Page 97 of Outback Secrets
‘What? No, it’s fine.’
‘You just seem a little … I don’t know … agitated?’
She rubbed her lips together before confessing, ‘I’m feeling guilty.’
Liam frowned. ‘What about?’
‘Us. Our lies. Everyone’s so happy to see us together and I just … I can’t believe I ever thought it was okay to lie about it. Maybe it’s time to tell them all the truth?’
He switched off the ute and shifted in his seat to face her. ‘Henri, it’s up to you what you want to do. If you want to come clean to your mum and everyone, that’s fine. But I think you’re forgetting something.’
‘What’s that?’
‘We’re not lying anymore. At least not about being … intimate.’
The way he said this last word gave Henri goosebumps. She swallowed—what they did between the sheets certainly felt real enough. ‘I guess you’re right.’
‘Always,’ Liam said cockily as he reached out to briefly cup her cheek, before sliding his hand behind her neck and drawing her head to his.
Their lips met and, as she opened her mouth and gave herself wholeheartedly to the kiss, every molecule in her body melted and all thoughts of guilt and uncertainty evaporated. In the far crevices of her mind, a little voice declared that Liam had probably ruined her for all future flings, but she pushed that voice aside.
Right now, nothing else mattered except this moment.