Page 56 of Coveting Catherine
Catherine’s gaze fell on the butterknife, and she picked it up in her hand. She gripped it tightly as she caught her reflection in the metal. “I don’t understand,” she warily stated.
“You blamed Kassie for everything, yet she refused to say anything negative about you. She believed she broke some girl code about best friends. Did you know she risked pissing her own husband off to watch over you at the house across the street? I almost killed her. If that wasn't enough, she risked her life to keep you from running and ended up kidnapped with you because you refused to ask for help for yourself,” Leo raised his voice. Fear of losing her and Melody again ate at him.
Catherine slid her chair back and started to stand. “I didn't know she didn’t tell me?—"
“Of course, not. You don't give anyone a second chance. Hell, I should’ve learned by now.” He paced along the glass wall. “Chase tried forever to bring you back. You stopped breathing on us. Kassie refused to give up. She saved you, Catherine, and you refused to forgive her for keeping a promise. I tried to save your brother, and you can't even tell me you hated me too much to tell me Melody is my daughter.” His fist slammed down on the table in frustration. Making everything jump, including Catherine.
She gasped, and dead silence filled the room. Her eyes filled with tears. “I don't hate you. I never hated you, Leo,” she desperately pleaded.
Leo rubbed his hand across his neck as he stared angrily at Catherine. “Why didn't you tell me about my daughter? I gave you an opportunity at the beach to tell me, and you chose to let Ash raise my kid.”
“Who told you this?” Catherine cried as she shook her head. “I didn't choose anything. I made a mistake and couldn't face you. Ash threatened me,” Catherine attempted to explain. She felt numb at his declaration. Why did he think Melody was his? Even when she threw his ring at him, she never hated him. She hurt. He didn’t call, show up for the funeral, or attempt to reach out to her. And she still loved him.
“So, when you make a mistake, the rest of us should forgive you, but we don't get the same offered to us.” Leo shook his head.
“I never?—”
“Catherine, I think it's best if you leave. Make no mistake, I'm asking Doc to run a paternity test on Melody. I'll get a court order if you refuse. I've missed out on my daughter's life for too long and plan to make up for it. I want shared custody.” Leo grabbed his keys and loudly slammed the garage door shut.
Catherine sat stunned. She tried to calm the shaking of her body when he slammed his fist on the table. When he stood to leave the room, she gripped the pathetic knife as if it protected her from the dangerous SEAL. No wonder he didn’t think much of her.
Ash played another one of his twisted games from his grave. Leo fell for his lies. Melody couldn’t possibly be his. She received her period the week of Olaf’s funeral. They used protection, she and Ash didn’t. Hurt filled her. He obviously didn’t want her at his home anymore, and she refused to live in fear. Catherine slowly rose from her chair and hobbled to his room and began packing her clothes.
Once she packed everything, she took one last look at the home she loved, her heart clenched at how easily they fell into a routine as a family. She closed the door behind her. She received a glimpse of a future with Leo and regret filled her that their past always seemed to tear them apart.
“Come on, we’re having a sample lunch at Ty's and then stopping at Bryanna's for dessert choices for the opening. I’ll even split one of those chocolate fudgy creations with the strawberries at Ty’s. Don’t tell Bryanna,” Kassie persuaded Catherine.
“I'll be thrilled to get these casts off,” she groaned as she tried sticking a ruler through the opening.
“Chase consulted with your doctor. He can remove it in three weeks. He prefers Melody to visit Michael. He said it'll make things easier for Michael if Melody already knows him before she gets sick.”
“Wait. Melody has a pediatrician. I know he participates in some of the team stuff, and he helped Emma. What does he have to do with anything else?”
Kassie paused before frowning, “Welcome to co-parenting with Leo. Chase and I assumed he talked to you about having Michael as Melody's pediatrician. He's great with kids. Obviously, you've seen him in action with Emma.”
Catherine stopped. “We didn't discuss anything. We don't even know if Ash told the truth. I don’t understand why he consulted Michael.”
Kassie grinned. “He's practicing good parenting. Cut him some slack. I think Leo hopes Melody is his daughter.”
“Great, he’s happy to become Melody's father but hates her mom.”
“Come on, he doesn't hate you,” Kassie consoled Catherine. “Let's grab lunch.”
Thirty minutes later, Kassie held the door as Catherine hobbled into the restaurant. Ty greeted her with a smile as he seated her at the table closest to the entrance to keep her from having to maneuver around the tables. Kassie's phone rang, and she held up her hand to indicate she needed a minute to speak with whoever called. She turned to walk out the door.
Catherine picked up the menu Ty placed in front of her. It wasn't the regular menu but a list of items he made for the women to try to make decisions for the party.
Laughter caught her attention. A beautiful woman sipped her drink and smiled at the man beside her as she handed him a file. Catherine's gaze followed the woman to see what she laughed about. Leo sat with his back against the wall, relaxed and smiling down at the blonde. Her hair twisted into a knot at the back of her head, and whisps framed her face. Her makeup was applied perfectly, to show off her natural beauty. Leo seemed to appreciate every inch of her.
It didn't take him long to recover from feeling hurt by her not giving him a second chance. Catherine fumbled as she grabbed her crutches, desperately trying to flee before he noticed her.
Standing up, she grabbed her bag and exited the door. She didn't notice the stand with salt and pepper shakers. Her crutch caught the leg of the stand, and the tray toppled as she shot her hand out to capture it. One by one, the shakers slid to the edge, and Catherine's grip slipped, sending the tiny glass holders crashing to the spotless floor. Salt mixed with pepper, and she stared at it in dismay. One of the servers rushed to her side as she clumsily apologized. The woman assured her they’d handle it. Catherine couldn't breathe. Her chest felt heavy as tears gathered in her eyes. She clumsily opened the door as she balanced the crutches. Kassie's back faced her as she talked on the phone. She stood by the vehicle, and Catherine aimed her crutch in the same direction when the closing restaurant door caught the other crutch, knocking it from under her arm. Catherine stumbled. She rocked as she tried to brace her weight to the opposite side. Time seemed to slow as she wobbled and reached for the empty air before falling to the ground.
Kassie turned and disconnected the call as she ran toward her friend. Big hands cupped her cheeks as Leo's face appeared blocking her view of Kassie.
“Are you okay, Kit Kat?” He scanned her body.
“I'm…fine,” she hiccupped.