Page 86 of Dirty Secrets
Someone touched me and I shoved them back, my heartbeat hammering as I blinked to try and focus. Raven was sprawled out on the floor, rubbing her head.
“Um, ouch,” she grumbled, and I scrambled off the bed to kneel beside her.
“Shit, I didn’t know it was you. You hit your head?” My fingers explored her scalp, and she winced as I found the tender spot. “I’m sorry. I?—”
“I know better than to startle any of you when you’re lost in your thoughts,” she said like it was no big deal. I’d hurt her, so of course it was a big deal.
“What did you hit your head on?”
She hesitated, not wanting to answer me, but she finally sighed. “Bedside table. I’m okay, I promise.”
“I could’ve cracked your head open,” I scowled, parting her hair to make sure she wasn’t bleeding.
“What triggered you this time?”
“You just surprised me.”
“I meant what triggered your flashbacks. You were having a freak-out,” she said softly, slowly reaching out to cup my cheek. “Talk to me.”
I got to my feet and pulled her up with me, moving us towards the bed to sit down.
“I kind of lost it at Isla, and then Reid said some nasty shit to me. He was basically saying his mom deserves help because she’s not like my mom,” I mumbled. “She took all of his money again.”
She took my hand, giving it a squeeze. “He brought up your mom?”
“Yeah. Sounds like he wants to give his mom a medal for not letting him get molested,” I said in a hollow voice, my thumb rubbing back and forth across the back of her hand. “He gave you shit for not paying for things?”
“I’m getting a job,” she said instantly, and I nodded.
“Figured you’d say that. We’ll find something for you.”
Her face lit up at my acceptance, which made me feel like an asshole. I hadn’t meant to control her, I just hadn’t wanted her to worry about things like money.
If she really wanted a job, I couldn’t stop her.
“You’ll help?”
“Yeah, baby. Where’s Reid and Zavier?” I asked, lifting our joined hands to kiss her knuckles.
“Talking in the kitchen, I think. I walked right past Reid,” she shrugged, making me feel bad when she ran a hand through her hair and winced as she touched the sore spot.
“Come here,” I murmured, lying down and tugging her with me, wrapping my arms around her. She curled into me, and I couldn’t help it when I dropped a lazy kiss on her lips.
At first, she pulled back and shot a worried glance at the door, but then I lightly grabbed her throat to bring her closer, whispering over her lips. “I don’t even care if he walks in right this second. Kiss me.”
I waited, not wanting to push her, and she finally leaned into me to give me what I wanted. I kept my hand around her throat, loving how she shuddered against me as I pulled her ever closer with my free arm and teased her lower lip with my tongue.
She opened for me, her body arching into mine as a soft moan left her, and I struggled not to tear her pants off and rail her.
When her hand brushed my tented pants, I groaned. “We’ve got to stop.”
She huffed, rolling onto her back to stare up at the ceiling. “I hate this. Maybe we should just tell him.”
“Okay. Let’s do it right now then,” I said as I went to stand, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.
“Wait. Maybe just one more day. Once it’s out, we’ll all be fighting about it for weeks,” she replied with a cringe.
“One more day and then we’ll tell him?” I asked to confirm, and she nodded. “Okay. I punched him for you, just so you know.”