Page 62 of Scars of the Sun
“They’re the reason I move around so much.”
My heart started to pound at the memory of him being up front with me that day at the skatepark. That he’d eventually be leaving. Did his sister appearing mean that we were already at the end? More tears fell down my face, trailing into my mouth with salty dread. “Are you… going away?” Goddammit, my lip was trembling, but I needed to know.
Río’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and he took my arm, turning the scar up towards him. He bent to kiss it, and I already knew I wasn’t going to like what came next.
“So, there’s this Wolf girl with mile-long legs who’s kinda thrown a wrench in my plans to get the fuck out of dodge.”
The pivot of conversation almost had me getting pissed before he could finish the rest of his sentence. His black eyes were tender as they looked down at me through his glasses lenses. The light from the lamp reflected against the glass, and I saw the barest hint of golden specs in the depths of his irises. “Oh.”
“My family is complete shit and dangerous. It’s selfish of me, but I really want to keep being with you, Ramona.”
I gasped, and my heart racing in alarm turned to fluttering out of excitement. Hope. “I want to stay with you, Río.”
His jaw tightened and so did his arms around me. Squeezing and maybe a little uncertain that I was speaking the truth. “And when I have to move again?”
Could I promise this now? My stay in Antler Pointe wasn’t a vacation, but I also had the luxury to not worry about work or school while I was living in my brother’s cabin. Not that I’d thought the rest would last forever, I also hadn’t really thought through what I’d do afterwards. Other than the fact that there was no way I was going back to NYU or my parents’.
But with this Jaguar? Making a new future with him, spending our evenings just like this, taking rides on the back of his motorcycle? “I’d go with you.”
Río’s entire face went blank for a moment, and I worried that he was having a medical event or something, but then it turned thunderous. His body crowded around me, and he leaned down until we were nose-to-nose. His glasses slid down, almost bumping my face, but I couldn’t even chuckle at the cuteness of it. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Princess. That’s a shitty thing to do.” Four large fangs flashed at me as he spoke, outraged at what he perceived as an empty promise. I’d have to teach him how to read emotions, because if he could, he would know that I was telling the truth.
I pulled back my top lip, snarling right back at him with no heat. “I’m not lying. Take me with you.”
He froze again, with the two of us baring our teeth at each other, until—until his face crumpled. His fangs didn’t go away, but his eyes weren’t flashing with anger anymore. He pulled me into a smashing kiss that I accepted with my whole heart. Soft, wispy hair of his tickled my face, and his claws pressed into my bare skin. But the only urgency was to settle into this. That the next time he had to run, he didn’t have to be alone.
Río’s chest vibrated with a purr, and my own hummed in kind.
Splinters of bark from the dead tree flew with each blow, but the tape on my hands protected my knuckles enough.
Alone in the forest, I used the sturdy trunk as a punching bag since my brother didn’t have one, and I needed something sturdier.
I kept my phone on vibrate, so at least, the notifications of my mother’s texts didn’t interrupt the music blaring in my ears. I aimed another combo at the imaginary opponent, this time throwing it southpaw just because. The unfamiliar stance felt weird, but it focused my thoughts on that, instead of Mom’s threats that’d started bright and early today.
Ramona Marie Wells. When did you stop sharing your location? We already know that you dropped out. Where the fuck are you.
You ungrateful child, answer your damn phone.
Your father is worried sick. Unless you want him contacting the police to find you, answer. The damn. Phone.
Even with my headphones on, I could feel the vibrations of my phone beneath my bare feet. It sat on top of my shedded hoodie, and another two texts from Mom left me throwing jabs in quick succession, fighting with what to do. If she knew that I was at O’s, she’d blow up all of this. My peace with my brother’s family and what was growing between Río and I.
When I finally pulled back from the tree, chest heaving and breaths ragged, I’d gouged a crater into the side of it and felt no better than I had when I came out here. The pastel blue above had deepened slightly with the passing hours, and I went back to my stuff. If I kept on, the dead maple would collapse all together.
Ignoring the screen full of messages from my mother—and none from my father—I went to my string of messages with Río. Instead of the text I expected, there was a voice message.
I set it to play while I rolled out my shoulders and started a quick round of stretches. “Hey, Princess. Just wanted to say that I missed ya. Work is bullshit right now, and I wanted to hear your voice. Don’t make that face—you’ve got the prettiest little bit of raspiness that hits my ears just right. I know you got babysitting duty tonight, so I guess it’ll just help me miss you more. Whadoyou wanna do tomorrow? I’mthinkin’ you, me, some good takeout at the skate spot, then back to mine where you can smother me with that pretty little pussy. Just a thought. Anyway, see ya sweet cheeks.”
The incredulous laugh that flew out of my mouth, along with the blush creeping up my neck and face, was a welcome distraction. And a relief that he seemed back to his normal self. Seeing my Jaguar haunted by the memories of his family and his sister’s visit didn’t even piss me off. It just made me so sad for him and embarrassingly emotional. At least with anger, I could do something.
I snatched up my hoodie, shook it out, and pulled it over my sweaty body. If I knew I’d be able to return to the cabinand make a beeline for the shower without anyone seeing me, I would’ve stayed in just the sports bra and shorts.
After thinking over my response to Río and walking back toward the cabin, I started my own audio message. “First, skating and food sounds good. Although, I’ll be choosing what we eat, because that sushi was mediocre at best. Second, I don’t know about my voice, but… I like yours too. Third, you’re absolutely ridiculous, but if it’ll get you to shut up for once, I’ll sit on your face all night.” That last part made more heat flame on my face, but I hit send before I decided to rerecord it. A night away from him wasn’t great, but I had an afternoon in the witch house gardens with Sylvie and Delaney later, as well as the movie I was gonna watch with Dahlia and Ollie already decided on.