Page 42 of Avenging Laura
All three bodies walked into the interrogation room, dark expressions on their faces as they filed in, one by one. Dominick and Shane stood in the back behind Laura, who sat in the chair facing Kathy, showing a united front.
“What is the meaning of this? I will have all of your badges. I don’t give a shit if I gave birth to you ungrateful wastes of spaces,” Kathy spewed her hate at Laura.
“Actually, incubator, you gave birth to all three of us. I’m curious how many others you incubated. We know David fucked around with other women while married to you. I learnedcoming out of a coma that you fucked General McCoy while married to David and had me. Curious though, why did you give Shane and the others up, you know the ones you gave birth to but told me and Dominick you were at a fat farm, yet you kept me? Dominick, I can understand. He was David’s and the one that David hoped would join his empire. But you kept me. Why?”
“You will address me with respect. I am your mother…” Kathy smacked her hand down on the table.
“Nah. A mother cherishes her child. Loves her child. Protects her children. You did none of those. You were the incubator that carried me then gave birth to me. You allowed David and the others to treat me horribly. You’re no mother. I will not treat you as one,” Laura fired back, glaring at Kathy. “Now, answer the question. Why did you do what you did? Why keep me?”
“Because of your grandmother. She found out I was pregnant thanks to that bitch she birthed that calls me sister. She happened to be at the doctor’s the same time I was and found out about the pregnancy. Because of that, you got lucky. David was furious when he found out that we couldn’t sell you, especially since we had a buyer already lined up for you.” Kathy smirked at Laura before looking back at Dominick and locking eyes on Shane.
“You remember Shane? Well, to be fair, last time you saw her she was a newborn. Yeah, she was rescued several years ago from one of your buyers in the human trafficking world. We found each other. She’s thriving, no thanks to you. Happily married to a damn good man and was taken in by some amazing people who have shown her what a real family truly is.”
“Congrats, you want a cookie? What the fuck does that have to do with you embarrassing the hell out of me at my luncheon?” Kathy seethed, ignoring the others and glaring at Laura.
“You mean the fact you were told to stay in your home, not go anywhere, if you did you were to notify the department of any and all trips. You disappeared over into Bishop County. Plus, you’ve been spotted with Deanna Placid, Cyrus’s mother. Youknow, the son of David, the man who kidnapped me, tortured me for several days and raped me before leaving me for dead?”
“Please. That man wouldn’t stick his dick in you if they paid him to. He has standards for who he fucks. You’re not it.” Kathy laughed at Laura’s statements.
“He was ordered to by both David and Maria. You see, Cyrus was getting pissed because he wasn’t breaking me with his torture. I do have to thank you and David for that training over the years. He brings in his daddy and follows David’s orders to the T.” Laura glared at Kathy, as she leaned back in her seat.
“Who cares?” Kathy fired back rolling her eyes.
“Oh, I’m not done. See, I know you’ve been around Cyrus. I’m assuming he’s alive since he’s been spotted recently. But I know I hit him when I fired my shots at him. I’m assuming I got him good, too. I know you know what happened to me. You gave the others barely just enough to do what needed but not how to find me. You were hoping they didn’t find me in time. You knew that Cyrus was going to kill me.”
“Yes! Yes, I did! I wanted him to kill you! You were an embarrassment to me. We had planned to still give you to the buyer and file a missing person report once you were well and gone since the buyer lived in another country. But when they found out you were damaged goods because of your fucking hearing, they wanted nothing to do with you. You were useless to us!” Kathy screamed at Laura, slamming her hand onto the table and leaning forward to get into her face.
“I lost my fucking hearing because you refused to take care of me when I had a high fever as a baby, you useless bitch! You rarely had anything to do with me. You didn’t care if I lived or died. If it hadn’t been for Dominick, I probably would have! He was the one who took care of me when I was sick! He was five fucking years old and took care of me because you wouldn’t!” Laura yelled back at Kathy.
“I never wanted you!” Kathy screamed at Laura.
“That was evident in the way you treated her. Why not give her to Grams when your so-called deal fell through?” Dominick seethed at Kathy from behind Laura.
“Because she wanted her. She wanted the crippled more than she wanted me. I wasn’t going to let that bitch have a better life than I was forced into!” Kathy glared at Dominick as she pointed at Laura.
“You forced yourself into that marriage, Kathy. You knew he was set to marry Deanna. You were the one who drugged his drink, had sex with him and got knocked up with me. You were the one who made sure everyone knew that you and David had sex and that you were pregnant by him. You were the one who told David that Grams and Grandpa could pay him a dowery. You knew they had money. You just didn’t know how much,” Dominick listed everything he knew about Kathy.
“Not only that, but you were also the one who suggested the amount. You knew that David needed five hundred thousand big ones to buy into the business to play with the big dogs. You told him to request that amount. You were hoping that by telling him that he would ask for more than that, so you had playing money of your own. Only that didn’t work,” Laura concluded when a thought hit her.
“Bravo!” Kathy clapped as she sat back and smirked at Laura. “Maybe the cripple isn’t so stupid after all.”
“First of all, I’m not a cripple. I’m deaf! As a deaf person, I’ve had more success than you ever will. Not only does Grams love me and cheer me on. So does my brother, my sister, myhusband,my kids, my team. People I call family. People who have shown me that you are nothing. A nobody. How many others did you have? How many others did David sire?” Laura smirked at Kathy while delivering her statements.
“Enough. You won’t save them all. You’ll never find all of our assets. We have more than you’ll ever have or find.” Kathy sneered at Laura as she leaned forward into her seat.
“Who is my father?” Shane demanded, speaking for the first time.
“Mmm. A very delicious man, I must say. He was fun in the sack. Very virile.” Kathy chuckled as she looked Shane up and down. “I have to say you do favor him. Sad he was killed in Afghanistan by an IED. He really knew how to use his…”
“Enough, Kathy. Your theatrics are boring. Give her the name and she can find him herself!” Dominick growled, standing in front of Shane.
Laura studied Kathy for several minutes as she spewed her story to Shane. She knew her grandmother had to be hating herself listening to this vile shit coming out of this woman’s mouth. She wondered why this woman hated people so much.
“How many Kathy? How many children did you incubate and give away to the human trafficking rings you and David created?” Laura yelled, smacking the table to get Kathy’s attention back on her.