Page 12 of Enchanting Him
“If you’re worried I’ll ruin the surprise don’t be. I can keep a secret and well, since theyaremy best friends I would knowwhat they like and don’t like. You know, if you needed help with something. Say a ring?” Melodia says and the fact that she’s not telling them to think again and that her tone and eyes are hopeful, the uneasiness I’ve felt all day erodes and I know, I’ll be leaving here with a ring for my girl and putting it on her finger very shortly.
“I mean, I wouldn’t turn down the help,” Dane says and Duncan nods glancing from us to Hank and back again as he looks amongst all of us in silent shock.
“Well then, why don’t you point out what your friends might like, and I’ll let Hank know what I was thinking about for the necklace?” I suggest to her, giving her a soft kiss when she grins, and it only takes ten minutes for Hank to have a sketch of the caged heart design I’d seen in my head to hold the pearl. It’s even better though with pink diamonds inset in the joints of it, and I can’t wait until it’s ready.
Melodia’s moved Dane and Duncan away from the diamonds despite them trying to say it’s expected but she shakes her head, pointing Dane towards a unique oval design set with black and blue sapphires. Then points at an emerald ring with a look up at Duncan whose brow lifts with a hint of a smile on his lips. The design has little chips of white glittering stone surrounding the larger stone, making it feel like a rose opening to reveal an emerald center, and my eyes land on a teardrop shaped pink ring that makes my heart race wildly. The pink is entirely my girl, and the teardrop makes me think of water, and the incredibleness of last night, taking her in it.
“Is there anything you’d like to look at?” Hank asks joining our group at the counter, and both Dane and Duncan point out the rings Melodia suggested. “What size would you need them? These are both sized six and a half now. They can be taken up two sizes easily.”
“Uh…I don’t know,” Dane admits and Melodia giggles softly, looking to Hank.
“We all wear the same size,” she says taking the one from Dane and I let out a low growl stopping her from slipping it on.
“The only ring you’re going to wear on that finger will be from me,” I state, passing the ring back to Dane who also seems relieved for some reason I don’t bother thinking about right now. “Close your eyes,” I tell her, before motioning to the one I saw and lift my brow at Hank who nods in understanding.
“It’s six and a half as well,” he tells me, handing it over, and I slip it onto Melodia’s finger, nearly coming at the sight of it there, fitting perfectly.
“We’ll take them,” Dane and Duncan state and I nod as well, slipping the ring off Melodia’s finger for now so Hank can box it up for me. No way am I asking my girl to marry me in this shop.
“Eyes,” I tell Melodia, smiling when she instantly opens them, a grin on her lips, and I give her a kiss pointing her towards the earrings and bracelets on display. “Go on and look around. I still need to put down a deposit for the necklace,” I explain when she looks at me curiously.
Dane and Duncan both shake their heads at me as the three of us pay for our rings, but I know exactly what they’re feeling. These girls were meant to be ours. They’re best friends so we don’t have to worry that our girls won’t like one another, and we’re best friends so they can all be close still. So they’re all safe and with us now.
Melodia sighs happily as we slip into the car, and I take her to a boutique owned by one of the middle-aged married women who’s also part of the association. I’d rather give my money to them than to some CEO sitting in a huge office doing nothing, especially when it also means getting my girl beautiful things.
Melodia looks stunning in a simple white lace dress that Stephanie suggested, and all I can think of is her wearing itto marry me—soon. I buy it and dozens of other things I loved seeing her in, and another dozen or so of things I knew Melodia loved just by looking at them. It takes six trips to bring everything inside when we get home, and I let her put things away while I make us dinner, setting up food on the patio before going up to get her.
Her eyes widen in shock when she sees the table laid with the flowers and candles I ordered earlier, wanting to make it special. Duncan only agreed to having them delivered because Melodia was Serenia’s best friend, and she helped pick out the ring for Serenia. I would have asked Dane to send me his best blend, but Melodia hates coffee, which doesn’t bother me one little bit. She adores food and I love cooking for her.
“Dylan…it’s beautiful,” she says with a sigh as I seat her. The candlelight reflects off the ornamental bulbs hanging around the table and I press a kiss to her lips, loving that sound.
“You’re beautiful, angel,” I state, before uncovering our food, smiling at her delight in the multiple options. She can’t ever decide on just one thing and with having my own restaurant, I can easily bring home smaller cuts of chicken and steak to make us meals than someone could get at a grocery store.
I manage to wait until dessert to pull out the ring—barely. Melodia’s eyes light up seeing the crepes and as I feed her the last bite of them, I slip down onto a knee, opening the ring box to show her what I picked.
“Melodia, angel…I know it’s fast, but I can’t let another day go by without knowing that you’re mine. I love you,” I state, pulling a gasp from her as she drags in a shaky breath, but she doesn’t stop me, doesn’t begin to try to get up or run away, simply smiles and bites her bottom lip I love to suck and nibble on while I love her. “I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. You are the best thing to ever come into my life, angel, and I don’t want youto leave me—not ever. I want to grow old with you, cherish you, have a family with you. So I’m asking you now, will you marry me? Be mine. My wife, my life, my always?”
“Yes!” she yells, launching herself at me and I easily catch her, before falling back onto the ground, as I hold her close. “I love you too. I didn’t think it was possible for you to love me…”
“It’d be impossible tonotlove you, angel. You were meant to be mine,” I promise her as I slip the ring onto her finger and her smile seeing it on makes my heart melt.
“Is this…”
“The one I tried on you at the shop,” I offer and at her nod tell her, “yes. I wanted to get you a ring before we even walked in there, but worried you’d think it was too fast. When you didn’t say anything about Duncan or Dane wanting to ask your friends, offered to help them find something for your friends…I couldn’t resist getting you one as well. The moment I saw this ring, I knew, just like you were meant to be mine, that this was meant to be ours. As bright and beautiful as you are, angel. The teardrop reminds me of rain, which reminds me of water, and what we did in it last night…”
“I love the water and what you did to me in it, but maybe you should remind me. It has been almost a full day since,” she returns, her smile and the gleam in her eyes filling me with hunger that only she can soothe, and I don’t bother with words as I take her upstairs and remind her exactly how much she was made for me.
Chapter 5
Igrin as Serenia hurries over to the table in the diner to join Celestia and me. It feels like I haven’t seen them in ages, although it’s only been four days. Dylan and I spent all day yesterday in bed, or at least making love, other than when he went downstairs to cook for me. It was absolute perfection—although I am a bit worried what will happen if he finds out what I really am.
Serenia was the one that broke our silence late last night, checking to see if we wanted to get together this morning and I quickly agreed, wanting to know if Dane and Duncan had asked them and wanting to tell them all about Dylan. As sirens, we can always find each other, speak without the need for words spoken out loud. Under the water, voices don’t sound the same, so we always just communicated telepathically. We shut the others out when we went to the lagoon, then agreed to give one another space while we were here, promising we’d be there if one of us needed help, and I’m glad it seems that wasn’t necessary.
“You look happier than normal even,” Serenia says slipping into the spot next to me at the booth. “I take it you met someone too?”
“After worrying that I wouldn’t for the better part of that first day, yeah,” I admit making Celestia’s eyes widen in a bit of surprise. “You found…” I stop before I slip up, not remembering if Dane introduced himself while we were at his shop or not.