Page 57 of Coveting Catherine
“Obviously, you aren't,” Leo frowned. “Are you hurt?”
Catherine didn't reply as her head bobbed up and down. Yes, my heart hurts, and I don't know how to fix it because you were right.
“Is it your leg?” His mouth thinned as his hands ran down her opposite limbs to make sure she didn't injure herself further.
“I slipped, my crutch caught the door,” she explained.
“Let us help you,” a sweet, melodic voice came from behind Leo, and Catherine instantly knew it wasn't Kassie. The perfect angel of a woman stood watching Catherine with her friendly smile and the perfect shade of lipstick to compliment her fair skin. Catherine noticed her form-fitting pantsuit and the absence of jiggly bits. She felt color seep into her face as she imagined what she must resemble. Her messy bun moved to the side of her head, and half her hair fell out. She wore light pink sweats and a matching jacket. She wore no makeup because she hated trying to stand while putting it on and taking it off. She felt like a hot mess. The angelic woman offered Catherine her hand as her warm brown eyes offered sympathy.
She didn’t want sympathy from Leo or his date. Catherine's mouth firmed as her body went rigid.
Kassie broke through the couple and focused her gaze on Catherine's face. “Are you all right?” She quietly asked Catherine as she noticed the tears. Solidarity for her friend kicked in as Kassie focused on the couple. “We're fine, I can handle it from here. You can get back to your lunch. Catherine, I'm sorry I asked you to come quickly. Emma's at the nurse's office. She's sick. I'm afraid we need to cut our lunch sampling short.”
Kassie moved in front of Leo and handed Catherine one of her crutches as his date moved to the side. Kassie placed her arm under hers to heft her up when she felt Leo move Kassie aside. He leaned over, scooped Catherine in his arms, and headed toward Kassie's vehicle.
Kassie rushed to open the door while Catherine avoided his gaze. Her nose ran, and she sniffled. He leaned over her lap and handed her tissues awkwardly.
“Are you sure you’re, okay?” he quietly asked her. Kassie slid into the driver's side, started the vehicle, and put it in gear. Signaling Leo, she waited for him to shut the door.
He stepped back and softly closed the door. Catherine refused to peek at him as Kassie backed up and put the vehicle into drive. She glanced up to watch him hold the door open for his new friend.
Kassie pulled more tissues from the box.
“Don't read into it, Catherine. I know where you’re headed. Do you remember when I thought Claire dated Chase, and it ended up they celebrated her acceptance of the new position Chase offered her? I balled my eyes out all over Leo. You don't know who she is to him.”
Catherine shook her head. “Look at me, Kassie. I'm a walking chocolate bar. Did you see the curves on her? She's a man's dream.”
Kassie shook her head. “It depends on the man. We aren't one size fits all. You're beautiful, my friend. If you don't like your appearance, do something about it, but don't let a man dictate what size you wear. The way Leo stares at you, I’d be surprised if he even gave her a second glance. She's not his type.” Kassie nodded her head confidently as she made her declaration.
“How do you know?” Catherine blew her nose.
“I spent months with the man because of you. I've only seen him stare at one woman: You. Stay here while I go grab Emma.”
Catherine sniffed into the tissues and wiped her eyes. She leaned her head against the window and took out her phone. Catherine pulled up the clinic Ash made her visit for all her prenatal appointments. She thought it participated as one of the military medical groups, yet the more she pondered over her pregnancy, she never met any pregnant military wives, not that she tried very hard. Ash didn't allow her the luxury of friends.
Catherine pulled the phone calendar up and scrolled to the year and month of Melody's birth. She shook her head; her calculations and due date stayed on the mark for Melody to belong to Ash. Her agitation at the dead man leaving questions unanswered grew as she calculated the dates once more, desperately hoping she counted wrong. She didn’t want to hurt Leo any more than she already had.
Leo sat on the clinic table as Chase swabbed the inside of his cheek. “I researched Ash's blood type, yours, and Melody's. You and Ash carry the most popular, O positive. So, we'll turn this in and go from there.” Chase returned the swab to the container and wrote Leo’s name on the side.
“How long until we receive the results?” He stood and swiped the back of his neck.
“I should receive the results between two and ten days. I asked for a rush, it might be sooner. Have you attempted to talk to Catherine? My hospital opens officially on Wednesday. We're having a ribbon-cutting ceremony and dedicating it to my dad. Kassie has a party planned with the new staff. They’re moving into the dormitory Kassie finished over the weekend. Our first patients will start arriving on Thursday. Catherine already started orientation with the first group of nurses, and Kassie’s handling the second group. Elizabeth is a Godsend. The women work great together. I'm sure there'll be hiccups, but I'm confident we have a good start.” Chase lit up as he discussed his hospital.
“I'm happy for ya, man. You and Kassie worked hard on this. It’ll help a ton of people. Should Catherine be working? She fell the other day. She didn't speak, but I asked if her leg hurt, and she nodded.” Leo checked his phone. “Did they get their tests done?” His voice hardened momentarily, but Chase heard his friend's uncertainty.
Chase leaned against the counter filled with cotton balls, swabs, and gauze. “Catherine didn't hesitate and showed Melody how to do it. I didn't observe any hesitation in her figuring this out. As your friend, I want to ask you something.” Chase indicated the chair next to the examination table.
Leo sat down in the chair and sighed. His eyes focused on the tube which ultimately decided his life choices. He wanted Melody to know he intended to be a good dad. Someone she counted on to show up. His childhood sucked, and he held no intentions of allowing his child to feel like he didn't care.
“If Melody turns out as Ash's, would it change how you feel about her? Emma's not mine, and I’d lay my life down for Ladybug. She and her mama make up my entire life. Does it matter to you if she carries your blood?” Chase crossed his arms and waited for his friend to answer.
He shook his head and swiped the scruff along his jawline. “I fell in love with Ladybug and June Bug when Kassie hid on the mountain with you. I know Ladybug is yours, and I’d risk my life for both girls. But Melody represents a part of Catherine and a big part of my past. The day Ash announced Catherine's pregnancy, I'm not gonna lie. It killed me. Knowing she might be mine, a piece of me and Catherine… it feels right. I already love her. My feelings for her will never change.”
“What about her mother?” Chase pressed.
Leo let his head hit the wall behind him. “I don't know. It bothers me when I think of how she kept such a secret. Women keep track of these things. Why didn't she come to me? Why does she talk circles around me when it comes to him? He's dead. When Ash supposedly died, Melody was a baby. Catherine didn't contact me, and if she held even an inkling of doubt concerning Melody's paternity, why didn't she reach out?”