Page 44 of Give Me Three
“Easy.Easy, Jax baby,” Zep soothed, coming around the couch. He wrapped me up in his arms and pulled me back to his chest. Eros settled over me, and they sandwiched me between them as Eros grabbed my shirt from the floor and began to clean Zeppelin’s cum off my face.
“You did so well,” Eros praised, pressing kisses to my now clean face. “So good. You were so perfect for us, Jax.”
I hummed, my eyes shutting, sleep tugging at me. “I need a nap,” I muttered.
“Shower first. Then a nap,” Zeppelin said. “Come on, baby. You’re going to be a sticky mess otherwise, and it’ll make you irritable when you wake up.”
I groaned before allowing Eros to pull me off the couch. He and Zep led me to our bathroom, where they got me into the shower, quickly bathed me since my limbs didn’t want to work properly to do it myself, and then led me to bed naked. I fell face first onto the mattress and promptly passed out, thoroughly sated and fucked out of all my energy.
Irubbed at the spot between my brows as I stared at the numbers in front of me. Only the glow of the lamp lit my living room, darkness having descended a couple of hours ago. Zeppelin and Eros had gone to their house this evening to give it a routine cleaning instead of coming directly over here like they normally did, and being without them this late into the evening waswrong.
I couldn’t focus on my work anymore. I wasn’t even interested in eating. How had I become so dependent on the two of them? So much so that a slight change in our routine like this was making me sort of spiral? It wasn’t like they weren’t coming over once they were done cleaning. Weneverspent a night apart.
But this shit still felt wrong. They were supposed to be here. We were supposed to have eaten dinner together and then cuddled on the couch.
Fuck adulthood. Fuck ithard.
I pushed back from my desk, disturbing Ash, who was curled up on the corner. She gave me a pissy meow before jumping down and heading to the couch. I scratched her head as I passed her on my way to the bedroom to get my phone off the charger, hoping that would make up for me frightening her. I’d put the phone there so I’d stop staring at it every two seconds in the hopes that one of them would text, “On the way”.
I was a mess without them—pure and fucking simple. And to think we hadn’t even been apart twenty-four hours. I’d literally seen them this morning before they left for work.
A notification from Eros was on my screen when I looked down at it, and I quickly snatched the device up, unplugging it from the charger before entering my passcode and reading his message.
Eros:How does a place like this get so fucking dusty? Miss you, baby.
A small smile tilted my lips, his words making me relax a little.
Jaxon:Dust is a pain in the ass. I miss you, too. Hurry back to me.
Zeppelin:We’re trying. Promise.
My smile widened before I set my phone on the mattress and headed to the bathroom, stripping off my clothes. Once I was beneath the spray of water, I made quick work of shampooing my hair, conditioning it, and bathing.
A headache was pushing at my temples from working and sitting in front of my computer screen for too long. I leaned my headback, letting the heat from the water seep into my pores, hoping it would ease the pain. I knew better than to work that long, but I’d needed a distraction. Zeppelin and Eros still had a house to take care of, even if they hadn’t technically lived in it for weeks now.
Why the fuck were they still “living” there?
I opened my eyes, staring at the tiled wall across from me. Why hadn’t I asked them to officially move in here yet? They could sell that house or even rent it out for extra money in their pockets each month to pay for their mortgage. They were here literally every single night. They had space in my closet and in my dresser. Why couldn’t we just make this permanent?
I stepped out of the shower just as Zeppelin and Eros walked into the bedroom, both of them looking tired and ready for a shower of their own.
“Hey—” Zep started, trailing his eyes over my wet, dripping body.
“You two should move in here,” I blurted, cutting him off. Eros blinked. Zep snapped his eyes up to mine and away from my dick. A blush stained my cheeks, and I reached up, rubbing my damp neck. “I mean, I?—”
“You want us to officially move in?” Eros asked, not letting me back pedal or stammer my way back out of this.
I nodded, swallowing thickly. Reaching over, I grabbed a towel off the shelf and wrapped it around my hips, feeling oddly vulnerable. I’d been naked with them more times than I could count—fuck, we even slept naked because Zeppelin didnotlikeclothes being between the three of us in bed—but I felt raw and splayed open after blurting that out like I had.
“Baby,” Zeppelin rasped, stepping forward. He gripped my chin, forcing our eyes to lock. His other hand came to rest on my hip. “Why do you look so freaked out?”
I licked my lips, shivering when his eyes tracked the movement. Eros moved up beside him, holding my waist, his other hand flattening over Zeppelin’s lower back. I gripped the edge of the bathroom counter, my fingers spasming. “I, uh, I just…” I pushed my other hand through my wet hair, slicking it back over my hair. “I fucking hated today, okay? And I thought if you two moved in here and either sold your house or rented it out, then I wouldn’t have to suffer a change in my routine with you guys.” I swallowed thickly. “I look forward to you two coming home every day, and today… sucked because you didn’t.”