Page 19 of Eagle
His tone said it all. He was a man who’d just realized that he was about to do something wrong, and he wasn’t happy about it. He was up and off me and the bed in a rapid move that I would have thought impossible for a man of his size. I didn’t move, but lay there and stared up at him, trying to calm my racing heart and gain control of my breathing. Eagle didn’t seem to have any trouble gaining control.
“That shouldn’t have fucking happened,” he said gruffly. “And it won’t happen again.”
I hoped he wasn’t blaming this whole thing on me.
“I’ll be back after we deal with your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend, Ron is my brother.” I couldn’t tell if my admission affected him or not. But his words reminded me of why I was there in the first place. “You don’t have to lock me in. I’ll behave.” I’d moved up to lean on my elbows.
His hard expression didn’t change. “I don’t believe you. You’ve been nothing but a pain in my ass.”
I lost my patience. “I bet I wasn’t a pain in the ass when you were kissing me and had your hands all over me!” His expression didn’t change, but a flicker in his eyes told me that I’d hit a nerve. “You know what? You can go to hell!”
His lips twitched, but he didn’t say anything in response to my outburst. I fell back against the bed and then heard the door close and lock. Bastard! Who just happened to know how to kiss.
There was nothing I could do but wait.
It didn’t matter if Ron was Leo’s brother or not. Jillian is the woman I want, I repeated to myself as I walked Ron to Wolfe’s office. The only reason I lost control with Leo was because I hadn’t gotten laid in a while. I needed to change that. Fucking the sweet tarts didn’t mean anything. It was all about stress relief and, hell, since meeting Leo I’d needed that more than ever. If I crossed the line with her—
I stopped my thoughts immediately. That wasn’t going to happen!
But...that fucking kiss, and those fucking curves. They were messing with my dick. I couldn’t say that I’d minded when Leo had thrown herself at me. Hell, I’d been thinking about doing the same fucking thing to her. Ever since that first kiss on the side of the road, I’d been wanting a repeat. I’d need to stay away from her from here on out.
“Sit down, asswipe.” I pushed Ron into one of the chairs directly in front of Wolfe’s desk. Wolfe was sitting behind his desk and hadn’t taken his eyes off Leo’s brother since the second we’d entered the room. I knew it was an intimidation tactic, and one that he’d honed over the years. Most people at the receiving end of it were left speechless with fear.
I met Brew’s eyes where he was sitting on the couch. His bruises were more prominent today, his face swollen, and one eye was almost closed. He glared at Ron as if willing the man to look his way, but Ron kept his eyes trained on Wolfe. The kid was petrified.
And he was a kid. Christ, he was only eighteen. He was thin, stupid, and right now he was white as a fucking ghost.
Finally, Ron acknowledged Brew with a mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
It was inadequate, but sincere. And a little too late. If he’d stayed behind after the accident things might have worked out differently.
“That’s a fucking start,” Brew growled, “but you have a long way to go before making your stupidity up to me.”
“What the fuck made you think it was okay to leave the scene of an accident that you caused?” Wolfe snarled, drawing Ron’s attention back to him. “You did a cowardly thing leaving your girlfriend behind.”
“Sister,” I clarified, though I could tell that Wolfe didn’t care.
He went on to say, “Another club might have taken it out on her.”
I watched as Ron swallowed with difficulty before taking a shaky breath. “I-I panicked. And Leona—” he swallowed again. “I wouldn’t have left her if she hadn’t insisted on staying.”
Good thing she had, I thought.
“And what about calling the fucking cops on us?”
Ron’s eyes grew large, but he didn’t try to deny it. It was obvious that he didn’t think we’d figure out that he’d been the anonymous caller.
“You aren’t too smart, pissing us off twice in one night,” I sneered.
He suddenly resembled a whipped dog, bent forward, head hanging down as he stared at the floor. The kid knew he was in deep shit. Another club might have killed him right off, accident or not. He’d caused an accident, almost killed a brother, and then taken off because he was a pussy. We were known for being fair and level-headed, but he had to pay for what he’d done.
I thought about Leo, and how fiercely she’d protected him, even after he’d thrown her under the bus and said that she’d been the driver. Fear caused some people to do stupid shit, but he didn’t deserve her loyalty.