Page 45 of Everything I Need
“How dare you accuse me of that?” Her mask of perfection slips momentarily.
“If the shoe fits, wear ‘em.” I say, crossing my arms across my chest.
“Preston. Please go get my husband. I need to speak to him.”
“What do you want, Elizabeth?” Colton steps out behind me on the porch looking pissed.
I can’t say we weren’t expecting this, but I honestly didn’t think she would take the time to drive all the way up here. I thought she’d stay home in private and lick her wounds. Guess she is finally proving me wrong.
“Oh, Darling.” She reaches for Colton, “Please come down here and speak to me. It is time for you to come home.”
It’s funny how her tone completely changes when she’s trying to manipulate Colton into doing what she wants.
“Elizabeth, I am home. And that won’t be your home much longer. I am not coming with you. We are getting a divorce.” Colton says with finality.
Now it was Colton’s turn to shock me. He turns and walks back into the house, leaving Elizabeth stunned that he didn’t bend to her will. Not before telling me to get rid of her though, and that I will gladly oblige with.
“Elizabeth, you have two minutes to get back in your car and go home. If you choose to not do that I will call my buddy over at the sheriff’s office and he will gladly escort you out of this town.”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a grown woman throw an actual temper tantrum. But here it is, happening in my own driveway.
“You. You and that stupid girlfriend of yours, you did this!” She screams.
“One minute. Thirty seconds.”
“Preston West! You will let me in that house right now. I have a right to see my husband!” She starts stomping toward my deck.
“One minute.” I can see her face getting redder by the second. She is clenching her fists and stomping her feet to emphasize theright nowpart of her demand.
She crosses her arms and stomps her foot one last time.
“You go right on then. You call your buddy. I know you wouldn’t call the cops on your own sister.” She says smugly.
Pulling out my phone I inform her, “You see Elizabeth, that is where you are wrong. Colton is my brother. You are the bitch who tricked him into marrying you. Not to mention what you caused between Scarlett and I. I never liked you. So no, I have no loyalty to you.” I swipe my phone and open the call app.
She lets out a scream like a toddler who didn’t get their way. She screams some more obscenities at me and stomps her way back to her car. She gets in and tears out of the driveway.
Then she hits my mailbox. Backs right up into it and with the speed she is going, it rips out of the ground.
I cannot stop laughing. Whether it was on purpose or not the back of her car is wrecked. I can see it as she speeds down my dirt road. The broken mailbox is a small price to pay for getting to say what I have felt all these years.
“That was priceless.” For the first time in a couple weeks Colton actually has a smile on his face. “What did you say to make her leave like that?”
“I gave her two minutes or I was calling my buddy Brad at the police station. She called my bluff and I told her how I really felt about her while dialing the number.”
“Stop. That’s fucking amazing.” Colton is laughing so hard he is on the verge of tears.
Oh, I almost forget to tell him the best part, “My security cameras were running that whole time. So, if your lawyer wants it let me know.”
“That, brother, is why you’ll always be my favorite.” He slaps me on the shoulder.
I’m glad he isn’t feeling upset about this morning. He is stealing my jokes now though.
“Yeah, yeah. Just remember how great I am tomorrow as you’re building my addition in the heat and dealing with town hall.” I laugh and sit in the Adirondack chairs, enjoying the view I have here.
While Colton is waiting for some of the contracts to be signed and moving his business up to New Hampshire, he is going to start my addition. He needs the distraction, and I want my addition so I am not going to fight him. What kind of brother would I be?
“Scarlett is having a girls night with her sisters tonight. Want to go down to The Bar and have a few drinks?” I ask him.