Page 44 of Everything I Need
“Hey, Sweet Scarlett. How are you doing today?” She chuckles at my eagerness for caffeine.
“Great. I totally forgot to tell you I had a call with one of my favorite clients. Their contract is up next month, and they want to contract with me! Can you believe it?” I beam at her.
“I sure can, sweetheart. You are so talented at what you do. I wish you could see what we all see in you.” She squeezes my arm and walks back into the kitchen.
“Thanks, Mom. Someday maybe. Hey, what time are Lacey and Oliver coming?”
“They should be here in a few hours. She just let me know she was leaving. I’m so excited to see my grand baby. He wants to go see that new children’s movie and get pizza. What are you girls up to this evening?”
“Pizza and all the junk food at Addy’s while watching our favorite movies.” I say smiling.
Mom laughs. “Oh, so the same thing you girls always did growing up.”
“Mom! It isn’t the same because we won’t have your cookies.” Addy must have let herself in.
“Addy. Did you really think I’d let my girls have girls night without my cookies?” She goes to the pantry and pulls out a container of her cookies. Both of our mouth’s water as she removes the lid.
We reach in for a cookie at the same time and she taps our hands away. “Oh, no, you don’t. No cookies until your sister is here.”
“I’m just shocked you kept Scarlett from eating all the dough!” I glare at Addy and she laughs.
“Well, if she wasn’t at Preston’s house until the wee hours of the night, she probably would have.” Mom winks at me and Addy throws her head back laughing.
“Mom!” I exclaim. I’m sure my cheeks are turning pink right now.
“What? You are all grown women. When you’re at your man’s house till late at night, or the next morning, and your boyfriend looks like Dr. West, I can do the math sweetheart.” God, this conversation is not happening right now.
“Okay. That’s enough of this conversation. Now Ineedsome cookie dough.”
Going to the fridge mom produces another container. “Well good thing I made a second batch for you to have raw cookie dough like you like.”
“You are the best mom ever.” I grab the container from her hands and head straight for a spoon. This is mine. I don't have to wait for Lacey. Addy is right behind me grabbing a spoon and we make it to the couch before we start fighting over who gets to hold the container.
“Just like the old days. I only wish Willow could be here too.” Mom says with sadness in her eyes. I know everything with Willow has really been weighing on her.
I wish that, too. Willow was the most hurt by me pulling away. She is also the one to hold grudges the longest. She always held grudges when we were kids. She was already upset with me for moving to Boston for college, so the last few years haven’t helped.
One day. One day I would get Willow to forgive me. Lacey and Addy came around so Willow would too, I hope. I had reached out to Willow a few times and haven’t heard back. Addy told me that she’s only heard back from her a couple times recently and she was short every time.
But I’ll keep trying.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Ican’tbelievewhatI’m seeing.
How did Elizabeth get my address? Let alone the nerve to show up here. I walk out on my porch. Waiting for whatever bullshit she decides to spew. She opens her car door and steps out, perfectly polished like always.
“Why are you here, Elizabeth?” I spit out at her.
“To bring my husband home. It is time he stops this childish tantrum.” She says calmly, straightening her skirt as she steps out of the car.
“Childish tantrum? Elizabeth, you had another man’s fingers in your vagina at a public charity event. This isn’t a tantrum. Especially considering that wasn’t even the first thing, or the only thing that’s been in your vagina that didn’t belong to my brother.” I rant.
“Preston. Stop being vulgar and let me in.”
“No. I won’t. My brother has made his decision. You got the divorce papers and that’s why you’re here. You’re afraid to lose the West family name and money.” I point at her.