have done was raise their children, but you took that away from us.” Tobias lets out a quick breath. “Josephine and I thought it would be best to move away after that. We adored them and the pain was killing us.”
“So you thought running away was the right answer?” Will spits out.
Tobias frowns at him, “Says you whose work is anywhere but here.”
“All right, enough!” Robert yells loudly.
Robert stands from his desk with his hands out, intending to calm down the situation, yet Will continues to defend himself. “I cannot believe you are acting like this, Tobias. After everything we went through as children, growing up together. Do you even remember who got you and Josephine together? Stefan and I were sent to that attack together, but I suggested for you go with him, because I knew you wanted to be with Josephine. Then, a few weeks later, you two were swooning in front of the whole Ascendancy. Did I ever get thanked for that? You think you two are such great parents, such great friends, then where were you when Tessa and Stefan were dying in that battle? Because I didn’t see you fighting alongside your best friends!”
Tobias’ mouth drops open slightly in shock. “I cannot believe you are questioning me on this?” his voice drops lowly. “I fought in that battle along with everyone else. Others died and I couldn’t save them. If you are such a saint, then why didn’t you save them?” his voice is raspy with sadness.
“Because some of us were out saving those who couldn’t fend for themselves.” Will says proudly.
“But not even your own family?” Tobias grits out.
Will pauses, his face falling flat as he stares at Tobias. For once in his life, he looks lost for words. He always had such a smart mouth growing up, which Tobias and Stefan both despised.
“It happened, and nobody can change the past. Can we just move on from this now?” Robert’s voice sounds exhausted.