Page 29 of Joey's Trick
Joey gently embraced Trick, running a hand over Trick’s shoulders, careful to avoid the slice across his back. He took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to admit would leave him wide open to having his heart ripped out again. “Because I… I still love you, Trick.”
Anxiety dug hard into Joey’s chest and belly. He held his breath as he waited for Trick to process his words. Trick yanked backward, staring at him wide eyed, his lips parted in shock. “How?” Trick asked.
Shrugging, Joey glanced away from Trick. “Doesn’t the phrase go, ‘it’s a thin line between love and hate’? I kind of shocked myself when I realized it last night.” He looked back at Trick. “I never stopped loving you, but my mind channeled the feelings into what I took for hate because I didn’t know how to process still being in love with you. Especially believing you didn’t want me.”
Trick leaned his forehead on Joey’s shoulder, a shudder wracking his large frame. “Jesus, Joey.”
Joey frowned. “Is that a bad Jesus?”
A wet chuckle issued from Trick. “No, baby. Not at all. I’m just grateful you’re giving me a second chance.” He raised his head and snared him in the slightly damp, dark sapphires Joey loved so much. “I may not know if I love you yet, Joey, but I want a chance to find out. If you’re serious about still wanting me.”
“More than anything.”
Trick captured Joey’s lips in a soft kiss, no heat, just emotion behind it. When they broke apart, Joey caressed Trick’s firm cheek with his thumb, his palm resting on the curve of Trick’s jaw. “Let’s get you inside and get you checked out.”
They exited the vehicle and after an hour in the waiting room, a nurse finally took Trick back to be examined. The doctor ordered a couple of tests just to make sure there were no problems besides the slice on Trick’s back. They applied new bandages, prescribed some antibiotics, and sent them on their way.
“Let’s go back to my place,” Trick said tiredly.
Joey cursed Vince for what he’d done and himself for getting involved with the little fucker. He drove again with Trick dozing in the passenger seat on the short ride to Walgreens to pick up the prescription and then on to Trick’s apartment. He wouldn’t be leaving that day. Leaving Trick after he’d been hurt because of him didn’t sit well with Joey.
After getting Trick settled in his bedroom, Joey shot off a quick text to his boss, letting him know he’d be returning a day late because of a family emergency. Trick had already passed out by the time Joey stripped down to his boxer briefs and curled up beside him. Thankfully Vince hadn’t hit Trick in the head or he may have seriously or fatally injured Trick. Joey’s heart ached at the thought of Trick dying. He curled around Trick, pressing his face against the back of Trick’s head and breathing in the scent of Trick’s shampoo.
He drifted in and out of sleep, never releasing Trick. The shadows grew long across the wall as the day floated by and eventually, Trick stirred, causing Joey to waken. “Hey,” Joey murmured, his voice deep and husky from sleep. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” Trick said. He turned to face Joey, placing his palm on Joey’s chest. “Don’t you have to leave?”
Joey shook his head, yawning. “I texted my boss. I’m staying until tomorrow.”
Trick frowned. “Are you going to get into trouble?”
Snorting, Joey gave Trick a droll look. “I’m like their star agent right now. Plus, I told them it was a family emergency.”
Humming, Trick burrowed into Joey, sliding his arm around Joey’s waist. Joey ran his fingers through Trick’s dark chocolate locks, enjoying the silky feel sliding over his skin. “That feels nice,” Trick said, eyes closed.
Joey continued playing with Trick’s hair, memorizing the feel of Trick’s warmth beside him. He knew he had to go back home, but he hadn’t guessed just how hard it would be for him to find the desire to leave. Not now. He couldn’t help the huffing laugh he made and Trick looked up at him, questioning the sound. Smiling, Joey said, “I’ve done a complete one-eighty.”
“On the way down, I couldn’t wait to go back home. Hell, I wanted to do a U-turn in the middle of the turnpike and go back before I’d even gotten here. Now… I can’t stand the idea of leaving.”
Understanding dawned on Trick’s face, and his features softened. “But there’s always the weekends and phone and texts. Like we talked about.”
“Not the same as getting to touch you,” Joey said. “It can’t compare to the feel of your body on mine”—he tugged Trick closer—“the smell of your skin”—he ran his nose along Trick’s bare shoulder—“and the taste of your lips”—he brushed his lips over Trick’s.
Trick moaned and deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue inside Joey’s mouth. Soft, wet muscle slid over soft, wet muscle. Joey sucked gently on Trick’s appendage, reaching down to gripTrick’s hip and pull him tighter to him, their rapidly hardening cocks aligning. “Joey,” Trick groaned.
Rolling his pelvis, Joey rutted against Trick, pleasure tingles racing through him. He reached between them to free both of their shafts, gripped them in a firm hold, and stroked them together. “Can’t get enough of you,” Joey said, his voice a low growl.
“Don’t stop touching me,” Trick said, undulating his body.
Joey reached over Trick to grab the bottle of lube on the nightstand. He popped the top open and spilled some over their cocks before closing the bottle and tossing it aside. Tightening his grip, Joey jerked them faster, desperate to feel the hard throbbing of Trick’s dick as he shot his load. Trick caressed him everywhere he could reach, his calloused palms smoothing over Joey’s skin and sending fine shivers through Joey.
Their ragged breathing sounded harsh in the apartment’s quiet. Sweat quickly built on their skin despite the air conditioning. Sheets rustled from the frantic movements Joey made to get them both off. Joey could feel Trick’s cock grow harder, thicker, getting closer to the edge. “Cum for me,” Joey demanded.
Trick released a keening cry as he climaxed, his shaft twitching in Joey’s palm as hot spurts of semen pulsed between them. The warmth, the erotic noises from Trick, and the scent of Trick’s seed sent Joey headlong into his own orgasm. He shouted his pleasure to the room as his balls emptied all over him and Trick. Joey collapsed, releasing their shafts and panted, his spunk covered hand resting on his stomach. “Fuck.”
“Yeah,” Trick murmured, pressing close to Joey and laying his head on Joey’s shoulder. “I think my SunPass will be getting a work out really soon.”