Page 63 of Loving Lizzy
“This seems a bit unorthodox, luv. We decided we all wanted to be there for you and your bathroom isn’t big enough for us to fit,” Victoria told her sympathetically.
She choked with laughter as tears pooled into her eyes. Samantha turned on the device. Lizzy’s eyes widened as each woman gathered around her, taking each other by the hand. Kassie held her hand and Edie grasped the other. Kassie’s melodic voice began singing “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten. The group joined her as backup. Samantha began shaving and Lizzy cried as she scanned their circle. They reminded her of a tribe of warriors surrounding her. It hit her like a ton of bricks. These ladies gave her the strength to fight. They held her up and no matter what happened, she belonged. Kassie passed her tissues to wipe her tears and blow her nose.
They quickly cleaned up the mess. Victoria popped open a bottle of wine despite the fact that it was ten o’clock in the morning, and Kassie, Catherine, and Lizzy shared a bottle of sparkling apple cider.
“Let’s get the party going,” Victoria announced.
The women began opening the packages surrounding them. Sealed wigs of different sizes lay in boxes and bags in a various assortment of colors.
Samantha measured her head. She called out the size and the women started sorting through the wigs.
“How did you get all these? It seems like such a waste. I hope you can get your money back.” Lizzy worried the women spent way too much money on her.
“Since we didn’t know your measurements, we purchased different sizes and what doesn’t fit will find a home with a local cancer support group,” Kassie explained.
Victoria held up a redheaded wig and a blonde one. “You need to pick what colors you want to keep. They say blondes have more fun. In my experience, I believe redheads can’t be beat.”
She giggled. “I always wanted long hair. Do you have one with long black hair?
Edie held two up in the air. “Do you want a straight one or a wig with waves?”
She inspected the two wigs and selected the long wavy one. Edie passed it to Samantha, who prepped Lizzy and put the wig on. She stepped back and smiled.
“If you pick a wig and don’t necessarily like the style or length, we can add bangs or whatever you like,” Samantha instructed.
Maddie and Carol gripped a large mirror. Lizzy stared at the image staring back at her. She touched the hair and marveled at how last night she felt her world had ended and woke up to discover herself surrounded by a tribe, no, surrounded by her tribe.
* * *
Michael pulledinto the team building parking lot. Leo set up Michael’s security code for the door and he pressed in the numbers. The door opened and he heard the men in the kitchen.
Chase sat on a stool with a cup of coffee in his hand. At hearing Michael’s approach, he held up the cup silently asking if Michael wanted any. He nodded and slid into a chair at the table. Chase moved over to join him. Saint stood at the stove scrambling eggs while Shadow poured juice and Leo read the paperwork in front of him.
“Matthew flew to Texas last night to check things out and see if he can tap into the security system at the Stanton estate. He wants to remove it all and start from scratch. Chase, I didn’t tell PITA. Matthew called this morning, he found tapes and recordings. I’ve instructed him to bring them back here to keep them secure.” By the tone in Leo’s voice and the way Chase stiffened, this didn’t seem like welcome news.
“Until we know what they contain, it’s best if we keep it from Kassie. She’s under enough stress right now.” Chase focused on Michael. “I take it since you’re here, the women arrived.”
Michael nodded, “Yeah.” He rested his elbows on the table and massaged his forehead.
Leo set the papers down. Saint set the bowl of eggs on the table as Taco laid out a platter of pancakes and bacon. Shadow took the seat beside him.
“How’s Lizzy?” Shadow draped an arm off the back of his chair and waited for him to respond.
Michael opened his mouth and snapped it shut. Chase placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s hard to keep a secret on the mountain. Once I notified Kassie, they have some phone tree system. It doesn’t help that Victoria’s men surround the mountain and move like a miniature army.”
“I heard a noise last night and I went to check on her. She wasn’t in bed. I ended up breaking down the bathroom door and finding her on the floor. Her hair started falling out. She’s upset about it. I hope the women can help her. I didn’t realize when I called you, I set off a community alert. By the way, your women can be downright mean. Kassie held out my coat while Catherine stuffed a muffin in my mouth, and they shoved me out the door.”
“Damn it, I told Catherine to put her feet up when she arrived. Her ankles seemed a bit swollen this morning.” His eyes narrowed as he thought about his wife. “Did Bryanna bring a pie over when she showed up?”
“Yeah, she brought an apple one,” Michael told him.
“Shit.” He pulled the phone out and furiously pressed the dial button. When it went to voice mail, he barked into the phone. “Catherine, I’m aware there’s an apple pie down there and I got the message from the doctor about your glucose test. It better stay intact and not slip into your mouth like the brownie did yesterday.” He shoved his phone into his pocket. “Catherine’s sugar in her urine test showed a bit high and she’s on a sweets kick.”
Shadow shoved a plate of eggs, pancakes, and bacon in front of Michael. “Eat, they’ll be awhile if they called in the troops. Where’s Whiskey? He asked about Lizzy too.”
Leo dug into his eggs. “He’s helping one of our brothers in arms.”
The team fell silent as they recalled the last few months with Ash and Whiskey. Whiskey continued therapy and the team took turns on call if Samantha felt he needed extra support.