Page 53 of Coveting Catherine
Leo drifted off as the doctor came in and began to take him to surgery. Catherine sat stunned. At one time, those words meant the world to her. Ash vehemently told her how Leo caused the failed mission. Ash practically cackled with glee at telling her how fast Leo got over her by his conquests at Sharkey's.
As a nurse, Catherine knew medication made people say and do things they wouldn't normally do. She wondered if Leo's mutterings were from the meds or his heart.
Now she lay next to the man who held her heart and he whispered the same enduring words. This time she wondered if he talked in his sleep. If he still held feelings for her, would they change when he realized she was at fault for all their lost years apart? Sadness enveloped her as his arms tightened around her waist. She dared not tempt fate again. They already lost their second chance. How many more did she deserve? She let the tears fall as the answer filled her mind. None.
Leo stared at the calming waterfall and wondered if Kassie purposely knew what a pain in the ass her friend turned out to be, and he needed nature to help calm him.
Five weeks, and he wasn't any closer to discovering anything. Part of him feared Ash lied again and hoped to crush him by discovering Melody wasn't his. He visited Chase and Kassie’s and held his daughter, searching for any trace of himself in her. She resembled a miniature version of her mother, and he couldn't determine if any of his or Ash's traits existed within the little girl.
Catherine and Kassie barely talked. Chase dropped off Melody to see her mom. They played cards and games or popped popcorn and watched movies together. They felt like a family. He felt fulfilled for the first time. When she thought Leo didn't notice, Catherine stole glances in his direction. He wondered if she felt the same way.
Chase devised a plan to get the two women in their lives talking. Chase received a call from Saint saying Taco suffered an injury while training. Chase would call him, and both men planned to disappear, leaving Kassie to drive Melody over the mountain. Maddie, Carol, Joe, and Jake mysteriously didn't hear their phones ringing, leaving only Kassie with taxi service.
Leo's phone rang as Catherine appeared from his bedroom on her crutches. Her health progressed and she counted the last few weeks down to get her cast removed. If he didn't get her to talk to him soon, she’d return to Seattle.
“Leo,” he answered.
“Project PITA times two commencing,” Chase spoke into the phone.
“Oh really? How bad is it? Okay, I'll get Catherine situated and head over. Let the team know.” He disconnected his phone and placed it in the side holder of his jeans. “Sorry, Catherine, what can I get to help you get settled before I leave? It seems Taco injured his leg while training. I told him not to overdo it. He's insistent on getting it back into shape.”
“Oh no, poor Taco. I'm fine if you need to leave. Mom or Chase will be bringing Melody up, and we're watching a movie and maybe breaking out the cookie dough you made up and make shapes. Please send Taco my love.” She smiled at him as she got comfortable on the couch facing the waterfall with a book.
“Will do,” He grabbed his truck keys and strode out the door. Once he settled and drove to the facility, he opened the big garage door and waited for Chase to enter with his vehicle. The team stayed in the building, taking advantage of the free rent, bunks, hot tub, and pool.
Shadow scratched his jaw as he spoke in Saint's direction. “I bet fifty bucks, and you gotta streak in the snow across the parking lot.”
Saint's eyes narrowed. “I'll take that bet, and you gotta shave your head if I win, plus streak.”
Taco laughed. “You know Matthew will film it, and you'll never live it down.”
Both men dared the other to back down.
“What are we betting on?” Leo asked as he went to the kitchen and took out the steaks, he set to marinate the night before. “Shadow, you want to make a salad? Saint, get the potatoes going. Taco set the table.”
“Awww, see; Leo's already practicing his daddy voice,” Shadow commented.
Taco and Saint ‘awwwed’ together earning his team a big fat middle finger while Chase laughed.
“What was the bet?” Chase asked.
“Shadow bet Kassie figures it out before she makes it over. Chase, man, you need a bunk? Your wife set us up royally,” Taco playfully asked.
“Saint said both women figure it out, and you'll return home and have two pissed-off women because you meddled in their business.” Shadow started cutting up the vegetables.
“At this point, I might be willing to reserve a bunk for the night if it meant the women got this settled. Has anyone seen Samantha?” Chase inquired.
The team sobered. Whiskey refused to leave his cabin. Ash's revelations sent him into a downward spiral. It was one thing to remain a prisoner of your enemy, but discovering your friend betrayed you hurt more than Whiskey could handle. Chase and Claire worked daily with him, and neither were able to break the slump Whiskey fell into.
“Last I heard, Joe set up a meeting for her to meet with someone in the beauty industry. She's trying to get her products out there, and apparently, they plan to discuss the contract.” Taco pulled the plates from the cabinet and began setting the table. When no one said anything, Taco glanced around to find his friends staring at him. He smiled. “You hear these things when you get your haircut by the best in Serenity. Bryanna brought over those gooey caramel cookies, and we drank tea and chatted while I got my style.”
Saint shook his head. “I saw Bryanna today. Miya and I strolled down the main street, and she wanted a cookie. Miss Bryanna set her up, and I got a piece of pecan pie. Damn, she can bake. Bryanna didn’t mention anything to me.”
Shadow chuckled, “Yeah, sure, blame Nugget for your daily bakery run. Word on the street is Saint’s got goo goo eyes on one Miss Bryanna the baker.”
Saint's eyes narrowed. “I'm supporting small businesses. A man's gotta eat.”