Page 30 of Joey's Trick
Joey chuckled. “Yours and mine both.”
“Did you call your parents?”
“Way to kill the mood,” Joey groused. “Don’t talk about my parents right after we both busted a nut, babe.”
Trick grinned tiredly. “I figured they may be a little worried since you were supposed to be back to pick up your stuff and leave already.”
Joey glanced at the clock on the nightstand and cursed. “Shit, I totally spaced. I’ll call them.”
He left the bed long enough to grab his cell from where he’d tossed his jeans and cuddled back with Trick before hitting the contact for his mother’s cell. “Joey? Where are you? Are you guys okay?”
He rushed to assure his mother they were fine and then explained to her about Vince, the hospital, and how he wasn’t leaving until the next day to stay with Trick. “Good Lord,” she murmured through the phone. “I had a bad feeling about him after you left yesterday. I’m just glad the both of you are all right!”
“We are. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
They disconnected the call after she made him promise to call her immediately if something else happened. He heard Trick’s stomach growl, which triggered his own. “You want to order in or go out and get something?”
“Order in,” Trick said, yawning again. “I’m too tired and too satiated to get dressed and go somewhere.”
Joey smirked. “I wore you out, huh?”
“Mmm, you certainly did.”
He knew Trick was tired from more than just the orgasm Joey had given him, but he wanted to keep things light. Joey used his phone to place an order through one of the delivery apps. When the food arrived, he insisted Trick stay in bed while he got the food.
They took turns feeding each other little bites until they were both full. Joey cleaned everything up, put away the leftovers, andclimbed back into bed. Trick was out like a light within minutes. Reality settled in, and Joey couldn’t stop trembling. He’d almost lost Trick before they’d even begun. Vince could have seriously hurt him much worse if he’d hit Trick in the head or even possibly embedded the end of the tire iron in Trick instead of just taking out a couple of layers of skin. He pulled Trick tighter to him, who mumbled in his sleep, and he nuzzled at the crown of Trick’s head.
Sighing, Joey spent the majority of the night merely dozing, jerking awake whenever Trick made a noise or moved. His eyes felt gritty by morning, and he knew the drive back was going to be rough. After he made breakfast for both of them, Trick drove him to his parents to pack his stuff and say goodbye to his family.
“You better come visit more often,” his mother said, scowling at him. “I expect to see you down here for every holiday, you hear me?”
Joey laughed. “Every major holiday, Mom. I can’t come down in the middle of the week for the smaller ones. I’ll also come down some weekends, too. Okay? I’ll make it up to you.”
She hugged him tightly. “You better, Joseph, or I’ll have your father drive me up there so I can tan your hide. And no more tattoos!”
Rolling his eyes, Joey returned the hug, noticing Trick’s smirk at his mother’s reprimand. Joey flipped Trick off behind his mother’s back. He got a backslapping hug from his father next, along with a generic goodbye. His father really never had been great at displaying emotions. He moved on to his brother and Veronica. “You better snap this one up, bro.” Joey pointed at Veronica. “She puts up with your bullshit.”
“Hardy, har, har,” Anthony groused.
Veronica chuckled and kissed Joey’s cheek. “I like you.”
“Back at ya,” Joey replied. “Keep him on a leash so he doesn’t wander off.”
Anthony growled again and took a half-hearted swipe at Joey. “Shut up, squirt.”
Trick loaded Joey’s bags in his trunk and stood by Joey’s driver’s side door. His family headed inside after one last round of hugs, leaving Joey with Trick. Joey walked up to him, sliding his arms around Trick’s waist.
“I really don’t want you to go,” Trick said, a slight pout on his face.
“I know, babe, but we can see each other next weekend.”
“Call me the second you get home.”
Joey laughed. “I will.”
Trick took Joey’s mouth in a crushing kiss, wrapping one arm around Joey’s waist while gripping Joey’s ass in his other hand. When he brought the kiss to an end, Joey was panting and his entire body shook. “Now I gotta drive home hard. Thanks a lot.”
“We can take care of it together over the phone,” Trick said, winking at him, then reluctantly pulled free and opened Joey’s door for him.