Page 72 of His Little Devil
Closing my eyes, I bite her bottom lip, and the taste of her blood has me coming the hardest I ever have, setting her own orgasm off.
“Fuck, Luke,” Silver shouts and I groan, biting her neck, leaving my imprint for all others to see.
“Never going to give you up,” I growl, before moving back to her lips.
Silver Diavolo is mine. I may be open to sharing her, but she will never escape me now. I am hers and she is mine.
I stumble through the portal and laugh as the night sky greets me. The immediate change of temperature is a balm to my heated skin, and I breathe in the evergreen scent from the trees.
There is a man with purple hair and an attitude scowling at me as he guides people back to the Academy, handing out goodie bags to the guests.
I grab three and give him a wink before wandering down the cobblestone path back to the cottage.
I am completely wasted, and I don’t fucking care. Silver is officially the Queen of Hell. She will never again be mine, or the others. She belongs to him only. It’s time for me to move on.
The lights are all on, shining through the cottage window, lighting my path to the door. I don’t have my keys, so I wave my hand and mutter a spell to unlock the door. Myah is in the kitchen making some food, and the smell brings me back to the moment I met Silver.
Wellson had just finished assaulting her mouth, and she was gaping while he left the kitchen. I watched her compose herself, then start frying up some bacon as she removed another pan of muffins from the oven.
She was beautiful, with her curves, porcelain skin, and blood-red hair. Hair that is now black as the night, as her soul.
Shaking my head, I give Myah a smile. “How was the wedding? Any sign of Donnie?” she asks me, while grabbing a plate from the cupboard next to the stove.
Sighing, I plop down at the breakfast bar and groan. “No, and when I tried to ask Silver if she’d heard from him, her new husband interfered and swept her away onto the dance floor.”
Myah sets a plate in front of me and places a grilled cheese with bacon on it. My eyes water, and I try to discreetly wipe the tears before they can fall. Wellson always made the best grilled sandwiches.
I hope he wakes up soon. I don’t know how much longer I can stay here, in this cottage, at the Academy. I’m about to graduate. Don is gone… I think it’s time to bring Wells home.
“Can you maybe try a spell or something? I don’t know anything about all of that, but Donnie may need help. Would Mylie be able to assist? They are blood related after all.”
Myah takes the seat beside me, with her own meal, and turns to look at me. I lift my food and take a small bite, thinking.
“Oh, this is so good.” I groan as the grease and bread soaks up some of the cocktails I had.
“Mylie loves them as well, and she’s been having a craving lately, but I didn’t make dinner tonight. We just had some snacks. The trip tired her out. So, what’s next? How are we going to find Donnie?”
“I have a plan to go back in a few days. I made friends with an Incubus. He seemed excited to talk to me. He invited me to play Knucklebones.” Myah pauses and gives me a weird look.
Waving my hand, I don’t bother explaining, because once she learns that they don’t use sheep bones like in the old days, they use human bones, her sandwich won’t be staying down.
Doesn’t bother me much, since my family does the same.
“Well, I’m not sure what that is, but maybe you will have some time to look around without the hustle and bustle of the wedding,” she says, then stands and moves closer to me.
“I’m sorry about Silver, Arrow. From what Donnie told me, she was special to you all.” She pulls me into a hug, and I allow it, just for a few moments.
I’ve been starved of physical affection, and I blame the alcohol as I rest my head into the crook of her neck, smelling the vanilla and blackberry scent of her hair. She smells like Silver, and I know she must have helped herself to some of the bathroom amenities.
My dick perks up, but it’s only because he’s confused. I release her, then push my stool back and stand.
“Yes, well, these things happen. Goodnight, Myah,” I mumble, then stumble down the hall to my room.
I peek in on Wells before I go, and maybe it’s the alcohol clouding my mind, but it looks like he’s moved since I left.
I could have sworn he was laying flat on his back, but now he’s on his side. Yawning, I decide to investigate further in the morning, and take advantage of the baby monitor on his nightstand.