Page 24 of Master B-0361
“Am I right?”
My Master’s mouth puckered the smallest amount. “I don’t think like that. I take care of those that matter to me.”
“I bet you do.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He got closer, and I knew I needed to stop.
“Margaret. Keep going.”
“Your brother needs your help. Something is happening with him. Or happened to him. If he’s not telling you, it’s because he feels he can’t. Maybe he’s embarrassed. Maybe it’s too painful. You know pain. God, you fucking live it. Call him back. Instead of attacking or arguing with him, make it right.”
For seconds my Master didn’t speak.
“I can’t call him. He has to be patched through to call me.”
“Then I guess you’ll have plenty of time to figure out how to approach the situation to garnish the best results. Do it for him before he gets worse, because we both know he will if he doesn’t get this off his chest.”
His hand rose, and his finger pointed towards me.
“Maybe…but don’t do that again. What you hear, you don’t speak. Especially about my brother. That’s a fast way to find yourself in a lot of trouble.”
My eyes lowered. “It won’t happen again.”
Sebastian walked over, picking up the phone. I put my attention back on the television as he walked around the coffee table, deeper into the room.
“That’s right. Bring me a canister of coffee. A big one. Yes. Great.”
He hung up.
“I hope coffee improves that mood of yours and this isn’t your everyday personality. I can’t promise how long you’ll live if that’s the case.”
“I better drink a lot then. I think this is me.” A smile tugged at his mouth, and I couldn’t stop the one that wanted to appear on mine. “Thank you.”
“It’s coffee. It’s not a big deal.” He gestured to the room. “I’ve been in meetings all morning. I smell like cigars and stale cigarettes. I’m going to take a shower and change. Go ahead and answer the door when the slave comes. Make enough coffee for me too. I think I could use a cup or two.”
My smile finally broke through, even if it was a small one.
There was the slightest hesitation before he nodded and headed for the room, cracking the door behind him. I grabbed the remote flipping the channel.Raw celebrity interviews. Killer confessions.I groaned as I settled on the upcoming events page, watching it scroll through the dates as a good few minutes passed. There was an event every night. Specialty hunts. Mixers. Themed dance nights. Knocking had me standing. I headed for the door, smiling as I pulled it open.
“That was fas—” My smile fell at the younger, dark-haired man standing in the doorway. His eyes raked down my body before coming back up to meet my gaze.
“Well, well. And so we finally meet.”
“I’m…sorry? I thought you were someone else.”
“It’s okay.” His head tilted as he peered in the apartment behind me. “Is your Master home?”
“He’s not available right now. Maybe try coming back later.”
I pushed the door to shut, but his arm shot through, pushing it back open.
“Don’t be silly. Sebastian wouldn’t mind me waiting.”
“I’m not allowed to let anyone in. Try coming back in a half hour or so.” I pushed harder at the door, but his foot wedged in.