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She wiggles her eyebrows.
As though it’s a game.
“Thatdoes not happen with Chad,” I say.
My tone is evil.
I have to be careful.
I take a deep breath.
“Okay, Mary Beth, let’s just change the subject,” I say.
“No, I get it. Relationships are hard. That’s why I’m so bad at them. I had to get out of that city because of a guy. A guy name Chris. If you want me to talk about him, we’re going to need to take this from a cafe to a bar.”
I smile and swallow hard.
A drink sounds really good right now.
Because my fiancé showed up unexpectedly to point out some damage on my car and insisted on taking it to a local garage to get looked at. Just in case.
Right now, there’s a really good chance my fiancé is talking face to face with the man who fucked me last night.
Chapter 24
If I hadthe time I would have jerked off into my palm before shaking hands with my Katie girl’s fiancé.
Being so close to this guy—Chad—has my rage at a level I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before. I can’t stop thinking about this guy using my Katie girl. Because that’s what he’s doing to her. Using her for the emotion of love and not actually committing to it.
Are you fucking kidding me?
The day I slide a ring onto my Katie girl’s finger is the day we get married. Engaged and married all in the same shot. She’s not meant to be engaged. She’s meant to be a wife.My fucking wife.
I picture my Katie girl tied up in my closet.
I picture my Katie girl in the back seat of her car.
“Hope you can help me out here, partner,” Chad says to me.
And to make things worse, the guy uses the wordpartner.
I want to slam his head into the fucking windshield.
Instead, I stare him down and walk toward the familiar car.
I touch the exact spot on the car where I first pinned my Katie girl up against it.
What Chad doesn’t know is that his sex life is officially done. He’ll never truly fuck his fiancée again.
I look at the back seat.
There are clear as day stains.
Fucking wet cunt stains from the night before.