Page 9 of Mated By Twilight
“You have a point,” Sollit nodded thoughtfully. “That’s a much better plan. Anyway, it says that humans must be courted, and their affections earned.”
“Not so different from avanava females.”
“A little different. Courting takes much longer with humans.”
“And you’re sure that humans will mate in numbers greater than two?” Tillos asked, frowning.
Tillos couldn’t imagine mating without Sollit. That included both the bonding of their souls with hers, and the actual, physical act itself.
Tillos wasn’t turned on by Sollit – of course not. Even the thought was laughable. Not because they were brothers. It was like imagining looking in a mirror and being turned on by the sight of himself – silly and ridiculous.
At the same time, there was no one he was more comfortable around sexually. If one of them was horny, the other very quickly got caught up in that same feeling. It was inevitable. And while they weren’t turned on by each other, they weren’t turned off either.
Which was just part of being mated to the same female. Tillos would enjoy watching Sollit mount and mate whoever she was, just as he knew his twin would appreciate the same in turn. It was exciting, imagining the ways they could claim her together.
He didn’t even know who she was yet beyond her name and a photo sent by True Match, but he was already hungry for her. The nervously smiling female in the picture was beautiful. He had been in a state of near arousal for days. They had both already taken their cocks in hand, just imagining what it was going to be like when she got here.
But there was also a sense of hesitancy. Uncertainty.
Because she was human. Because her species was monogamous – at least, that’s what the information packet said. And that complicated things.
Would she be okay with them together? Would she find it too strange? Would the fact that he and Sollit yearned to share her, to watch each other fuck her, to claim her between them as she cried both their names, be too much?
And that was just the emotional side of it. Humans were supposed to be capable of interbreeding with all species, but would it work the same in regard to how they could inseminate her separately or together? Would their seed and saliva still affect her the same way? Would their purr even work?
If the data packet knew, it didn’t say anything. Which was infuriating. They couldn’t even search for the answer on the subnet since they were, apparently, the first avanava to be mated to a human. There were a lot of unknowns, and Tillos didn’t like that. It meant he couldn’t be properly prepared.
He wanted her so badly, but Tillos felt like he was navigating a particularly difficult performance. He had to play this exactly right, or it could all go very badly.
“It says it’s rare for them,” Sollit read off, frowning. He could feel Tillos’ concerns, even if he didn’t share them quite as deeply. “But it’s not unheard of. So, she’ll be familiar with such things. Besides, she already knows there are two of us, so she will have already gotten over the shock.”
Somehow, Tillos wasn’t quite reassured, but he couldn’t exactly argue that logically. So, he had to give it up for now.
They went over, again, the checklist of things humans needed. They were a fleshy species, so they didn’t need scale polish, but flesh creatures had a great many lotions and potions and oils that could be rubbed into their skin for various benefits. He and Sollit had taken the time this morning to go throughout the shopping centers of this district and buy as many varieties and scents as they could find, just to be prepared. They got skin safe soaps, and a bunch of products for her hair. Humans had claws, but they were very thin and delicate, so they had to buy claw tending kits for infants; their own claws were thick and durable, so they couldn’t use their tools on her. They didn’t know what kind of clothing she liked, but they bought plenty of bedding materials for her that would be pleasing for her soft skin.
Now, they were finishing their studies on what their human mate would need emotionally. They were determined to be prepared. Surely, they’d stumble a bit. Human females, they’d heard through rumors and the testimonies and articles of those who’d already mated them, were often surprising and strange. A human female could be incredibly stubborn but also perfectly malleable depending on her mood. Since no avanava male had mated one before, there was some mystery about how she wouldreact to them, but they were an incredibly adaptive, sexual species, so Tillos too wasn’t worried.
Well, he was worried, but only because he didn’t want to mess up. They’d bought supplements for her, treats, and wound care kits in case she hurt herself. Humans were not only notoriously soft, but their skin was so thin you could see the vessels beneath it. Avanava were scaled, and while their scales were softer than most species, they still weren’tthatsoft.
There was a lot to consider, a lot to be careful of.
They had already consulted their fathers, calling them the day after they got the message that their mate was human. While their fathers were mated to an avanava female, they were considered to be superb males for how well they took care of her. Tillos and Sollit had grown up watching and learning from them, so they had been confident they could do the same. But having a human for a mate made them uncertain of how exactly to proceed, so they sought their advice.
The four of them together had formed a plan for taking care of her. Females must be tended, after all. Everything from the way they fed her, to how they would rub their cum into her skin, to the way they purred for her was all very important. Their fathers had been the ones to search for all the possible skin creams they might need as they traveled to Holotulle. The suggested list was ready for them when they arrived, and they’d dutifully purchased everything.
Of course, their parents were foremost excited about their sons’ mating. Their mother had cried excitedly, requiring her mates to tend her until she calmed down again. She begged that they come home soon, once she was comfortable with them, so she could meet her. Or, she said, she’d be happy to travel to them.Their fathers insisted they keep in touch frequently so they could figure out the best way to care for her together.
After all, two males known for how well they cared for their mate couldn’t have sons that didn’t do the same. It would surely be a disgrace deserving of a physical fight. That was a threat from the sterner of their fathers as he warned them that having a mate from another species was no excuse to fail in their duties.
“What are you thinking about that has you so amused?” Sollit asked, interrupting his recollections.
Tillos grinned, looking away from the window. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stop listening. I was just remembering father’s warning.”
Sollit only needed a moment to remember, and he laughed as well. “I might be insulted if we weren’t the ones who asked for their help first.”
Tillos grunted in agreement. “I have the tickets booked to get us back to the Star the day after tomorrow. We’ll have enough time to take our female out to eat and do some more shopping to get her anything else she might need.”
“Perfect. Where is the troupe heading now?”