Page 62 of Naughty & Nice
“I really don’t. What the hell?” I shriek when he steals my book and coffee and places them on the side before ripping the blanket from my lap and grabbing my hand. “Oh no,” I cry, attempting to run away.
“Nope. We’re doing this. Warm up first, then I’ll put you through your paces.”
“This is really unnecessary. It’s Christmas Eve, for fuck’s sake.”
“Even more reason to be doing it. Burn off some calories before all the feasting.”
“I don’t like you very much right now.”
He quirks a brow. “Only right now? Okay, let’s stretch.”
Resigning myself to my fate, I follow his orders and do as I’m told.
“I thought we were warming up. This is yoga.”
“Same thing. We’re stretching your muscles and beginning to get your heart pumping.”
“There’s been plenty of that recently,” I mutter, mimicking him and moving into a downward dog.
“Sex is good for the soul.”
“Yours must be suffering right now then,” I tease. “When was the last time you went this long?”
“I’m not a complete man-whore, you know,” he mutters, attempting to sound offended.
“Just a partial one, then?”
“Pain in the ass,” he breathes before moving us through a few more poses.
I hate to admit it, but I quite enjoy it.
Despite the banter, it’s quite relaxing.
The weather might be all kinds of awful outside, but inside, it’s calm and peaceful.
I focus on my breathing as we transition and feel the weight of the past few days lift.
“Okay, now it’s time for some work,” Wilder says, jumping to his feet and jogging on the spot.
“There is something wrong with you,” I grumble.
His need to keep moving, to keep busy is exhausting.
I know it’s a coping mechanism and his way of dealing with life, but it’s hard work to watch.
“Jumping jacks. Squats. Sit-ups. Push-ups,” he lists.
“Seriously,” he says, coming to a stop in front of me. “Ready? Twenty jumping jacks.” He begins leaving me standing there,the opposite of ready, as he begins counting. “Come on, don’t be a pussy.”
“Fuck’s sake.”
I do one and am swiftly reminded that I’m not wearing a bra. My boobs aren’t that big, but then I’m pretty sure every pair is too big for unsupported star jumps.
“I’m too much of a woman to be doing this, Wilder.”
His brow wrinkles in confusion.