Page 24 of Burning Truths
I almost laugh at the fucker for being pussy whipped, but here I am tearing all of Del Mar to the ground for my own.
Halfway turning to face him, Oakley gives him a sinister grin, “Wanna come cause some chaos and havoc with me?” batting her eyes she lets his name fall from her mouth softer than the others.
Sighing he stands and pulls her to him but I spin away before I see anything else. Jealousy and hate flood my veins in a deadly mix. Storming to the door I yank it open to let it slam into the wall.
“I’ll be in the car.” I spit.
It’s not their fault. I know that and they understand my rage. It’s something we don’t talk about yet it’s an understanding. They are only here to help find Kenna and then they’re headed back to Seattle where they belong. Running their family while I’m left here picking up the pieces our fathers left us to clean up. The parking lot is empty of people wandering around giving me a few seconds to myself so I light up and inhale a deep pull of nothing but nicotine. The taste of her has faded from my mouth, my thoughts screaming to find it, drink it, and never let it go again.
Fuck, when’s the last time I touched her skin? Felt her lips on mine? Forced a scream from her throat while she burned for me? With me. Because I always felt everything. Come on, Killer. Come back to me.
Footsteps approach me from behind but when I turn it’s not the two I expect. Instead it’s Ally. Her eyes are red rimmed and swollen. Faded purple hair a mess. Shit, this girl looks like hell. Shaking off the sympathy I face her full on giving her a snarl.
“Hear me out.” she says, her voice raw.
Holding up her hands she continues towards me. This girl is poking a fucking bear by coming to me alone because the only thing keeping me from slitting her throat is West. He’s saved her even when she hasn’t earned it but he has his reasons and I have mine.
Jerking my head, I urge her to continue.
“Use me.” she says.
My brows dip in confusion. “What makes you think someone would trade a rat for a Kingston?”
Shaking her head she rolls her shoulders, “No, I know that. I’m nothing like Kenna.”
“You’re damn right. You’ll never be her and you better learn that fast, rat.” I snap.
Licking her lips, a nervous tick, she opens her mouth to speak when Oakley and Havoc walk up behind her holding hands like fucking highschoolers.
“She means to use her to get information from her father.” Oakley says.
Her words like a knife aimed at Ally but Havoc keeps his hand in hers holding her in place. Knowing that I’m not the only one that wants to tear her apart makes me smile.
Ally looks over her shoulder then back at me, “I’ll get him to talk to me. Just take me to him and I’ll help find Kenna.” shelooks away, her hand coming up to whip at a falling tear, “She’s my best friend.” her voice cracks.
“A best friend you betrayed.” I spit.
Her shoulders shrug, “We all have our own sins to answer for so I’d remember that. Don’t forget who marked her the deepest.” she quips.
Turning back to me I can see the decisions made in her mind.
“You’d give up your own flesh and blood?” I question.
This girl knows no loyalty.
“He gave me away to the Stone family a long time ago. It’s time I do the same.” Ally’s eyes harden.
Well, fuck. The little rat has a backbone after all.
“I’m not one to pass up a chance to take down a snake in the foundation. Let’s go, but you’re riding with me.” I point to Ally.
Oakley winks at Havoc, “I’m driving.” she says, running towards his midnight blue and chrome bike.
Tossing his head back with a groan, “Blue!” he yells chasing after her.
Climbing into the driver’s seat I wait for Ally to close the door. The ride is filled with a cold chill that still sits at the base of my spin when the iron gates stare back at me from the front of our campus. Ally fidgets in the passenger's seat, her fingers digging under her nails, knee shaking the closer we come to the parking lot.
“Where is everyone?” she whispers.