Page 60 of Lulu
“Yeah, I really like the color. When that’s done, I thought we’d hit up the spa, then maybe go somewhere for lunch.”
She nodded. “I could use a Pedi. What do you need done?”
I gave her a wink. “I have some places that need waxing.”
“Hey, before I forget, there’s a big party at the clubhouse tomorrow night. You should come.”
“What’s going on?”
“Well, it’s open night, so anyone can come. But it’s also Doc’s birthday.”
The mention of Doc’s name caused me to think of Harlow, and I thought I would invite her to go with me as sort of a girls’ night out. She would probably enjoy an evening of drinking and hanging out with some of the old ladies. She didn’t strike me as the kind of woman who let her hair down very often, and maybe a night of seeing Doc in his element would help cure her of her infatuation with him. It could also hurt her, but she’d have to know that could be a possibility. It would be up to her if she came or not.
“That sounds like fun. I have a friend that might want to go, too.”
“You have a friend?”
“Ha! Ha! I have several.”
Her head tilted back as she drained her cup.
“Ready to go?”
“Yup! Just let me use the little girl’s room first.”
While Millie was gone, I thought it best that I let Brody know about Bruce’s visit, just in case he turned out to be a friend Brody would want to see.
I dug my phone out of my purse and texted him.
A friend came by today asking about you. Bruce Willis. Told him I didn’t know you.
It was probably nothing, and when I hadn’t heard back from Brody by the time Millie came back, I tossed my phone into my purse and we took off.
Chapter 24
I wasn’t sure how I felt about not hearing back from Brody about my text from the day before. His silence could indicate that it wasn’t important, or that his phone was off for some reason. I had no other way of getting in touch with him, and could do nothing but wait and pray he was okay.
He was on my mind as I dressed for the party at the clubhouse. I missed him. I could admit that. I missed his touch, and his kisses.Especiallyhis kisses. Okay, I was delusional if I thought that was the only thing I missed about Brody. Even knowing what kind of man he was, I wanted him in my life. He was the only kind of man I knew--a possessive, bossy, take charge alpha. One who infuriated me as much as he kept my libido running overtime. I’d seen another side of Brody during the week that he’d stayed with me while he was recuperating. I’d caught a glimpse of what sharing my life intimately with someone could be like. More than once I’d wondered what it would be like to be in a committed relationship with him.
I couldn’t deny that I had feelings for Brody that went beyond physical gratification, and they were getting stronger by the day.
I stood in front of the mirror to give myself a last check before leaving for the clubhouse. I’d chosen a tiny, red, knife pleated skirt that fell about mid-thigh, and pared it up with black stockings, stiletto boots, and a short, black top that exposed my pierced belly button when I moved. It was a cute combo. I arranged my hair up in a sexy, messy topknot, and silver bracelets and earrings completed the sexy vixen vibe I had going on.
A smirk spread across my face when I realized that I’d dressed with Brody in mind, and I wasn’t even going to see him. Where was he, and why hadn’t he responded to my text? Was he okay? Was he alone? I had to remind myself that we weren’t exclusive, and yet I didn’t want to be with anyone else but him. That didn’t mean that I didn’t want to go out and party. And a little flirting never hurt anyone. It was harmless and fun.
I sighed as I left my bedroom. I wished Harlow had been able to make it, but she was out of town visiting family. I wanted to know more of her story, because I got the strong impression that her marriage wasn’t good. Maybe it was the way she looked at Doc with such yearning in her eyes. A happily married woman wouldn’t look at another man that way.
I snatched up a small clutch and headed out to my new car, giving a wave to the prospect on duty. Smokey had been replaced with Crow. LD had someone on me all day and night, even when I was at work. It was a good thing Elizabeth understood the biker way of doing things and didn’t question the sight of a prospect parked outside her clinic. But if it continued much longer, I was going to approach LD and ask him what was going on.
As I pulled up to the end of my drive, I stopped and rolled down my window. “Aren’t you guys tired of babysitting duty,” I smiled.
Crow grinned in turn. He was a little older than the typical prospect. “Could never get tired watching a beautiful woman,” he responded with a Hollywood smile. “You look hot tonight.”
“Thank you, handsome.” He wasn’t bad to look at either, with his long black hair and native American features. “I’m going to the party at the clubhouse.”
His eyebrows lifted as if in disbelief. “What a coincidence, so am I.”