Page 20 of Blades of Ice
“Let’s save that for plan B. Right now, you and I need to head back to Seward for the next flight.”
Dooley stood and stretched his back. “Carleigh and I will keep at it on our end, and if we find anything, one of us will contact you.”
“Sounds good.” Beck leaned forward to shake his friend’s hand. While he ordered a car to pick them up, Lydia took the phone off speaker and put it to her ear.
“Hey, C, can you contact Tabby and have her send some of her toys? Yeah, those should work. Yes, have her overnight them to the lodge please. Great. Uh huh.” Lydia looked at Beck, blushing. “He really is. Okay, talk soon.” She picked up her parka and deposited the phone into one of the pockets. “Ready?”
Beck snagged her around the waist and shoved his nose in her neck. After getting a good dose of her scent, he pecked a kiss on her lips. “Now I am.”
Dooley’s mouth twitched. “Please send my mate down here after you get your stash.”
“Will do.”
Lydia’s smile faded. “Stash?”
“Mmm hmm. Only the best cookies this side of North America.” Beck put his hand on her back and urged her toward the stairs. “What kind of toys were you asking for?” Beck whispered.
“Two of my cousins, Anthony and Tabitha, work as private investigators for a security company. They have all these spy gadgets Carleigh’s dad created like listening devices. Ooh, I should have asked for some prosthetics. That way we could spy on Boyd incognito.”
Beck had a million questions, but he kept them to himself since Kennedy was waiting for them. She held out the container to Lydia instead of Beck. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I added several different types to Beck’s usual.”
“I’m not picky when it comes to sweets. I’m sure I’ll enjoy them all. Thank you, Kennedy. I hope to see you again soon.”
Kennedy’s smile was so wide, Beck was afraid her face was going to split. “I’d like that. Have a safe flight back.” She waved, then rushed down the stairs without them having to passalong Dooley’s request. Dooley’s loudumphwas followed by Kennedy’s sweet giggle.
“And that’s our cue to get out of here.” Beck didn’t want to hear whatever happened next. He helped Lydia into her parka, then ushered her outside. “So, what are these prosthetics you mentioned?”
“Masks that can make you look like someone else. Did you ever see those oldMission: Impossiblemovies?”
“Yeah, where the lead character peels off a… Wait. You’re saying you can get your hands on those?”
“Yep. My great-grandfather invented those and sold them to Hollywood. Several of my cousins know how to make them, and Carleigh’s dad came up with a voice transmitter that allows you to sound like the person as well. It’s all fascinating.”
“It’s scary as shit too. Have you ever worn one?”
“Only for fun. Now my mom? When her parents were kidnapped and taken to Egypt, she went after them. She wore several different masks, keeping the folks responsible from recognizing her. She even fooled my dad into thinking she was an old woman until she kissed him. At first, he was grossed out, but when she laughed and called his name, he figured out it was her.”
“When you said your mom was fierce, you weren’t kidding.”
“All the females in our Clan are in one way or another. The twins’ mom, Tessa? She’s a total badass. Rides a Harley, is a pool shark, and she’s not afraid of anyone. She even shot her mate when he pissed her off.”
“What? Shot him with a gun?”
Lydia laughed. “She knew it wouldn’t hurt him because of his impenetrable skin, but she got her point across.”
“When you say fierce, I think you mean crazy.” Beck ran a finger down Lydia’s cheek. “I hope you never get pissed at me.”
“Well, you did tell me the secret to taking down your kind.”
“Sure, but do you have an ice sword hiding in your pocket?” Beck had never seen one. Honestly, he thought they were a myth.
Lydia glanced down at her arm. “Maybe.”
Before he could ask what she meant, their ride pulled up to the curb. There was more to his female than met the eye. Once seated, Beck held Lydia’s hand. There was a pull to touch her whenever he could. It wasn’t sexual, although he wanted to be with her that way too, but this was a deep need to always have her close. He knew mated couples like Dooley and Kennedy. He saw how connected they were. How being in the same room made them light up. Beck had chalked that up to Kennedy being a fox since he had never seen bear shifters react that way to their mate. And Gargoyles had fated mates, so maybe that was the reason he was drawn to her. Whatever the reason, Beck had a decision to make. Lydia had a Clan full of family and friends she was close to. He wouldn’t expect her to leave them behind and settle with him in Alaska. What did he have to offer her there anyway? Other than Dooley, Beck had no one he was close to. When it came down to the facts, it wasn’t a hard decision at all.
Chapter 9
On the flightback to Seward, Beck explained more about the Cessna’s controls and how to maneuver the float plane away from the dock. He taught her how to check air speed and watch the currents. There was more to it than piloting a regular plane, but Lydia was all about learning new things. When they approached Seward, Beck asked questions, like a pop quiz. She aced all but one, but his praise was everything to her. She held onto the yoke, getting another feel for the proper way to descend.