Page 52 of Coveting Catherine
“You do this to me, Kit Kat. Don't hide yourself from me or anyone. You're fucking perfect, just the way you are.”
Lifting her off him, he scooped her up and headed to the shower. He got rid of the condom, slid the plastic boot over her cast and another cover over her hand. He added towels to cover her burns. He’d change the dressings after they showered. She relaxed in his arms as the water warmed, and he helped her inside. She remained pliant under his care as he pulled her hair up in a bun on her head and soaped her from head to toe.
She shyly took the soap from him and washed his upper body. Tracing his arms and chest as if memorizing him. Her shyness and hesitancy disappeared as she explored and touched him. Finally, she let him connect with her physically, if only she’d find a path back to him.
Leo placed her on the bed, propped her foot, and covered her. He slid in on the opposite side and pulled her to his chest. She felt his warm breath in her ear as she snuggled against him. For the first time in a long while, she felt safe and content. Her eyes closed and she started to doze when she heard him whisper, “I love you, Kit Kat, till my dying breath, you’ll always be mine.”
She squeezed her eyes shut and remembered the night they rescued Kassie.
Catherine pushed her way through the bustling hallway. Despite being an absolute wreck, Chase convinced them to let him go back when they took her back for surgery. Joe consoled a distraught Maddie. Taco and Shadow stood by the surgery doors as if guarding them. Matthew lurked in the corridor away from everyone else. Where was Leo?
Saint emerged from around the corner.
“Hey, Miss Catherine. Why don't you come with me?” Saint took her arm, placing it around his elbow, and led her through the hallway.
“I can't find Leo. Is he okay?” Her anxiety rose with each passing minute she didn't see him.
“He's a bit on the grumpy side, but he'll be okay. I'm taking you back. Follow my lead,” Saint instructed.
A pretty blonde nurse sat at the desk in front of them. Saint gave a charming smile and winked at her. “I brought my friend's wife, Catherine Armstrong, to see him. Can you buzz us back?”
Catherine immediately glanced at Saint. Panic filled her. There was only one reason for Saint to lie to get her into a medical unit. Leo must be injured. Her heart pounded, and her hands began to shake.
Saint leaned down, “Calm down, Miss Catherine. He's fine, I promise. It's the only way I can get you back here. He doesn't want everyone fussing over him when Miss Kassie's situation remains dire.”
Catherine nodded and bit her lip as she allowed Saint to take her to a room at the end of the hall.
“Damn it, Doc, numb the area and cut it out. I need to stay alert,” Leo complained.
“Mr. Armstrong, I strongly encourage you to allow the surgery. I've already explained I can't pull it out. I need to make sure there aren't any fragments in there.” The exasperated doctor argued back.
“Now you know why I brought you back. He’s bound and determined to have his way. He's worried about Chase and Miss Kassie. We'll keep an eye out on them,” Saint explained.
Catherine went to the front of the stretcher, where Leo nestled his head in his arms. A thin, sterile covering hung around his waist, and a hospital gown lay on the floor.
Saint pulled a chair for her to sit, and he left the room. Catherine nodded to the doctor and held her hand out for the forms. She held up her finger, asking the doctor to give her a moment alone with his grumpy patient.
“Leo.” Catherine stroked his short hair until his glazed eyes met hers. “I see you ran into a little problem.”
The pain medication started working, yet he remained cognizant enough to scowl at her.
“Your friend shot me in the ass. She closed her eyes. Can you believe it? Closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. If Chase wasn't in absolute misery right now, I’d punch him in the nuts for being a lousy instructor when teaching her how to shoot.”
Catherine stifled her laugh as she soothingly rubbed his neck, calming the beast.
“Not everyone can be as perfect as you. Now, why don't you want to have surgery? It'll be quick, and you'll be fine in no time,” Catherine quietly asked.
“What if Chase needs me? My men are my responsibility. I don't leave them, not ever. You should’ve seen him, Kit Kat. He's torn up bad. We should've found her sooner. The things in that room…” his voice drifted off as he recalled the room.
“Don't. You and the team worked tirelessly to find Kassie. The guys ran leads nonstop. Kassie will be in surgery for hours, and Chase will be with her. There's nothing you can do. You might as well get the procedure. You won't be able to help anyone with a bullet in your ass.” A giggle escaped. Catherine covered her mouth with her hand. “I'm so sorry, Leo. Does it hurt?”
“It doesn't freaking tickle. Go ahead and laugh. I'm sure the guys are getting a good chuckle,” he grumbled.
“Sign the form for me, please.” Catherine handed the forms and a pen to him.
Leo scrawled his name angrily across the form and handed it back to her. She laid the chart on the counter and returned to caressing his head. The pain medication took effect, and his body relaxed.
“Stay with me. I've missed you. I'm so sorry about Olaf. He was my brother. I’d never let you down. I love you, Kit Kat. Till the day I die, you’ll always be mine.”