Page 62 of Loving Lizzy
Lizzy’s hand self-consciously went to her head as if she were replaying the events from the night before. He refused to allow her to second guess him.
“We’re going into the kitchen, eating breakfast, then we’ll gather ourselves,” he threw her own words at her.
Lizzy sighed. She allowed Michael to take her hand and seat her in the sunroom. The early spring sunshine burst through the glass, warming the room. Michael turned on the fireplace to knock out what little chill loomed.
“I can make eggs, avocado toast, yogurt with fruit and pancakes. What can you handle?” he asked confidently.
“I’ll take yogurt and fruit. Can I get a cup of peppermint tea? Things go down better if I drink it first,” she informed him as she took the blanket he offered and covered her lower half.
“I’ll start the kettle. Victoria and Ivan mentioned renting out the movie theatre for a children’s movie for the Serenity kids. They asked for grown-up supervision. Do you want to volunteer? We can sit back in concessions and help.”
Lizzy laughed. “You know you only offer because you love the movie theatre popcorn.”
He smiled. “My choices were helping clean up after the show, the concession stand, or sitting with Leo and answering pregnancy questions during the movie. The men say they’ve gotten their fill the last few weeks and it’s my turn to take one for the team. Ivan volunteered some men he’s punishing to clean up the theatre. The way I see it, I made the wiser choice.”
“I don’t know.” Her hand reached uncomfortably to her neck and her eyes cast downward toward the floor.
“Promise me, you’ll think about it? We’re in this together and it’ll do you good to leave the house a bit. We’ll wear masks and you can sit and watch while I give the kids sugar and send them home. The weather’s turning warmer and when you get a bit of energy, we can go for a small hike,” he told her.
“I will,” her voice sounded doubtful. Michael brought out the tea and went back to slice fruit for her yogurt. When he returned, she held the phone in her hand.
“If I can find the two women I met in chemo, can I invite them to attend? Barb doesn’t have a family and Diana’s husband left her when he learned of her diagnosis. She has two little ones.”
“I don’t see why not. Did they exchange phone numbers with you?”
Lizzy sipped her tea. “No. One of the nurses took a shine to Barb, and she might know how to reach her. I’m sure Diana and her talk, she might get a message to her.”
“I’ll check with the team; I doubt they’ll object.” Michael sat down next to her on the couch and sipped his coffee. “I’ll be back later this afternoon; did you want anything from the store?”
“Oh, I forgot about you working. I hope I didn’t make you late,” she worried.
“It’s one of the perks of the job. I’m allowed to make my own office hours. Chase, Kassie, and I will meet next week and discuss when I can start.”
“Start? You’ve worked for a few weeks now.” Lizzy peered at him.
Michael appeared uncomfortable, “I mean officially when I don’t work as many hours. I decided I want to slow down and enjoy our time together and try to get to know the guys better.”
“Chase’s hospital is smaller than what I’m used to working in Seattle. We’ve spent a few late nights working bugs out as the patient load increases. I don’t think I’ll be working as many hours either,” she sighed. “I miss work.”
Tipping his cup back, he finished his coffee and picked up her cup to refill her tea.
She finished her breakfast and gratefully sipped her second cup of tea. Her head felt weird with patches missing and she feared touching it, causing more to fall out.
The doorbell rang and Lizzy stood to answer it. When she walked into the hallway, Michael had already opened the door. All the women stood in the doorway with boxes and packages in their hands.
“What are you doing here?” she asked in dismay as the women took over her living room, dropping items on the floor. Bryanna brought a basket loaded with fresh donuts, muffins, cookies, brownies, and an apple pie.
Victoria clasped her hand and herded her toward the bedroom. “Didn’t you get the invite? We’re having a party today. Luv, these pajamas simply won’t do.”
She glanced helplessly back at Michael, witnessing him get pushed out the front door. Kassie held his coat while Catherine shoved a muffin in his mouth and his keys in his hand.
A half-hour later, Lizzy sat in her recliner in a pair of jeans and a pretty green cashmere sweater. Samantha approached her. “Your hair will continue to fall out. You might save a patch here or there, but for the most part, it’ll fall out. You can let it continue to come out on its own or we can shave it.”
She sucked her bottom lip as she scanned the room. Kassie sent her an encouraging smile. Catherine nodded positively. Bryanna gave her a chin jerk. Carol and Maddie smiled sympathetically. Victoria, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes, crossed her arms, and held her head high. Edie walked over to her and wrapped the prayer shawl around her shoulders.
“Let’s shave it,” she told the group.
Bryanna brought out a chair from the kitchen. Samantha reached into her bag and pulled out the electric razor. She draped a smock over Lizzy’s clothing and Kassie laid paper on the floor. Carol fetched the vacuum.