Page 3 of Never Forget You
Is that a hint?Oh, I’m going to take it as a hint because I want to get in the water with her.
“Come on, then.” I leap up and wait for her to do the same thing. “Let’s go and try it out.”
“You want to?” she asks suspiciously. “Surely, you’re used to it if you live here. You must be here all the time.”
“You know what? When you live by the ocean, you don’t spend nearly enough time in it. I would love to go in with you, Georgia.” Hmm, I love the way her name sounds on my lips as well. “So, come on, let’s have fun.”
She pauses for only a couple of seconds before she stands up to go with me. She kicks off her expensive looking shoes and lays them next to my much scruffier ones, probably a metaphor for the pair of us, and we walk down to the ocean together. The hot sun beats down on us, the sounds of joy surround us, the waves lick our toes, and it feels lovely. Again, I nearly reach out to hold Georgia’s hand, but instead, I decide to continue being playful. I grab a handful of water and splash it on her, only panicking for a second that I might have ruined her flashy clothing because she laughs in a glorious, fun-filled way which makes my heart sing with joy. She isn’t bothered, which of course she isn’t becauseshe’s perfect. My gut instinct was right about her. She is the one for me for sure. I can justfeelit.
But she won’t be staying,my brain unhelpfully reminds me.She doesn’t live here. It won’t be easy…
But then again, when has the path of true love ever run smoothly? Probably not ever, right? If it’s real love then it will find a way. I certainly don’t want an uncertain future to ruin what could be the best day of my life.
“Nowthatwas fun.” Georgia laughs a little more. God, I love the sound of her laugh. It’s delicious. “I started off with the crappiest day ever, and you have made it the best. Thank you so much for coming to speak to me today.”
God, I might be flying, soaring higher than air. I really do feel like this might well be the happiest day of my life so far. Meeting Georgia has been the highlight of my life so far, and I really want to continue. So, despite Matthew’s attempt to put me down before, I’m going to go with my gut again and ask her to come out with me tonight.
“Hey, so… since you’re new here and everything, I don’t know if you know about the carnival that’s in town tonight. It’s not the most exciting thing in the world.” I don’t want to play it up too much by letting her know that it’s the best thing to happen around here because I’m sure that Georgia has a much fuller life than me. “There are rides, stalls, terrible food, you know, the usual sort of thing. It might be cool to go if you’re up for it.”
She blushes an adorable red color which makes my heart sing. She doesn’t look like a woman who is about to turn me down. Oh, wow, the idea of spending even more time with Georgia is just too much. I actually want to spend every second of her time here with her because she’s like sun shining down on me.
“I would love to. It sounds awesome. Do you want to walk me back to the hotel so that you know where to come and pick me up later on?” She twinkles, and I feel space dust sparkling all over me. “About eight?”
I nod eagerly, knowing that I will do whatever she needs of me. I would love nothing more than to walk her back to the hotel. The only thing that would make it better would be to hold her hand, but still, that might come tonight under the magical twinkling lights of the carnival. It may well be my best year yet.
“Eight o clock sounds perfect. It’s a date. I’m looking forward to it already.”
“Me too.” She tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah, it’s going to be really awesome.”
I can’t wait to tell Matthew just how wrong he was. I can’t wait for him to see me winning at life. He’s going to eat his words and wish that he'd never doubted me—or love at first sight—because this is real proof that anything is possible. I will be sure to mention it on my wedding day, in my speech. It’ll be hilarious. Georgia will love it as well, I’m sure of it. Especially the part where I just knew that we were going to live happily ever after…
The dress swings nicely around my hips, swishing out every time I spin, which I’ve been doing a lot of in the mirror because I’m so giddy and excitable. I can hardly contain myself. Meeting up with Harry today was such a surprise, such a nice shock, and now, knowing that I can spend tonight on a date with him as well… it’s perfect.
“You’re all dressed up.” Urgh, just as I settle into happiness, my father comes into my room to ruin it all. “Have you finally found a way to enjoy yourself here? I was just going to tell you about the cabaret in the hotel tonight, but it looks like you already know about it. It’s better to see you in a happier mood.”
I need to stop him before he gets way too carried away with himself. “I’m not going to any cabaret. There’s a carnival in town tonight and I made some friends to hang out with.” I hold up my hands in a surrendering gesture. “Don’t worry, they are country bumpkin types. Nothing like the sort of friends you want me to keep away from.”
His shoulders sag in relief. God, it’s so annoying that he can’t just trust me already. “Oh, well that’s good news. I would ratheryou spend some time with your family, but I can’t stand another argument.”
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Like it’s my fault that we fall out. But there’s no point in trying to make him see that he’s the one to blame because he just won’t listen. He has always been the same. It’s much easier to grit my teeth and say nothing at all. At least that way, I will win at the end of it and get to see Harry.
“You probably should wipe some of that makeup off, though. You don’t need it.”
Thankfully, with that final remark, he exits my room and leaves me alone. The next time I glance in the mirror, I can’t help but do it with a bit more self-criticism, but in the end, I decide to leave my makeup just as it is. This is the natural look, anyway. I don’t look anything like the people I go to school with who rake it on, and to be honest, Harry seems to like me just as I am, and it’s his opinion I care about right now. The smile creeps back on my face as I think about laughing with him again, chatting with him, feeling giddy and like I can truly be myself around him… and who knows? Maybe tonight, he will actually be brave enough to take my hand at last. I want him to, and I’m sure that he must see it, but he’s being careful with me and treating me like a lady. I like that from him.
“Time to go,” I whisper to myself. “Time for the best night of my whole life… I’m sure of it…”
Harry is already outside the hotel when I leave. I think he got here early to make sure I’m not waiting alone, which is just the sweetest thing ever, even though I’m pretty sure this is the safest place I’ve ever been. He’s also dressed up smarter. He didn’t need to do that for me. I don’t need him to be anything otherthan what he is, but I have to admit that it feels nice to have him make that effort just for me. It shows how much he likes me.
“You look nice,” I tell him coyly. “I like that shirt you’re wearing. It makes you look like a real gentleman.”
“Well, Georgia, you look absolutely breathtaking.” I can see the truth in his eyes. He really does mean what he’s saying. I love how open and honest he is. He’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. “Stunning. I can’t believe how lucky I am to get to take you out tonight. And to the carnival, of all places. We’re going to have the best time.”
He holds out his arm to me, and I link mine through it. It might not be holding hands, but we’re touching and it’s a step in the right direction. Electricity and excitement burst all the way through me as we touch.