Page 42 of Outcast Island
I’m also deep within a rut, but I’m able to think clearly because my little diamond is harnessing the worst of my lust to allow me to think. My necklace also acts as a suppressant for the harshest of my emotions, but I’ve stopped relying on it for some time now.
Ever since I met my little Omega who is doing a poor job of behaving.
When I growl at her, she snaps my lust back at me like a rubber band, making my knot throb and my cock painfully harden.
“I’m going with you,” she repeats again. “This isn’t up for negotiation.”
This Omega is going to be the death of me.
“Not like that you aren’t,” I growl again as I wave to her lustful appearance. Idohave some limits.
If she walks around other Vampire Alphas like that, even ones she’s related to, I will lose my fucking mind.
Ripping my necklace off, I loop it over her head.
It was my mark for exile—something that’s required on Outcast Island. An exile mark can be a piece of jewelry, or it can be a literal mark on the body.
In my case, I had infused my necklace with the mark. Once I met my Omega, though, my exile had been lifted.
Its original purpose still remains, though. My necklace behaves as a suppressant, which is exactly what my Omega needs right now.
She sucks in a deep breath as the golden locket draws in the hard edges of her heat. She can take it off if she wants to, but for now, it will at least allow me to dress her.
“I’ll grab something from the guest bedroom for you to wear,” I tell her. “You better be in the shower by the time I come back.”
There’s no heckling from her father, so he must have stopped watching after I finished knotting her.
He knows I’m coming, though, because I told him.
Surprise attacks aren’t my strong suit.
And I prefer my prey to know that death is imminent.
But, that sentiment changes now that I have a beautiful Omega refusing to leave my side.
Based on the fury raging in her eyes, I know it’s more than that.
This is her revenge, too.
This is her justice.
I can’t imagine what it must have been like, being forced to soak in the disgusting feelings of vile Alphas all around her and force-fed their blood.
Being forced to have a tracker implanted in her body. The fact that she seemed as surprised as I was that it was there suggested she was accustomed to examinations.
Painful ones.
Fucking assholes.
I can’t blame her for wanting a hand in their deaths.
If that’s what you want, little diamond. I will tear their heads from their bodies and line them on my wall so their dead eyes can watch me fuck you.
And this time, there won’t be any heckling.
Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, my Omega deflates. “I’ll take a shower,” she agrees, surprising me by her willingness to obey when moments ago she was ready to defy me.
But, I also demonstrated I’m willing to negotiate.