Page 25 of Master B-0361
“I really thought you’d return to Ashley’s, that little boutique on the corner. You seemed to like it.”
“In the city. You never came back down. I’ve been waiting.” His brow creased. “That’s okay. I figured I’d just stop by. You know…to visit.I heard my mom earlier saying your Master was back in Chicago on business. He’s not here, is he?”
My heart raced as I put all my weight against the door. Pressure exploded at the barrier, and I flew back, crying out as I slid against the floor.
“No!” Weight was on me before I could try to turn and run. I swung, kicking and twisting as I tried to move out from under him.
“Listen to this. Are you listening? I know a trick. I know so many tricks.” His hands clutched to my wrists, squeezing with bruising force as he forced my arms down to my sides. His voice was changing. Turning deeper as I sucked in to scream. “Maggie-Lynn.”
My fight was gone. My resistance disappeared. My scream…nowhere to be found. The man’s smile turned evil as he scrambled back, pushing the door shut. When he appeared back over me, I couldn’t stop screaming in my mind.
“I knew it would work. Those guards should really take better care when it comes to those tablets. You wouldn’t believe all the information you can find in there. This was too easy. Lookat you.” His hand brushed back my hair. “You should have been mine. Now, you can be. Sucks it has to be here, but shit happens.”
He glanced to the corners of the room. “Cameras see things, but all that stupid Main Master is going to see is a slut slave fucking his replacement. You asked for this. You opened the door. You might as well have invited me in. Sure, it’ll look like I forced my way in,but it’s what we do. It’s what we talked about in the city, right slave? They don’t have enough cameras there to verify if it’s the truth. It’s so perfect. If only your Master wouldn’t have shown up on that elevator, we could have done this sooner. Don’t you love divine timing? We have us…and this.” My eyes went big at the long, thin metal stick he held. It looked like an ice pick. “This was just me getting a little too carried away. Sebastian will get over it in time. I bet by next auction, he won’t even remember you.”
His free hand grabbed my breast, squeezing through the dress as he traced the end of the tool along my cheek.
“You’re so afraid. You won’t feel that for long. I promise. Soon, you won’t feel much at all. That’s when the real fun begins. The things I can make you do to yourself…”
Knocking sounded and the Master’s head jerked to the door. He glanced down at me, standing, and going to look out of the peephole.
“Fucking delivery slaves.” He opened the barrier, snatching the bag and tossing the coffee across the room. “Where were we?” His smile was back as he lowered his weight down on top of me. “That’s right. We were getting to know each other better.”
Pain stuck into the side of my throat, piercing through my skin as his teeth bit into my lip, tugging back. Inside, I was screaming with everything I had. On the outside, I didn’t move.
Warmth raced down towards the back of my neck as he pulled the tool free, itching my skin as it trickled into my hairline.
“I don’t have much time. I’m meeting my mom and the Main Master for dinner. We’ll make this quick.”
My dress was pulled up over my bare breasts, and he didn’t waste any time pulling my panties off. When he bent my knees and spread my legs wide, I squeezed my eyes shut. Tears were leaving me. Tears and pleas and more and more screams.
A sharp pain pierced one of my folds. It immediately had him moaning as he began repeating the act, switching back and forth to each side of my pussy as he stabbed the tool into the flesh.
“Damn you’re so hot.” The long end of the pick slid into my channel, punching holes here and there as he began thrusting it like a toy. White noise played in my ears, humming so loud I was sure I was going to pass out. It was the sensation of fingers smearing the blood that had me hanging on. He had the tool out of me, but he didn’t pause to savor what he was doing by shoving multiple fingers inside my pussy to thrust. That didn’t stop him from still using the tool. Pain began slicing deeply into my skin, making its way up the side of my stomach through his rush.
Stab. Thrust.
Stab. Thrust.
Stab. Thrust.
His fingers eased out of my channel as the stinging slices worked their way over my ribs and up to my sternum. More, he smeared the blood, moving up over my breasts, up to my throat. How much damage he was doing, I didn’t know. The pain was extreme at times, but even with my medical training, I couldn’t tell if it was just the tip of the pick he was stabbing in, or it was going inches deep. My adrenaline was soaring. The panic and insanity were all I knew as he leaned over me, rubbing hislips against mine. He pulled back, tracing the bloody tip of the weapon along my lower eyelid.
“God, you’re so gorgeous. Maybe I’ll keep you like this and come back. There are so many things I want to see you do to yourself. It would be a waste to kill you so soon. I think?—”
“I don’t smell any coffee, slave.”
The man’s head jerked up at Sebastian’s voice, and his eyes grew wide as he scrambled out of my view. Within seconds the door shut and time seemed to stretch out as I waited. Banging sounded in the room. The dresser? The closet door?
“Margaret. You’re seriously not ignoring me again, are you? I’m not in the mood…”
At his words trailing off, I was internally going crazy. Footsteps pounded, and he slid to my side, running his hand up and down my stomach in just as much panic as I felt. Blood was covering his palm and fingers as he clumsily reached up to try to find a pulse. All he found was more blood from the wound as he jerked back his hand to look at it.
“No, no, no. You’re not dead. You’re not fucking dead.”
Hands were all over me, sliding over the surface of my skin. Confusion and horror stayed transfixed on his face as I watched him drop a shade of color.