Page 96 of Outback Secrets
‘Really good,’ Ryan said, taking hold of Grant’s hand.
‘Lizzie is the most sublime being, and she’s agreed to have a baby for us,’ Grant finished.
‘Wow. That’s fantastic. Congratulations.’
‘Thanks,’ they said in unison as Stella Burton came up beside them.
Henri looked up to see her hands resting on her back in an aim to support her massive belly.
‘Do you want to sit down?’ She looked like she needed the chair even more than Henri did.
Stella shook her head. ‘Thanks, but if I get down again, I’m not sure I’ll be getting up. I almost broke Adam’s back when he tried to help me stand five minutes ago.’
Henri grimaced. ‘When are you due?’
‘Five days ago.’
No wonder the poor woman looked fed up. What if she went into labour on the beach?
‘We’ve tried everything to get this baby out—hot curries, whole fresh pineapples, raspberry leaf tea, and …’ She lowered her voice. ‘Lots of sex. Nothing has worked. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be pregnant forever and I couldn’t miss seeing Heidi get her present from Santa.’
At the mention of her daughter, both women looked towards the water where the little girl was still playing with Liam.
‘She’s such a great kid,’ Henri said. ‘You should be super proud.’
‘Oh, I am.’ Stella smiled as she rubbed her belly.
‘Does she know Liam well?’
‘Quite well. The first time we had dinner at the pub and he came to take our order, Heidi was instantly taken with him. She wanted to go sit at the bar so they could chat, but of course, she couldn’t, so between busy periods he came across and sat with us and coloured in. He’s such a gem.’
Henri smiled at the thought of Liam’s big hands with a thin colour pencil in them.
‘We’ll catch you both soon,’ Ryan said as he and Grant stood. ‘Gotta go spend some time with my cute niece and nephew.’
‘Heidi likes everyone,’ Stella continued once the boys were gone, ‘but she’s always had an affinity with people who’ve suffered terrible sadness in their lives. She was the same with Adam’s mum.’
Henri slowly turned her head to look properly at Stella. She couldn’t know the particular sadness that Liam had gone through, could she?
As if reading her mind, Stella added, ‘I don’t know much about Liam’s past, but it’s hard not to see the heartache in his eyes sometimes. Maybe I notice more than most because I’ve had my own share of disappointments, but …’ She blinked and rubbed her belly again. ‘Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I’m glad he’s found you. He’s such a valued member of the community and he deserves happiness. And I’m looking forward to getting to know you better now that you’ll probably be spending more time in town as well.’
That was when the guilt really twisted in Henri’s stomach. She and Liam weren’t only deceiving her mum and Eileen Brady, but their friends and the whole damn town. Lovely people like Stella who didn’t deserve such dishonesty.
‘Mum! Mum! Look!’
Heidi bounced up to them, flicking water as she thrust her little cupped hands at her mother. ‘We caught a crab.’
‘I can see, honey,’ Stella said as Liam arrived carrying the net.
‘Can I keep it?’
While mother and daughter wandered off to find Adam and get his opinion, Liam dropped a hand on Henri’s shoulder. ‘People are starting to leave, and I’ve heard a few say they’re dropping kids at grandparents and then heading to the pub for drinks. I should get back to help. Do you mind if we make a move?’
‘Of course not,’ she replied, still unsettled.
Liam went over to gather their things and brought back most of Henri’s family to say goodbye—half of them announced they’d be at the pub soon too—then he picked her up and traipsed up the sand towards the car park.
‘Is your ankle hurting?’ he asked, as he turned the key in the ignition.