Page 61 of Naughty & Nice
“We’ll be okay,” I say absently.
“I guess all we need to worry about is entertaining ourselves, then. Although, I’m not sure that you and Rix will have an issuewith that. How was last night, by the way? Sounded epic from where I was sitting.”
My cheeks blaze. I knew at the time that he’d hear everything. But while I was with Hendrix, lost in our own little world, it didn’t matter.
Now, in the harsh light of day and standing in front of his twin brother, it’s very different.
“No need to be shy,” he says, his smirk still firmly in place as he takes a step forward to whisper in my ear, “I rubbed one out listening to you.”
My gasp rips through the cabin a beat before he chuckles.
“Go and make your coffee, Rebel,” he demands before walking to the coffee table and drinking some water.
His throat ripples as he swallows, and despite knowing better, my eyes drop to his chest, his abs, and then his crotch.
My mouth runs dry when I find a tent in the fabric.
Shit. He wasn’t joking, was he?
Before I embarrass myself even more, I make a beeline for the kitchen, leaving him to do his thing.
When I return to the living room, he’s moved on to sit-ups.
Keeping focused, I grab my book and curl myself into my favorite reading chair, seeing as the swing seat is out of action today.
If it weren’t so cloudy, it would allow me to watch the sunrise as well as the open fire, assuming someone had lit it.
So instead of enjoying the beautiful scenery outside of the cabin, I’m forced to try and ignore what’s happening on the inside.
Snuggling under the blanket, I open my book and stare at the words.
It works for a couple of pages, but then Wilder begins doing burpees, and I can’t help but lift my eyes.
Just like the sit-ups, it’s effortless. If it weren’t for the light sheen of sweat on his skin, I would think he wasn’t even trying.
“Got to a boring bit of your book, huh?” he guesses, although fuck knows how he’s aware I’m looking; he’s got his back to me.
“You’re an asshole.”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” he quips as he continues jumping up and down.
“You make me feel unfit and fat,” I mutter.
He clearly wasn’t expecting the comment, because he stops on his feet and turns to look at me.
“You might be unfit, but you certainly aren’t fat.” He stares at me with such intensity that I instantly regret the comment.
“When was the last time you exercised? Other than last night, of course.” He winks, and I roll my eyes.
“Too long ago. Put your book down and get over here,” he demands, placing his hands on his hips.
“Um… I’m okay. Thanks, though.”
Ripping my eyes from him, I pretend to start reading again. In truth, it’s impossible with his gaze boring into me.
“Noelle,” he growls. “You need to be in tip-top shape for all the sexercise you’re going to get now. Gotta put some work in.”