Page 29 of Master B-0361
I lowered to sit on the edge of the bed, smiling as Sebastian peeked through the door. He was in a dark suit today as he stepped in.
“You’re here. We were just going to check to see if you left a message. Are we going home now?”
At Elec and another man following him in, my smile fell.
“We’re going home. They just have some questions for you first.”
“How are you, eight-forty-two?”
I tried to bring my smile back as I looked between the men.
“I’m better. Thank you, Main Master.”
“Great. This is Master One. He’s the head of the board and will be recording this conversation.” Just as the Main Master said that, the man lifted a device, hitting a button. “We wanted to talk to you about Jett LaRoe. We just need some clarification as we wrap things up for his trial.”
I nodded, looking between them. “I’ll tell you everything I know.”
“Excellent. Master One, go ahead.”
A man with brown hair and green eyes stepped forward. He appeared older than the Main Master and Sebastian, but not by much. Where the other two wore dark suits, Master One’s was a medium gray.
“Hello, Margaret.”
“Hello, Master One.”
“I want you to think back to the first time you remember seeing Jett LaRoe. Where were you?”
“At the door, when I thought he was the slave delivering the coffee.”
“You told your Master that he mentioned seeing you in the city. Is that correct?”
“Yes.” I laced my fingers, twisting them through the memories. “He said he saw me by Ashley’s Boutique. He noticed that I liked that place, so he was waiting for me to go back. That we could have…had fun sooner if my Master wouldn’t have shown up on the elevator.”
Master One nodded. “Did you let him in your apartment?”
“No. He asked if my Master was home. I told him he was busy, to come back later. That’s when he pushed his way in.”
Sebastian shifted, clearly still angry as he continued.
“Master Three-sixty-one claims you were incapacitated and unresponsive when he arrived. Did Jett LaRoe cause this?”
“He did. He used my Master’s code word to shut me down.”
“Did he tell you how he got it?”
“He did.”
The Main Master’s gaze lifted from his phone as I shifted on the edge of my bed. His lips tugged back on one side, and he watched me as I continued.
“The man, Jett, he said the guards should take better care when it comes to their tablets.”
The men looked back and forth at each other. Satisfied?
“Did he happen to mention when he broke into the tablet?”