Page 10 of Mated By Twilight
“Jin-Raun Station.”
“Oh, yeah? We haven’t been back to Jin-Raun in a while. That will be a nice place to be with our female.”
Tillos grunted in agreement. He had been similarly pleased when Corvidair sent them the coordinates for the Twilight Star’s current heading. Their acting troupe traveled every so often, going between space stations to offer live entertainment. The people who lived on space stations appreciated the diversion andthe chance to see something new. The troupe enjoyed traveling and being able to buy supplies and food from the different stations. It also made it easier for those who had to travel to come see them. One station might require four or more different transport vessel rides to reach, while others might be accessible after only one, depending on where you started traveling from. Not everyone had access to their own, private starship, and not everyone who owned a starship could also afford a subspace generator that allowed them to travel faster than light.
The Twilight Star was the starship used by the Twilight Troupe. It served as their home and their stage. They moved it every few tendays to let them greet a new audience. It was, to Tillos’ way of thinking, a benefit of living on a starship.
He could only hope that their mate felt the same.
He’d already taken steps to make sure their female would be comfortable there. He’d sent Corvidair a list of things he needed purchased and changed in their room. He and Sollit had shared a bed all their life, curling together for warmth and comfort, but they needed a bigger bed so that they could curl around their mate instead. She also needed an expanded bathing chamber as humans needed to bathe more often than avanavas. They also had to send him recipes for the food synthesizers. Nutrition was an important part of health, so they had to make sure she’d have only the best to eat.
There were also other, smaller things besides. A lot had to be changed to make way for the female in their life. But the changes would be worth it.
“What are you thinking about now?” Sollit asked, interrupting his thoughts again.
This time, Tillos didn’t turn from the window. “Our mate.”
“You’re feeling this way about our mate?” Sollit seemed surprised, touching his chest as he experienced Tillos’ hard determination. “Why?”
“Our mate is human.”
“I know. I’m excited. We’ve been getting messages all day full of envy.”
Yes, because humans were considered the most sensual, sexual species related to the Coalition. It was something to envy if someone was able to claim one. The females especially were considered prizes that few would get to treasure.
But that came with the trade that humans were also extremely delicate. Their ability to tolerate temperature extremes was low, they had thin skin, breakable bodies, and were, on average, smaller than every other sapient species. It made them attractive, but fragile.
Conversely, they were also the only species capable of creating hybrid younglings. Human females were extremely fertile, especially paired with alien males. Though it came at the cost of a very traumatic birth. Their labors were long and painful, and that was why they were so highly protected. The risk of something happening if they were taken advantage of was too high.
Tillos was already worrying over her potential labor, and he hadn’t even met her yet. His anxiety and determination to protect this precious creature was clawing in his and Sollit’s throat.
His brother came over and sat across from him on the window seat. He offered him a smile, always more relaxed than Tillos could be.
“Don’t worry. It will be fine,” Sollit promised. “We’ll pick her up in the morning, she’ll be overjoyed to see us, and we’ll have a female to tend to and treasure for the rest of our lives.”
“She’s human,” Tillos repeated, voice soft.
“Do you not approve?”
“It’s not that. I’m just concerned. We never go to any space stations that have bad crime rates, but that doesn’t make them safe. Not completely. Not like home.”
“You’re thinking about going home?” Sollit’s eyes widened.
Tillos clenched his jaw tight. They had already agreed that, when it came time to retire and settle down in one place, they wouldn’t go back to their homeworld. They had planned on living the rest of their lives somewhere on Holotulle. But their homeworld might be safer than the Coalition capital. “I’m not saying we should. I’m saying I think we should, at least, consider it.”
Sollit frowned. “But we love acting.”
“We do.”
“Acting is what is going to let us take care of her.”
“We have enough credz to last for years. If we’re smart with the way we use it, we can make it last us the rest of our lives.”
“We have years before we were ever going to consider retiring,” Sollit frowned. “And maybe our female will enjoy the lifestyle. We can protect her, Tillos. You know we can.”
Tillos let out a short breath. “Right. You’re right. I know that.”
Sollit smiled. “Mother and fathers would eagerly welcome us home, I know, but not until we’re ready. I already told ourfemale that we’re zero-g actors. We can hardly end things now without even showing her what we’re good at.”