Page 20 of Be My Sacrifice
Desperation fills me as I turn round and round, searching the darkness for my love, who just moments ago was here comforting me, and reassuring me that he would never leave me, but I find myself devastatingly alone. Nothingness meets my eyes everywhere I look, and has a sense of overwhelming dread and hopelessness entrenching itself within my body, right down to my numbed core.I am utterly alone. No one is here with me. How can that be? He was just here, wasn’t he?
More tears slide down my face as I force myself to move forward, trailing through the darkness in search of any hint of where he went. Anything to suggest where I am now, even though my mind whispers that I don’t want those answers.
A booming laugh sounds from behind me, startling me and stopping me in my tracks. The sound crawls up my legs and wraps itself like a coiled snake around my limbs, until my chest heaves with the need for breath. My heart beats furiously inside my chest, terror drenching me in its scent and overwhelming all my senses.
“No one is coming to save you, my pretty little Dinah. They have already forgotten you and moved on. You were nothing to them.” The monster’s voice calls to me, his body still shrouded by the thick darkness we dwell in.No, not him, please, not him!
“Lies!” I manage to gasp out the word. He lies. I know that Sammy loves me, because he has always loved me. He would not discard me. He will protect me, I know it.Where is he, now that I need him?
“Then where is he, Dinah? Why is it that you are here alone with me? Where is your white knight when you need him the most?”
I don’t know! Where did he go? Why has he left me here?
“He has discarded you and moved on. You were nothing but a pretty burden to him, and now he is free of you. He never truly loved you, none of them did. You were just a slut to be used and then thrown away like dirty trash.”
A sharp pain starts in my shoulder, piercing my skin and traveling down my back, until it forces me down to my knees. A hot breath slides across the back of my neck, trapping a scream inside my throat. “Such pretty, pale skin, Dinah. I will enjoy devouring you.”
A wet and slimy tongue trails a path from one shoulder to the other, the sensation of sharp claws digging into my side forcing me to stay still, and endure its touch. “Noooo.”
I close my eyes and force myself to picture Sammy before me. Sammy’s strong arms wrapped around me tightly, keeping me safe, his dark blue eyes staring into mine, reassuring me that he loves me.
I am safe. I am not here. There is no monster trapped in the darkness with me. This is just a nightmare, and any moment now, I will wake, safe, and wrapped in Sammy’s arms.
“Oh, Dinah, how pathetic you truly are. I thought you were smarter and stronger. Where is the fierce, little psychopath who murdered men for vengeance, hmm? No one is here with you, Dinah. This is not a nightmare, I have you now, and I will never release you. You cannot defeat me, my pretty pet. I have waited too long to have you, and nothing will stop me now.”
“FIGHT, DINAH!” Sammy’s voice sounds desperately in my mind, both terrifying me and empowering me.
I use all the strength I have, to push against the claws that are ripping flesh from my body. “NO! I will end you! You can’t have me!” A scream rips from my throat as I manage to tear myself away, falling to my knees and crawling, as I grasp my bleeding side. The pain soaring through my body is almost unbearable, and threatens to have me passing out.
Keep going, Nightstar, come back to me.
A hint of light breaks through the shadows, as I dare to look over my shoulder at the monster as I attempt to flee. His dark black and red scaly skin is illuminated, and terrifying in the dim light. Large, sharp claws, dripping with my blood, rest at the ends of his hands. Sharp teeth and a forked tongue await in his mouth, as he raises one of his claws and laps my blood from his deformed digits. His bright emerald eyes are familiar, yet I can’t place from where. His penetrating gaze never leaves mine as he watches me try to scramble away in terror.
“How sweet you taste, Dinah. Your blood is an aphrodisiac that I crave. I will have you. You cannot fight me forever.”
Come to me, Nightstar. I’m waiting for you.
“I will never stop fighting you! You will never have me!” I shout as I force myself to my feet and stumble, as a wave of dizziness assails me, and my chest feels heavy.Sammy, where are you? Why have you abandoned me? I’m so scared, please don’t leave me here!
I beg into the darkness, my fear threatening to choke me and swallow me whole, but the only answer I get is another cackling laugh from the monster. I can’t give up. I can’t let this monster win and keep me here. I won’t allow myself to stay a prisoner here, trapped, waiting for my death.
“Soon, Dinah, very soon, you will forever be mine.”
Chapter fourteen
The Protector
Irestmyheadagainst the plush back of the navy blue chaise I’m lying on. As prisons go, this one is a lavish upgrade from the one I found myself in over a week ago, but the fact remains, it is still a prison and I am an unwilling captive. It doesn’t truly matter though. I have nowhere else to be and no one else to live for, now that my Nightstar is gone.
My thoughts return to memories of Dinah and I, living in that house out of the prying and malicious eyes of the Brotherhood. We were so happy once in our little cocoon.
“Teach me how to shoot, Sammy.” Her beautiful gray-blue eyes meet mine with so much life in their depths, and the sweet sparkle of waning innocence of the youth she is leaving behind. The one the Order would love to deprive her of with their sick expectations. I wish she could be carefree for longer. I wish we didn’t live in a world where someone was always trying to take everything from her. It’s not fair, but it is the reality that we have to accept. There is no other choice.
Not for her, not for me, not for anyone else. This is the world we live in, under the governorship and power of the Brotherhood of the Sacrament. They rule with an iron fist and have no mercy for anyone, least of all a young woman, or a lowly guard from one of the outlying areas. We are all tools to be manipulated and used in their arsenal, to control the world and its population. Mere ants under their booted feet.
Her request is not an innocent one. She knows that women are forbidden to learn how to fight or handle weapons. My teaching her could result in me swinging from a rope by my neck, outside of the capital, if it was discovered. The Brotherhood wants their females weak, docile, and utterly dependent on them.