Page 36 of Pucking Only
I say goodbye to the rest of the guys still in the locker room and make my way out and down the hall toward the team’s private entrance. I step out into the parking lot and freeze.
Zander and Skyler are standing next to his truck, talking and looking far too familiar with each other. I stare at them for several moments and clench my fists at my sides whenSkyler lays her hand on his arm. As if she can sense my eyes on her, she suddenly glances my way.
I jerk my gaze away from them and quickly walk to my vehicle. The last thing I want is for her to think I’m spying on them. As I climb into my truck, and tell myself it doesn’t matter what I feel toward her. Skyler is totally off-limits to me and the sooner I come to terms with that fact, the better it will be for all of us.
Still, I can’t help but look out my truck window back at them, and I can’t ignore the dull ache in my chest at the sight of her holding onto his arm.
Dad:Have a good time tonight, sweetheart! Don’t let him treat you like anything less than a lady!
My dad’stext makes me grin. When I’d messaged him about my date with Zander, I wasn’t sure how he’d respond. Just like usual, he’s both supportive and protective. Clicking out of the message, I set my phone down on my dresser and move to stand in front of my mirror.
Studying my reflection, I adjust the hem of my green sheath dress nervously. It’s not something I’m used to wearing. I’m also not one to wear a lot of makeup or do fancy things with my hair, so my reflection doesn’t really look like me.
It doesn’t help that I’m not wearing my glasses and have contacts in. I don’t hate contacts, but they always dry my eyes out when I try to wear them while I work. So, I normally just opt for my glasses instead.
For this date, though, contacts seem like a better idea… to show off my face and stuff.
Grace lounges on my bed…well, her bed, watching me intently. She’s wearing a cute pink sundress and her hair is curled. Jensen is taking her out tonight, too. Their date will no doubt end much differently than mine. Much more X-rated versus what I anticipate to be a pretty PG time for me.
“You look gorgeous, Sky,” she says with a slight smile. “That boy isn’t going to know what hit him.”
I give her an uncertain grin. “You think so? It’s not too much?”
She shakes her head. “No, no way. It’s fabulous. Zander’s going to be drooling the whole night. Here, let me get a picture so I can send it to Rylee and Sutton. They’re going to freak out seeing you all dolled up!”
I groan, but let her take the picture anyway. Despite her encouraging words, there’s still a bundle of nerves deep in my belly that I can’t ignore. I’m a little worried about this date and what it could mean…but at the same time, I don’t want to deny myself. Zander’s a good guy. A great guy. I’m lucky to have someone like him interested in me.
Thinking back on when he asked me, I feel a twist of guilt. We’d gone for fries and coffee after his last practice, which has become our routine. While sitting in our regular booth, he’d given me a somewhat shy smile.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” he had asked.
I’d looked up from my laptop, totally unaware of what he was going to say, and nodded. “Of course! What’s up?”
“Would you, uh, want to go on a date with me? A real date? Like, we dress up and go for a nice dinner and stuff. The works.”
My jaw had dropped and I’d stared at him for several moments, dumbfounded and struggling to come up with what to say in response.
“I…I…” I’d stammered. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea…”
“Oh, don’t worry!” he replied, misunderstanding myhesitation. “I already talked to Carson. I didn’t want to cross any lines, given how close you all are. He’s okay with it.”
“He…he is?”
“Yep,” Zander had nodded.
I wasn’t sure what to think about that revelation. He’d asked Carson if it was okay to take me out, and Carson had said…yes? My stomach dropped and I felt a strange sense of disappointment. After all those years when he’d chased off every guy who’d shown me any interest, he suddenly didn’t care.
I wasn’t sure what feeling was worse — knowing he no longer cared enough to chase away other guys or knowing that he has never felt about me the way I felt about him.Feltbeing the keyword in that equation.
“Yeah, I’ll go on a date with you,” I’d told Zander, pushing through my confusing hurt feelings and forcing a smile for him. “Sounds fun!”
Now I’m wondering if I’m making a big mistake.
I’ve been quiet for a while, playing with the dress. As if she can read my thoughts, Grace lets out a long huff of breath.