Page 21 of Blades of Ice
“You’ll be piloting in no time,” Beck said as they eased backward toward the dock. Lydia dropped anchor as Beck spoke to the passengers. He was slipping out of his harness when he muttered, “Fuck.”
Lydia followed his gaze to an angry female on the dock. Turning back to her mate, she reached for his hand. “I guess this is one way to meet the family.”
“How do you know she’s family?”
“I’ll tell you later.” Lydia reached for the door handle but turned and asked, “Do you trust me?”
With no hesitation, Beck said, “Yes.”
Lydia winked and climbed down. As the other passengers made their way up the dock, Lydia stood with her hands on her hips, eyeing Beck as he retrieved their baggage.
Delaney was fuming, but she kept her mouth shut as she waited. The two couples who had flown back paid extra to have their things brought to the parking lot. Beck removed acollapsable cart from the storage area, then loaded their things, securing the expensive cases, ensuring they didn’t move around. When they neared Delaney, she stepped in front of Beck. Before she could spew her vitriol, Lydia waved an imperious hand in the air and pulled out her best southern drawl.
“I do appreciate your care with the luggage, Sugar. That Hermes bag alone cost two thousand dollars. It’s nice to see that Sagan Adventures cares for their passengers. Good customer service is so hard to find nowadays. Wouldn’t you agree, Ma’am? I was telling my momma the other day how it was a shame the way some companies act. Like we, the ones payin’ a hefty price tag, are treated like nothing more than cows headed to slaughter. Like they’re doing us a favor, you know? But not this company. No siree Bob. You can bet your sweet patootie I’ll give a glowing recommendation to all my friends. And my review? Oh, it’ll be better than the time I was given prime seatin’ at The Crab Shack down in New Orleans. Those Cajuns, well, you can’t understand a word they’re sayin’, but they know customer service. You ever been to Louisiana, Sugar? ‘Cause I know all the best places to go.” Lydia stopped and lowered her voice, close enough for Delaney to hear. “You ever need a voodoo doll for someone not treatin’ you right? I’ve got the perfect hex shop for that. Some of them places are fake, but this one? Those witches are the real deal. This one time, I needed a little something to help with all the speedin’ tickets I was gettin’, and those fine young ladies sent me home with a GRIS-GRIS bag, and let me tell you what. I ain’t had a ticket one since. Now, come along, Sugar. I need me a cuppa joe, ‘cause I ain’t had my daily intake of caffeine yet.”
Lydia took a few steps, then turned back to Delaney. “Oh, are you waitin’ for the next flight out? ‘Cause if you are, you’ve come to the right place.”
Delaney, whose mouth was open, closed it. She opened it again, shook her head, then stormed off without a word. “I guess she didn’t want good customer service. Well, come along, Sugar. Best not keep Momma waitin’.”
Beck was either constipated or biting his lips so he wouldn’t laugh. “I was going to tell her you’re my mate, but I guess that can wait, Sugar.”
“Oh. Well, I suppose you could have, but that was way more fun. Besides, whatever hate she was ready to spew is best done in private.”
“You’re not wrong.” Beck pushed her hair off her shoulder. “Do you really know witches in New Orleans?”
“Yep. Solara and Luna are part of our Clan. They split their time between Nola and Atlanta.”
After a few steps, Beck asked again, “How did you know who Delaney was?”
“Cailín may have figured out you were my mate before I did with the whole nausea thing. On the drive to Sterling, we were talking to Carleigh on the phone, and Cailín spilled about what happened and suggested Carleigh check you out. Have I told you how nosy my friends and family are?” Lydia’s phone rang, and when she pulled it out of her pocket, she muttered, “Speak of the devil. You go on ahead, and I’ll catch up with you in a minute, okay? Hey, Cailín, hang on a second.”
Beck leaned down and kissed Lydia. With lots of tongue. And passion. Right there in the open. He tugged her bottom lip with his teeth and pulled. “Take your time.”
Lydia enjoyed her mate’s fabulous backside as she answered. “Okay, I’m here. How’re Trevor and Haylee?”
“They’re fine. Scratched and sore, but doing well. I just got off the phone with Carleigh. Seems you’re having an adventure without me. You and your big bear, huh?” Cailín dropped hervoice as deep as she could. “Take your time.”She sounded demented.
Lydia glanced around, and there were too many humans within earshot for her to speak freely. “You were right about that.”
“He’s actually a bear, or he’s your mate?”
“Both. Not that I’ve seen the first, but we had a long talk last night. I can’t speak freely. We landed a few minutes ago from a flight back from Kodiak.”
“Dammit. I’m missing all the fun. I want to come back, but Mason needs me for a protection job that came in.”
“No worries. I’m sure things here will be handled soon.”
“And then what? Are you staying in the frozen tundra with your mate?”
“We haven’t gotten that far. We haven’t gotten far at all, if you know what I mean.”
Cailín gasped. “Girl, what the hell are you waiting for? I’d have jumped that big hunka burning love immediately.”
Lydia giggled and rolled her eyes even though Cailín couldn’t see her. “It was leading there, and then he pushed pause, and we ended up talking.” Lydia left out the embarrassing in between. “He has a lot on his plate, so the jumping will have to wait.”
“Carleigh told me about his mom and sister missing, and that fucker Boyd being there means trouble.”
“I’m going to help wherever I can and figure the rest out later.”