Page 19 of Be My Sacrifice
“A sister, daughter, niece, and Sacred Wife, has been called home to the hand of the Father. At his knees, she will eternally rest. We, as her community and brethren, pray that she has found salvation even though, as a female, she required years of penance and subjugation to be worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven.”
“It is right to give thanks to the Lord, my God, and to the Brotherhood which keeps its order.”
“I say to you, my brethren and men of the Brotherhood, my eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity. I will recompense thee according to thy ways and thine abominations that are in the midst of thee; ye shall know that I am the LORD that smiteth.”
He finally breaks the connection between us and turns away with a swish of his thick robes, his eyes slowly assessing all who are present, and landing on my father’s bowed head. “Those who seek to deceive the Lord, and gain riches from his mercy, will perish in the fires of hell, smited by his fiery blade.”
I watch, enthralled, as my father’s shoulders tense, and he dares to raise his head and meet the Holy Father’s glare. “For I am the Lord, who commands thee; in my words, you will seek retribution or death. Heaven’s mercy be on the souls of those seeking to betray the Lord.”
“It is right to give thanks to the Lord, my God, and to the Brotherhood which keeps its order.”
“Come forward, Ezekiel Rothesay, beloved and grateful husband of Dinah Camrose, who has been taken from us too soon, by forces that live in the shadows of the Lord.” The Holy Father gesticulates to me with his ringed hand, and again, that sensation of fog trails over me, causing my body to feel like it doesn’t obey my own commands, but is moving against my will.
I fall to my knees before him, the sound loud in the silent room. The pain in my leg, from my healing wound, helps to wake me from the feeling riding me. I can feel over a hundred pairs of eyes on my back, as I keep my eyes focused on the robed man before me.Danger, this man means to punish and murder me,my intuition tells me.
“Here, my brethren, before you is a beloved husband who has lost a wife. One that the Lord promised him would fill his house with heirs, and fill God’s army with warriors. Woe are we in this moment of dark loss. Together, we will strengthen our brother, allowing him to continue to fight against those who oppose the laws of the Brotherhood, which keeps God’s Order.”
“It is right to give thanks to the Lord, my God, and to the Brotherhood which keeps its order.”
The Holy Father looks to the space that should hold Dinah’s body, but it lies empty, and deadly silence permeates the air. The air is so thick with tension that not even a thousand knives would be able to cut it. My knees begin to ache against the hard, cold stone floor as the silence stretches on, the sound of slight rustling the only noise in the space. It’s as if everyone is holding their breaths. Do they all sense the danger, too?
“I speak to you as the Holy Father, but also as one of you. I come to you as an uncle of a beloved niece with her grieving husband. I say unto you, those that harmed one of us, harm all of us. My grief and sorrow is your grief and sorrow. My vengeance will be your vengeance, and my truth will be your truth. Do not let the wolf who harbors amongst us in sheep’s clothing lead you into peril, for only the Lord and the Brotherhood which keeps its Order can offer you salvation.”
Holy fucking shit!Did the Holy Father just clearly insinuate that he knew it wasn’t the rebels who killed Dinah? I wipe the shock from my features, and keep my head downcast as he continues praying quietly, moving where Dinah’s body would lay and chanting in words I don’t understand. I keep kneeling even though my legs are starting to go numb. Minutes race by, and a cold sweat breaks along my back, drenching my robe, and causing it to stick to my skin like a second layer.
“Rise, nephew, husband of my Dinah, and know that the Lord promises you retribution and vengeance for your loss.” He lays his ringed hand across my forehead as I rise, and a wave of nausea assails me as I get back to my feet. He leans forward, his mask’s feathers brushing against my mask and obscuring my view. “If you had a hand in murdering her, know that the Lord’s might will demand your death, and forgiveness will not be offered to you. You will suffer for taking God’s child.”
His whispered words have deadly implications, and his making sure to whisper them so that only I could hear, cements the fact that he knows it wasn’t the rebels who ended Dinah’s life. He’s out for blood, and he won’t stop until he has it.Fuck.
My only hope is that he murders my father before he does me, so that way, I might still have a chance to free Sammy and Abe.
Chapter thirteen
The Sinner
“Nightstar,whatdoyoudream about, my love?” Sammy’s soothing voice washes over my skin, and a smile rises on my lips as I snuggle further into his warm and strong embrace. I have always felt safe surrounded by his strong arms. His scent of mint and sage lingers in my nose, smelling like home, and bringing me peace that I only find in his company.Why can’t I feel him pressed up against me?
I struggle to formulate my thoughts, feeling as if I am sinking into deep, thick molasses.What was I dreaming about? Was I even awake, or am I asleep?
“I don’t know,” I reply with confusion. I feel lost and unsure of myself, as if something is holding me tightly in its grip, and trying to keep me oblivious to its hold. A thought tries to peak just on the horizon, but it’s gone before I can grasp it. A sense of foreboding and frustration fills my mind, crackling at the edges of my subconscious and trying to garner my attention.
“Where are we, Sammy?” I question, my voice shaking as unease slides across my body. I try to look around, but everything seems out of focus, and we are surrounded by dark, ominous light.Something is not right here. Where are we? I don’t recognize this place.
“Together, my love, we are always together. Nothing can truly part us. You are mine, Dinah, now and always.”
A tear slips from my eye at his words, and races down my cheek. I never want to be parted from him. He is my safe harbor, my knight, who protects me from the evil world which surrounds us. I will always find my home in his arms, and with his support, I will always find my strength. He and I are soulmates, destined to always be together.
“You will never leave me?” My breath hitches in my throat at the thought of Sammy not being by my side.
“Never, Nightstar. You must fight for us, Dinah. You must be strong and brave, and come back to us. We are waiting for you, my love. I am waiting for you and cannot survive if you are not by my side.”
My mind fills with confusion. “Us, we?” Who does he speak of, and why is he making it seem like he is not right here by my side?He is, isn’t he?I try to look over my shoulder where he should be, but nothing greets my distressed glance.
“The three of us linger, patiently awaiting your return, but we are running out of time, Dinah. You must find the strength to leave the darkness and come to me, baby. You have already been parted from us for too long. Fight for us, Dinah, and never give up.” His words trail off, and a burst of freezing temperature slides over my skin, coating me in an icy chill.No, I don’t want to be alone! I’m scared, Sammy, please!
My heart beats furiously in my chest, hammering like a hummingbird’s wings, as the sensation of his embrace disappears along with his voice. I find myself surrounded by nothing but vast darkness, all alone and terrified. “Sammy! Sammy, please don’t leave me!” I call out, but my voice just echoes back to me.