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“No. You were…”
“I know. I took that job out in San Francisco and kind of dropped off for a bit. I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s just the same for me,” I say. “You know, life with Chad and then running this place. I kind of get lost.”
“We always do that.”
“But we always find our way back to each other,” I say. “How did you… why…”
“Mind if I toss on an apron and help out? You can boss me around.”
I laugh and nod.
Oh, Mary Beth.
She was…is… my best friend of all time.
We go so far back. I’m talking back to high school. The awkward days of braces, bras, boys, and debating who was going to hook up with who.
She knows more about me than anyone else.
Well, that used to be true.
I swallow hard as I watch her hurry behind the counter and grab the apron I had been wearing.
She looks at me and smiles.
I quickly smile back at her.
It’s so weird that she would just show up like this. We haven’t talked in at least three years, maybe more. She took a job as some fancy business analyst out in California. I hated her for leaving because I feared the upper middle class trap that I’m now in.
There’s also one other thing about Mary Beth…
She absolutely fucking hates Corbin’s guts.
Chapter 22
“I apologizefor the office not being available right now,” I say to a woman standing with her son. “Give us five more minutes and you’ll be all set.”
“Just have an anxious kid ready to go,” the woman says.
I stare at her, blinking, wondering why the fuck did she have a kid if she can’t control it. Then again, her life is probably a fucking disaster. She hates her husband. Hates her house. Hates everything. Probably needs someone to bend her over and fuck her hard right in the ass. Make her feel like a useless whore for a little while.
“Mind if I give him something to tinker with?” I whisper to the woman as I lean closer to her.
Her cheeks turns bright red. “Uh…”
I step back and find a small wrench, a nut and a bolt.
I crouch down. “Here you go, kid. Start working a wrench now. It’s a good job.”
When I stand back up,Momhas the mostfuck me in the asseyes I’ve ever seen.
I can guarantee you right now hermom pantiesare soaked.
Back in the garage, I growl at Mutt to finish up the woman’s car.