Page 131 of Outback Secrets
‘I’m so glad you met Arthur that night.’ Henri wished he was closer so she could take his hand.
‘So am I.’
‘So today is ten years since you made the decision to live?’ she said.
‘Yeah. But it’s a decision I’ve had to make every single day since. I’m not cured, Henri. I can’t guarantee I’ll never follow through.’
Every part of her ached at his words. For the first time in her life, she found herself wanting to stay in Bunyip Bay—she wanted to be here every single day so that she could make sure Liam never got so down again that he did follow through.
‘I’m sorry, Henri,’ he said, his tone heartfelt and his expression solemn. ‘I’m sorry for abandoning you without an explanation the other day. I overreacted. I should have just told you that I couldn’t do Christmas lunch. Instead, I was a complete and utter ass.’
She nodded. ‘Yes. You were.’
But now she knew why. And now she berated herself for not making him talk to her sooner. You weren’t supposed to give up on love—you were supposed to fight to the bitter end. Instead, Henri had let her hurt and stupid pride stand in the way.
Yet still something told her he wouldn’t have run away, he wouldn’t have given her nothing but a vague text message if he didn’t care. If there wasn’t something about her that scared him. And that gave her hope.
‘Hypothetically,’ she said, curling her ponytail around her fingers, ‘if it weren’t for your mental health and if I didn’t work away most of the year, do you think you might ever have developed … feelings … for me?’
‘Feelings?’ Liam looked pained, then something seemed to snap. ‘Feelings?’ he repeated, his tone incredulous. ‘Henrietta Forward, I have all the damn feelings for you! That’s why I lost the plot. You make me crazy. You could work six months a year on the moon for all I cared. It wouldn’t matter to me. I’m not some fickle fool like Max who’d cheat on you because you weren’t always around. I’m not scared of long-distance. If I wasn’t terrified of hurting you, I’d call you every day, send constant text messages … but this is for the best, I promise you.’
He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. ‘You’re not the only one who fell in love, Henri, but love isn’t always enough.’
He loved her too?
Her heart felt as if it might shatter, but this time because it was suddenly too full.
Not caring about her ankle, she shot up and hobbled around the desk, then dropped herself into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
‘Yes, it is,’ she said forcefully. ‘Love is enough! And you need to remember—I’m not Kate. I’m older than she was, and I know the score. You’re a different person than you were then too. You’ve managed your grief and your depression for ten years, but you don’t have to do it alone. Not anymore. Please. Let me be part of your life. Let me be your friend, lover, sounding board and support. Don’t push me away because of some misguided, self-sacrificing sense that it’s the right thing to do!’
And then she kissed him because she was terrified of what he might say and at least wanted to taste him one last time before he smashed her heart into a zillion pieces all over again. For long, painful moments, it was like she was sitting on a wooden soldier, desperately trying to give it mouth-to-mouth.
And then—just when all her hope was slipping away—Liam slid his hands up into her hair and kissed her back. Tears poured down her face. She was crying over a guy.
And it was absolutely worth it.
‘I’m not man enough to say no,’ he said, holding her tight against him when he finally broke their kiss. ‘I hope you don’t regret this, Henri.’
‘I won’t,’ she replied with absolute certainty. And then she started to laugh.
‘What? What’s so funny?’
‘You know how I told you your touch would have to be pretty damn magic for me to start fantasising about a happily ever after with you?’ She shrugged. ‘Well, turns out it is.’
His lips curled into a smile and then he too burst out laughing as he crushed her against him again. It was the most beautiful sound Henri had ever heard.
‘Can I stay the night?’ she asked when their amusement had contained itself. ‘You don’t have to come to the farm for Christmas, but—’
‘I’m coming,’ he said before she could finish her sentence. ‘That’s if the invitation’s still open.’
‘Of course it is, but … are you sure?’ She didn’t want to do anything to hurt him.
He cupped her face in his hands and stared at her in a way that made her feel more wanted, more cherished, more loved than she ever had in her life.
‘Yep. I’m sure. Apart from Arthur, I’ve never told anyone what I told you tonight and you’re the first person I’ve wanted to talk to about my family. You give me hope. It’s time to try and live a normal life again.’
Then Liam went out to close up the pub early and while he argued with Jaxon and Brad—who told him it was far too early for last drinks—Henri checked her phone and saw a text from Tilley.
Where are you, sister dear? Mum’s getting frantic.
Tell her I’m staying at the pub tonight.
O.M.G!!! Does that mean things are back on between you and the Bay’s sexiest publican?
Smiling down at her phone, she tapped out a reply.
They sure are. And you can tell Mum we’ll have an extra for lunch tomorrow after all. See you then.