Page 43 of Outcast Island
It’s a lesson that perhaps I don’t have to order everyone around all the time. Sometimes, compromise works better for everyone.
You have much to teach me, little diamond.
It’ll be an adjustment. I’m the type of Alpha who is rarely told no. Anyone who ever tried usually didn’t live very long.
But my Omega has been denied everything her whole life. She doesn’t deserve that.
She deserves the world.
Even more than that.
She deserves to see the world that has wronged her for so long burn to the ground.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
Obeyingmy Alpha by indulging in his warm shower is my choice. I’m aware that his commands don’t actually work on me. I’m able to resist him, which gives me a sense of security that he’s not able to force me to do anything I don’t want to do.
But he sure knows how to seduce me to get his way.
I was fully prepared to go into my home nest wearing only my Alpha’s shirt while the evidence of our mating dripped from my body. It would have sent a message that no one could deny.
I’m not alone anymore.
I had always tried to shoulder the weight of the world and just bear it, because I thought that made me strong.
But accepting the strength of my Alpha doesn’t make me weak. I’m built in a way that I’m physically small, but I have a big heart.
And with an Alpha like Magnus on my side, I have access to his strength that makes up for my weaknesses.
Likewise, I realize how much I complete him. He’s able to navigate life without his bloodrage ruling his every moment. He can be the one in control, instead.
All because of me.
So I close my eyes and lift my face as the warm water massages my cheeks. It washes away the lingering sensation of my father’s influence, of the memory of Outcast Island, and replenishes me in a way I didn’t know I needed.
But Magnus knew. He knows what my body needs before I do, and I love that about him.
My nostril flares when his woodsmoke and liquor scent makes the misty air fragrant.
“Does your family know we’re here?” I ask, because it’s obvious now where he’s taken us.
We’re in the Ygg Nest mansion, which should terrify me as a known rival to my family’s bloodline.
But I’m a Ygg Vampire now, am I not? Mating Magnus changes everything.
“Not yet, but they will soon know that I’ve raided the guest quarters,” Magnus says as he steps into my view. “My scent is a little recognizable.”
That it is,I agree.
He hungrily eyes me from the other side of the glass. His shower is large, and I’d expect no less, and runs in a full rectangle of glass with nothing to impede the view.
There’s a stowed curtain at the edge of one of the corners and a track all the way around the shower’s edge along the ceiling, but I know Magnus isn’t going to give me privacy.
I wouldn’t want it, anyway. I enjoy his gaze on me.