Page 30 of Master B-0361
“No. Just that he did.”
“Thank you, Margaret. Is there anything else you’d like to add?”
My eyes met my Master’s encouraging gaze, lowering as I nodded.
“He planned the attack. He told me the plan. He mentioned how the rooms had cameras, but all anyone would see was how.” I stopped.
“Go ahead, Margaret.” Sebastian stepped forward, taking my hand. “Keep going. Tell us everything. Try not to leave anything out.”
“He said…he said all the stupid Main Master would see was how a slut slave was fucking his replacement. That’s when he went into his plan. He said he was going to say that we met in the city, and that I wanted this. I didn’t. I swear I don’t know that man. I never saw him before he pushed his way through the door. He just attacked me. He said I was supposed to be his. He…kept stabbing me with that thing. He.” My voice was shaking so badly, I could barely continue. “He said he was going to come back to me after he finished dinner with the Main Master and his mother. He mentioned tricks. He had tricks, and he was going to get me to do things to myself. He had that thing…thing…at the bottom of my eye, tracing the lower lid. I thought. I was so sure he was going to.” My head shook, trying to block out the images that wouldn’t stop playing. “That’s when he heard my Master and ran.”
The Main Master nodded, and the recorder was clicked off.
“That couldn’t have gone any more perfect. We have it. Her story will corroborate the footage to the T. We have his confession recorded but to have her on tape validating it is better. We’ll get the board together this evening and let you know a date for the trial. It’ll have to be fast. The world is about to come to a stop. This isn’t done. It’s never been done. Not to anyone so deep in the circle.” The Main Master looked at me but went back to Sebastian. “We all need to hold on tight. The death is easy. What comes after will not be.”
My Master nodded, glancing between the two men as he talked in a hushed voice. “When has life ever been easy for anyof us? We wanted a change, and if this isn’t a hell of a beginning to one, I don’t know what is. We have to set an example. That kid is a risk to everything we’re building. A solution solved early is a problem prevented. There’s no hope that kid’s mindset doesn’t leak into the outside world. I don’t want to imagine the damage he’s already caused. Sparing his life is not worth the risk. How would one of you like him as the betrothed to your future daughter, because someday he will have to marry. With ‘who’ he is, it’ll be someone’s daughter in the circle. We’re all pretty damn close. It’s a sickening thought. There’s no way it should happen. Our families are everything. The wives.The children. No fucking way in hell I can let what he did slide. He’s not safe. Your replacement, Elec? That’s his mindset?”
The Main Master looked at Master One, and they both nodded.
“You’re right.” Elec let out a breath. “It has to be done. He can’t be trusted. Not at the Gardens. Not with a chosen. I won’t risk it. What’s the word on Hale?”
Sebastian’s hand flexed as he held to mine.
“He’s waiting for my call. He’ll be here through the trial to show his support of our family, for me, and…to take his place as a Master. He’ll be here. And if I want to be honest, I think maybe you were right with him needing this. I don’t know what happened to my brother. He won’t tell me, but whatever it was, it wasn’t good.”
“No,it wasn’t.” The Main Master slid his phone into his pocket. “Have him report to me when he’s ready. I’m busy this morning so if anyone needs anything, call. In the meantime, keep low and quiet. Don’t talk to anyone.” His stare came to me. “I’m glad you’re okay, slave. Take good care of your Master.”
I glanced at Sebastian, nodding. “Always, Main Master.”
As he and Master One left the room, Sebastian lowered to sit next to me on the bed.
“How are you feeling today?”
“Better. I’m good.”
“Good enough to leave here?”
I smiled. “Yes.”
“Excellent. I figured we’d head home and make some coffee.” His green eyes softened. “Maybe even watch a movie or two. I got you this...” He laughed under his breath. “It’s stupid, really. Nothing big. It’s just this really soft, fluffy blanket for when you’re watching your shows. I thought it might help you feel better and…calm things inside of you.”
Was I smiling too?
“I like coffee and fluffy blankets.”
“Good. But we’re really going to have to talk about the shows you watch. If I have to sit through another episode ofPieces, I’ll lose my mind.”
I laughed, standing as he did.
“I was getting a little tired of it anyway. I’m open to suggestions.”
“We’ll find something.”
My Master held out his arm, and I took it, following him out of the hospital room. Walking was slow but steady. It was nice to finally see a different side of him. I knew his demons. I knew his darkest desires. I also knew it wasn’t everything he was. Here, he didn’t have to hide his true nature, and although that put me at risk, I was praying our slave and Master relationship was taking a turn for the better. At least enough to keep me alive. But I was smart to know the truth.
There were no guarantees for happiness at the Gardens. Today’s good mood could be followed by tomorrow’s worst nightmare.