Page 23 of Dark Angel
Tobias shakes his head, his blue eyes not focusing on anything but Will. “I just hope Kora and Clarence know they could have had the chance to grow up in a real family, and you took that away from them.” He says quietly, pushing a fingertip into Will’s chest.
Will clears his throat and exhales. “After Stefan and Tessa died, those two were all I had left,” he pauses, slumping back onto the windowsill to stare out onto the street. There’s a sort of darkness clouding his expression. “I couldn’t lose them too. I had to protect them, as well as doing my duty for the Ascendancy. If you had of taken them away, then I would have had nothing left to live for.”
He looks over at Tobias’ face softening, almost feeling sorrow or guilt for getting so mad at him. Will can feel the bubbling feeling of pride and vengeance growing in his insides, his veins burning with pleasure to see Tobias so vulnerable.
“I never saw it that way,” Tobias mumbles.
Robert looks between the two of them before sitting back down. “I agree that we could have handled the situation better, but it is in the past now. I think you two will work well together if you put this all aside and focus on what’s important now. The Ascendancy needs youboth. And I need the two of you to help keep this place in order and running smoothly.”
Tobias looks sideways at Will. His blue eyes narrowing at him. Will cuts him a glare and swallows. “Truce?” and sticks his hand out at Tobias, his jaw clenched.
Tobias stares at his outstretched hand. Something inside of him doesn’t want to call a truce with Will. He’s still angry for his stubbornness, but he also doesn’t want his work to get in the way, driving him out of the city once again.
Shaking his hand firmly, the two of them glower at each other as Robert clasps both their shoulders excitedly, “Excellent. Welcome to the London Ascendancy again, Tobias.”
Seasonal Soiree
The clouds in the sky darken to different shades of grey as they make their way towards Grosvenor Square together in silence. The moon hangs low, full and bright like a beacon, casting long shadows across the gravelly road.
Kora walks alongside Clarence. His posture standing tall and proud, finely dressed in a black waistcoat and matching shirt. His crimson cravat standing out against the neutral palette of his outfit. A proper soiree outfit for an eligible man.
Her long silver dress is flowing around her body in a shower of silk while the bodice is tight up against her skin, revealing more chest than she would have liked on display. The tight laces of her corset dig into her skin ever so slightly, but it’s still quite bearable. She’s slightly nervous about attending the first gathering of the season, and the first one Kora is attending as an eligible girl for society. Butterflies seem to have swarmed her stomach, fluttering about nervously.
Tension grows inside of her chest like a weight pressing down on her breathing as they walk towards the Bladesmith manor side by side.
The manor stands out amongst the neighbouring ones. It’s regal and prominent in stature, delicately made with lacework and intricate details chiselled into the stonework. The Bladesmith crest carved into the wall beside the open doors leading into the atrium.
Kora can feel her pulse rising the closer they get to the soiree, beating through her ears and throat uncontrollably. Her palms are hot and clammy with nervous sweat.
Other Seraphim around them are making their way inside the manor. Some walking along with them, others pulling up in handsome cabs with family crests painted on the sides in majestic colours. Kora doesn’t mind that they always walk to any social event together.
It’s traditional for the man of the family to present their eligible girls to society, and that new role falls onto Clarence.
The garden of the manor is sophisticated and colourful; bushes dotted with purple, white, and pink petals. Bellflowers, delphinium and holly hock intermingling together. In the centre of the path, a large fountain spouts water high into the air. Pruned trees in shapes of animals line the walkway.
Robert and Lucy stand at the entrance greeting all of their invited guests. They’re suavely dressed in elegant pieces and expensive threads.
Kora’s always been slightly jealous of the Bladesmith’s, but she’s also glad she wasn’t brought up to be a snooty, arrogant child like Charles was.
“Welcome Clarence and Miss Hamilton. Do come inside out of the cold.” Lucy’s Irish accent welcomes them as they approach. “As always, thank you for attending. I believe a few of your friends are already inside.” She says sweetly, ushering them through the doorway and into the entrance hall.
Large decorative wooden doors open, allowing the warm light from inside to flood out into the street. Gentle music flows through the hallways. The smell of appetisers and champagne filling the air.
“Thank you, Mrs Bladesmith.” Clarence says for the two of them, kissing the back of her hand gently before strolling inside. Kora just gives her a polite nod, following her brother in.
The ballroom within the Bladesmith manor always amazes Kora. It’s almost as extravagant as the ballroom in the Ascendancy.Oversized arched windows with white trimmed ceilings. Solid pillars wrapped in ivy stalks and large candle stacks placed around the fringes of the room. The shiny marble flooring is smooth and polished, with a large space for dancing and tables with chairs scattered around the border.
Staff dressed in drab clothing wander around with shiny trays filled with flutes of alcoholic refreshments.
Everyone is elegantly dressed. Some guests are dancing already, while others are giggling over bubbly drinks. The Bladesmith’s always go overboard with their gatherings.
Kora spots Daisy talking closely with Matthew and Alice. Her dark skin glowing under the bright candlelight. Kora goes to approach them when Clarence’s arm catches hers. “It is polite to greet everyone when you arrive as an eligible girl.” He mutters into her ear.
“I suppose I still have a lot to learn when it comes to courting.” Her voice is lower, like she is slightly embarrassed. Daisy gave her some tips, but nothing really prepares you like diving headfirst into the setting.
Clarence just grins amusingly at her. “You will learn, Kora.”