Page 25 of Burning Truths
I almost laugh at the way she speaks low, as if someone might hear her and come out from the shadows.
Squeezing the steering wheel I keep my head forward watching the gate swing open far too fucking slow. “Didn’t you hear? The professor was found dead. Classes are canceled for the month.”
I fight a prideful smile when the memory of Kenna putting a bullet in his head plays back in my head. My girl’s a fucking savage.
Turning to the left heading to the dorms I park outside the first building I see.
“Where is he?” she wonders.
If it’s a question I don’t answer, instead I open the door and give her one last look.
“Betray us again and they’ll find your body in chunks.”
My words are void of any emotion and so is my chest. Stepping from the car I hear the sound of a bike come rolling up with a blue haired demon skidding across the pavement with a wide smile. Street lights shine from the chrome of Havoc's bike but it’s the one in control that looks like she owns the world. Oakley is a rare woman that sends a shrivel of fear down the back of my neck.
Tossing her leg over the machine between her thighs she jumps onto the curb to hop over to where Ally and I stand. Far too enthusiastic to shed blood. The sun set almost an hour ago leaving a new night sky lit with different shades of blue complimenting her hair. Her excitement radiates from her. Havoc storms up behind Oakley, pulling her back into his front. He drops his mouth to her ear. I don’t stick around to hear what he says.
Ally’s footsteps follow close behind shooting off question after question, but I don’t give her a response. My thoughts on the man in the building ahead. Cutting through the courtyard I turn around the side to slip into the ally between two dorms. Ally’s legs struggle to keep up with my long strides, but I keep pushing forward. Coming up to the door hidden inside a concave in the brick my hand grasps the doorknob. Looking over my shoulder to see three sets of eyes on me I shove the door open to the grounds janitor storage room. The same room I had Kennaon her knees in and I can’t help the images that pop into my head with the reminder.
Oakley claps her hands with a grin, “Let’s do this.”
Havoc looks at her like she’s the moon and stars causing my mouth to fill with acid while Ally looks like she might get sick. At least she’s just as uncomfortable as I am.
“Don’t fuck this up for us.” I say through clenched teeth.
Oakley moves around Havoc to step into Ally’s face, “I’d say I’m sorry about this, but then,” she shrugs, “I’d be lying.” with that she slams her fist into Ally’s face.
The force of her hit jars Ally’s head into the brick wall making her lose her footing. Reaching out to grip her forearm I steady her feet. Ally looks up, blood dripping from a cut caused by Oakley’s knuckle, looking shocked.
“You think he’d expect you to be untouched after we found out what you did? Who you are?” I say.
I can feel the smile on Oakleys face without turning my head to see her. Rolling my eyes I tug Ally closer. So close our noses press together, “I only plan to take one life today so make sure it’s not yours.” I growl through gritted teeth.
Shoving her inside and slamming the door I spin to lean against the cold metal. Havoc tugs Oakley into him and smirks.
“Let’s go for a ride, Blue.” he winks.
She looks from the door back to her guy before clicking her tongue, “You want to drive don’t you baby.” she rasps.
Havoc moves back and pulls her with him, “I’d ride bitch for you any day, Blue.” he kisses her temple, “But I plan to drive a whole different type of machine.”
It takes far too much effort to keep my hands at my side instead of swinging at the bastard. Being around these two is far too fucking hard.
Dragging her away with a dark look on his face she follows behind him without a fight. Left to my own thoughts I let themroam back to my little killer. My head thumps against the door over and over until my eyes start to grow heavy while the sky grows darker. Stars start to shine through in patterns and swirls. I try to find her in the sky but I know she’s not up there. She’s in the lilies where I ache to go.
Thirty minutes later Havoc and Oakley come walking back up with a little more bounce in their step. I can’t help the low laugh that slips through, but it’s not enough to hide the aggravation shining through.
“Ready to party?” Oakley chimes.
“Is she always this thrilled to spill blood?” I ask Havoc.
His eyes trail her body before looking at me, “She’s one of a kind my man.”
Oakley hip checks me out of the way to bust through the door.
“Alright mother fuckers.” she shouts into the small space.
My hand slides down the right side of the wall to find the light switch casting a bright orange glow in the room. Ally sits on the floor with her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Addington stands in the corner, cuts and bruises covering his skin, with a vile grimace on his face.