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“I think it might have a leak in it,” Chad says. “From the rain last night? Hell of a storm I guess blew through. I was a little under the weather so I slept right through it.”
I look at him. “Better not get me sick, man.”
“No, not that kind of under the weather. Truth be told, I was hungover. Had friends over the night before last and I hit the wine too hard.”
I nod.
That was the night I showed up and had my Katie girl come outside.
I tongue fucked her cunt and ate her clit for dessert before sending her back inside.
“Well, I’ll take a look for you,” I say to Chad.
“I noticed something at the left front bumper too. Can’t tell if my fiancée hit something or not. Women drivers, right?”
Did this motherfucker just insult my Katie girl?
I’m a second from knocking Chad out when Mutt wanders out from the garage.
“That right there?” Mutt calls out. “The front quarter panel? Watch this…”
Mutt steps up the front of the car and gives it a swift kick, knocking the quarter panel back in place.
My best guess here is that last night after taking my cock, coming so hard and being sent home naked and wet, my Katie girl bumped into a curb and probably broke one of the small clips that held this piece in place.
“Looks fine now, don’t it?” Mutt asks.
“Well, if I knew it was that easy,” Chad says.
“These things are just giant erector sets.”
“Mutt, thanks,” I say, my eyes wide.
“Hope the water issue is just as easy,” Chad says. “I’m just concerned for the safety of the car. Want to get her a new one, but damn, if she drives like this…”
“I don’t see a problem with the driving at all,” I blurt out. “A car is a car. Anything can happen at any time. Where did you notice the water?”
“Back seat,” Chad says.
This guy is fucking clueless. His fiancée’s cum is all over the seat and he thinks it’s from the rain.
“I’ll take care of it for you,” I say. “Nothing to worry about.”
“I appreciate that. I’m heading out of town for business for a couple nights and I want to make sure her car is reliable.”
“That’s good,” I say. “Smart.”
I realize from that moment on I’m kind of just staring Chad down.
Running it all through my head.
You know—snapping his neck in half. Going on the run with my Katie girl. Getting caught. Going back on trial. Getting another guilty verdict. Serving the rest of my life in prison.
“Tell you what,” I say. “If you got a few minutes to spare, I’ll take a look right now for you. I’ll pull the car in and go over on the spot. If it’s something obvious… you know?”
“That would be amazing,” Chad says.
He offers his hand to me again.