Page 168 of Mafia And Maid
And I can see the fresh sheen of tears in her eyes as she nods, making Ethan relax, his small body crumbling a little on itself with relief.
I smile widely at them both.
And then she reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses me, right there in front of everyone. It’s long, lingering, and needy. And we don’t stop until a nasal voice interrupts us. “What in God’s name is the meaning of this, Rosa?” her mother hisses, marching up to us with Reagan on her heels.
Rosa lifts her chin up. “Ethan and I are going home now—with Camillo.”
Cyndie’s face turns practically purple.
“I hope you’re not serious, and this is your stupid idea of a joke,” Reagan snaps.
Rosa looks them in the eye. “Camillo has shown me more kindness and respect in the short time I’ve been with him than either of you have shown me in my entire lifetime.” Her voice is quiet yet firm. “I’m not saying this to hurt you. Because it hurts me even more to say this—to have to admit aloud that you haven’t seen me as being worthy of your love and kindness.”
“What would a barbarian like him know about kindness?” Cyndie splutters.
“He knows a lot. He’s brought Ethan out of his shell, he’s brought me out of my constant state of fear, and he doesn’t disapprove or criticizeat every turn.He makes me feel that I’m good enough. Like I matter.Like I’m not invisible.”
"You’re being utterly ridiculous.”
“No, I’m not.” I can tell that Rosa can hardly believe that she’s actually saying all this to her family. And as I listen to her words, I’m so fucking proud of her. “I want to be with people who’ll support me, stand up for me, love me. I want to be around people who’ll build me up rather than tear me down. Criticism and disapproving comments from strangers is bad enough, but from my own family—from the people who are supposed to love me despite anything—it cuts me to the core and makes me want to cry out from the pain of it. You’ve always made me feel like I’m not good enough. But I’m telling you right now that I am. I’m good enough. I’m not the problem. The problem is your shallows standards and your constant obsession over appearance and reputation.”
“We’ve done everything for you,” Cyndie spits.
"Everything for me? You’ve ignored me, belittled me, and made me feel like nothing. You never supported me when things became horrendous and dangerous with Grayden. Every time I’ve needed you, you’ve made me feel like a burden."
Reagan rolls her beady eyes. "Stop being so dramatic.”
Rosa takes a deep breath. “I’m not being dramatic. I’m communicating my feelings and hurt to you. I’ve tried to be a good daughter and a loyal sister, but it’s time for me to let go and move on with my life. It’s time for me to put myself first for once—and put my son first. He deserves that.I deserve that.”
Rosa starts to walk away.
“You stupid girl, Rosa. You can’t—”
But before Cyndie can speak any further, I have to say something to this awful woman. “Nobody puts Rosa or my boy in the corner—ever,” I growl in a low, dangerous voice.
Cyndie’s mouth opens and closes like a goldfish while Reagan can only stare wide-eyed at me.
And without another word, I scoop Ethan into my arms and lace Rosa’s fingers with mine, leading them to my car—and taking them home with me.
“C’mon, let’s go play.” Ethan tugs my hand and Rosa’s as soon as we arrive back at the Marchiano estate.
“Actually, buddy, can I talk with your mom for a bit? Why don’t you head into the playroom and find us a game to play for after?”
His little arms cross over his chest, and for a blink of an eye, I see my posture and expression mirrored at me. “Okay, Uncle Millo. But not too long.”
Once he’s out of earshot, I rise and meet Rosa’s eyes. “I owe you an apology. A big one.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do.” I lick my lips. “How I acted at the funeral, and what I did there. And in front of Ethan.” I can’t look her in the eye as a reminder of her horrified expression fills my mind. “I fucked up. Big time.”
“Please, let me finish, Rosa.” I’m almost begging her. I’m tempted to drop to my knees and plead with her just to make sure that she really does stay for good.