Page 42 of Hey Girl
“You mean mid-morning?”
“Showtime!” Someone announces, and I can only assume it’s Matt as I can only see my sexy drummer man right now.
“Come here,” Chris leans away but doesn’t release my hands. He starts slowly pulling me with him and I find myself leaning back as I realize we’re headed to the stage.
“No,” I start to protest but then he steps into me and places one hand on my back and one of my hands in the other.
“Just a few steps.”
I can’t get over how calm he’s remained.
“I promise, Mouse. Can you take just a few steps with me?”
My heart is still in my throat but it’s not even a question. With a gulp, I nod, though I’m still pressing my back against his hand a bit. We’re just on the other side of the curtain when he stops us and pulls it aside, just an inch. Just enough for me to peek through.
The lights have gone down, and though Jack, Josh and Matt hustle past us in the darkness with their guitars all strapped on, Chris hangs back with me, and points towards the crowds.
“See all those people out there?” He asks rhetorically as I take in all the lights wavering around in the dark theater.
And just when I’m about to reply with Yeah, are you going to throw me out in the middle of their fray now, you fucking traitor? I remember what I’m supposed to say instead.
“Those are just fireflies.”
“I don’t believe you,” he snickers and I can’t help a small smile.
“They’re fireflies,” I say again, this time with that same, new affirmation that came to me before.
“That’s what I’m talking about.” He plants a swift kiss on my cheek and running out on the stage.
The guys startthe show off with a thunderclap, as soon as they’re illuminated by the stage lights. After the third song, Matt takes the mic to thank the audience for being there, and to reminisce about how they shot their first music video in this iconic theater. I glance around at the other two girls and find that Melanie has a look of bittersweet nostalgia on her face as she watches Matt step away.
When I think they’re about to get started on another song, Jack lets go of his guitar to grab the mic.
“What would you guys think if our drummer came up to the mic and showed you what he can do with his vocals?” Jack teasingly asks the audience who respond in an eruption of cheers. “That’s sweet of you all.” Chris rises from behind his kit, laying his sticks down on the snare. He looks nervous, but gives Jack a mock menacing look when. Jack continues, “See, there’s a pretty lady he wants to impress, so…”
What? No. Not…
He can’t mean me.
Jack slides his guitar strap off and hands it off to his tech and gives Chris a slap on the back before making his way toward the back of the stage.
“Wait a minute…” Chris asks into the mic with a questioning yet comical look on his face gives a small tug on my heart, despite my confusion as to what’s going on. “If I’m up here, who’s going to play drums?”
The fans respond even louder than I thought they could. with a roaring sound of laughter and delighted cheers when Jack stands behind the drum kit.
“Jack?!” Chris exclaims in mock astonishment, letting his voice go slightly high-pitched and I feel a tickle in my belly that ripples outwards through my body, the laugh shaking a few of the nerves out.
“Please, totally planned,” Melanie leans in on my left to say in my ear.
“They just like to frenzy the crowd,” Mayzie adds on my right.
It’s working. The audience is definitely losing their shit. Jack sits on the stool and twirls one of the drumsticks while raising an eyebrow at Chris like he’s been sandbagging him with hidden drumming skills. By the deafening roar, it’s easy to see that the fans are exhilarated at the prospect of seeing how multi-talented these guys actually are.
“Okay…” Chris draws out, looking back at Jack, eyes squinting with a faux look of skepticism before slowly swiveling his head back to address the audience. “Our front man thinks he can drum,” he scoffs rolling his eyes, and can’t hold on to the giggle that escapes. He can be funny and silly all he wants but it will never cease to be sexy.
Chris puts on something of a game face, looking uncharacteristically serious as he takes hold of the mic in both hands.