Page 41 of Avenging Laura
“A thirsty ass whore,” Laura explained to her grandmother.
“Well, give her some water and she won’t be so thirsty.” Jeannette just shrugged as she stood up, staring at everyone in confusion when the room burst into laughter.
“Wrong kind of thirsty, Grams. The best way to explain it is Mom and Maria. They use their looks and actions to screw a man for his money and station in life,” Dominick further explained to his grandmother.
“Ah. Well, they need water too with all that hoeing that they do.” Jeannette shrugged as she nodded at Cliff.
“That’s it. I’m adopting your grandmother as mine! Fight me!” Brody said as he walked into the room with Viper behind him.
“Oh, who is this tall drink of sexy water?” Jeannette smiled sweetly at Viper as she looked him up and down.
“My name is Dean, but you can call me Viper. I’m Cheryl’s husband.” Dean “Viper” McKnight shook Jeannette’s hand with a big smile.
“If I was fifty years younger, I’d be a thot too if I had these men walking around in my eyesight. Lucky for you ladies I’m too damn old, so I’m living life through you. You ladies need any advice, and I meananyadvice, let me know. Although I think the Saran wrap and Wesson oil might be messy, there’s still plenty of other ideas.” Jeannette winked at Viper who blushed a bright red before walking over to Diesel.
Highlander spent the week doing normal things. He went to work, came home to Laura. Fixed dinner with her. Spent a few hours each night video chatting with the kids and Laura and then the rest of the night reacquainting himself with his wife’s body.
They couldn’t get enough of each other. They spent the time they weren’t actively fucking, talking. They talked about new dreams, new goals, and their days at work. It was like being newlyweds again.
If they didn’t cook at home, they went out. They picked up the kids a few times, taking them out to dinner before taking them back to Jeannette’s and then going home.
So far, no one has seen anything of Cyrus or Kathy. Come Thursday, they were accepting the fact that they would have to use Winters in Cody’s game. Highlander and Laura were waiting until the last minute to explain everything to Cody in hopes one or the other would show their face.
Thursday afternoon, they had their wish. Kathy was spotted in downtown San Diego having a late lunch with an old friend that Dominick and Laura knew was not one of the good guys. They had a strong suspicion for a while that this person wasa part of their father’s world when it came to the human trafficking side of it. Now, they were pretty sure of it.
The call was made to have Bravo Squad go in and make the arrest. They were told the charges were kidnapping, aiding and abetting known felons, and aiding and abetting in human trafficking. As expected, the two parties screamed, ranted, and made threats that only had the arresting officers laughing as they made the arrests and escorted Kathy and her lunch partner out of the building.
When they had arrived back at the HQ, Laura and Highlander were waiting along with Dominick and Jeannette. The kids had been moved to HQ once word had gotten back to them that there was a ploy to have Jeannette’s home raided and the kids kidnapped, and Jeannette taken out.
Protection had also been put on Jeannette’s other two children when it got back that Kathy was looking to hire a hitman to take them out so she could rightfully claim her inheritance without them having any way to fight it. She was planning to take out the entire family all together.
“They are both here. What do you want us to do with them?” Phoenix Duong asked as she and Savannah “Peaches” Whalers walked into the room the team was assembled at.
“Put the friend in holding. Put Kathy in interrogation. Red, are you sure you’re up for this?”
“Yes. Dominick and Shane are going in with me. We both feel it’s time to confront her. We’re missing something and until we figure out what we’re missing, we’re never going to find David, Maria, Cyrus, or any of the others my stepfather spawned.” Laura looked toward the door as the two mentioned walked in, both looking ready for battle.
“I’ll be watching from the other side with the others. You need a break, take one,” Captain Irby ordered Laura.
“Got it!”
Laura looked over at her brother and sister and nodded. She studied Shane for a few moments.
“You know you don’t have to do this. You can watch with the others,” Laura offered, giving her a way out.
“No. She may know what happened with my mother….” Shane stopped and looked between Laura and Dominick. “Laura, when you were in the hospital and the bloodwork came back, it said you and I were a familiar match…”
“David isn’t my father…”Laura trailed off as a thought hit her.
Laura gasped and whirled around to see the woman sitting in the room glaring at the glass. She turned to look at Dominick who looked between the two just as confused.
“Holy shit! It’s making sense now,” Dominick said quietly. “All those times Mom seemed to have gained weight then would disappear for a couple of days and then come back suddenly smaller. She said she went to a fat farm.”
“What if she was getting knocked up, then having the kids and selling them to the highest bidder. Like she did Shane.” Laura looked between Dominick and Shane.
“Would make sense. Let’s go deal with her,” Dominick growled now that the theory they had suggested made more sense.