Page 45 of Give Me Three
“Fuck, you’re so cute when you’re flustered,” Zeppelin teased, bringing my mouth to his for a hot kiss. I moaned, instantly submitting to him. It was fucking second nature. For so many years, I’d been the alpha. The one in charge. Penelope had kept me on the straight and narrow, but I’d still been the one to essentially wear the pants in our relationship.
With Zeppelin and Eros, I could justbe. There was no pressure riding on my shoulders. I could finally relax and breathe and just enjoy life.
Life withthem.
“We’ll move in,” Eros said, cupping my cheek when Zeppelin released me to turn my head to face him. He kissed me as well, a small smile tilting his lips. “We were just waiting for you to ask, baby.” He reached down and tugged my towel free, a devioussmirk playing on his lips, replacing his sweet smile. “Join us in the shower?”
I knew I’d just had one, but fuck, I wouldnotturn down an opportunity to spend every waking moment I could with them. I easily walked backward as Zeppelin and Eros led me back into the shower, and then, I was against the wall, hot water pounding over my skin as Zeppelin sank to his knees in front of me.
Igrunted and tugged at the tie Eros had insisted I wear because the restaurant he’d picked out for the three of us to go to wasthat kindof fucking restaurant. I was already annoyed, and we’d barely pulled out of the fucking driveway.
We were asking Jaxon to be ours for the rest of his life tonight. The ring was in my pocket—a simple silver band with the date we met him inscribed on the inside of the ring, which was Eros’s idea since he was such a sappy fucker. A sappy fucker I loved, but a sappy fucker nonetheless.
I’d have been perfectly happy asking Jaxon in the middle of a fucking McDonalds or even at home while the three of us were cuddled up on the couch, but Eros was insistent on giving Jaxon something beautiful to remember, reminding me that he’d been the one to ask his wife to marry him so he’d never experienced something like this. With us, he didn’t have to do these things himself. We would do it for him. We were his place to rest—his safe space.
Still, did we have to go to some fucking fancy ass restaurant that forced me to wear a goddamn monkey suit?
“Will you stop fucking with your tie?” Eros asked, turning in his seat to grab my arm and pull it down to my lap. “You’re acting like this is the end of the fucking world.”
Jaxon snorted from the backseat. I glanced at him through the rearview mirror. He was the perfect picture of relaxation in a white button-down and a fitted pair of slacks. A black tie looped around his neck. Every time I looked at him, I wanted to wrap that tie around my fist and pull his mouth to mine in a kiss hot enough to melt hardened wax.
I focused back on the road. “I just don’t understand why we couldn’t eat somewhere more laid back,” I griped.
Eros sighed. “Because Jaxon deserves nice things, Zep.”
Jaxon grunted but said nothing. I huffed but dropped the subject, not wanting to annoy Eros too much. I knew this would all be worth it tonight when our ring was on Jaxon’s finger and I could fill him up with my cock, fucking him as our fiancé, but right then, my irritation was too high. I was uncomfortable and out of my element, and I wasn’t coping all that well with it.
Dr. Clancy would be giving me some serious side eye if she could see me right now.
Eros turned on the radio, turning on Sleep Token.Rainfilled the car, and my shoulders dropped a bit, some of the tension leaving my muscles. I shot him a quick, thankful smile, and he just smiled back at me.
Eros was such a caretaker, and Ilovedit. He always knew what I needed without me ever having to say a word.
The rest of the ride to the restaurant was quiet. I passed the keys off to the valet in front of the fancy-ass restaurant before opening the back door, holding my hand out for Jaxon’s. He slid out of the SUV, his hand in mine, and gently squeezed my fingers in thanks. Eros pressed his hand to Jaxon’s back, and ignoring all the judgmental stares we were getting, he led us into the restaurant, giving his name to the hostess.
We were led to a small, circular, secluded table away from the other patrons. I pulled out Jaxon’s chair, pressing a kiss to his addictive mouth because I just couldn’t resist before he took his seat.
“Your server, Liliana, will be with you shortly,” the hostess told us, setting menus in front of us. The prices weren’t listed, which meant this was about to be pricey as fuck. Thankfully, we had extra money coming in from rent to cover this. Eros and I weren’t hurting for money by any means, but jeez, I still wasn’t the kind of person to spend an obscene amount of money for food that I could just cook at home if I really wanted fora lotcheaper.
“You’ve got that look on your face,” Jaxon said, sounding amused.
Looking up, I frowned at him. “What look?”
“The grumpy one.” He reached over and grabbed my hand. “If you really hate?—”
“No,” I blurted, not wanting him to give up on his fancy dinner just because I was a little uncomfortable. “You like having nice things like this every once in a while, and I like doing things that make you happy. I’m fine. I promise.” I squeezed his fingers. “Ignore me. Please.”
He hummed, amusement glimmering in his eyes. “You never say please.”
Eros snorted. “He does when he’s desperate to keep one of us happy.” I rolled my eyes at Eros, but he wasn’t wrong. There wasn’t much I wouldn’t do to make them happy. Eros and Jaxon meant the fucking world to me. Even Spencer, Logan, and Ezra had grown on me. Hell, Logan and I were practically best friends now, which drove Jaxon up the wall more often than not. Logan and I were a fucking hoot when we got together.
We chatted through dinner, talking about our days. Jaxon informed us he was up for a promotion and a raise. He would only have to look over accounts now if he got the promotion instead of working all the numbers, which he said he was definitely ready for. Hell, I wanted it for him and not just because he was my man and I wanted him to have everything he wanted. I wanted it for him because his workload was getting heavier and heavier. For the past week, I’d come home to find him asleep on the couch because a headache was bothering him.
Liliana, our server, placed our desserts in front of us. “Can I get you anything else?”